Still giving away free hugs and some advice from newb to newb (my second steemit week and my biggest far)

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Actually tomorrow I will have my second week, but I am not sure if I can post anything tomorrow, so let us celebrate one day early.
As I am still learning and figuring out what I want to achieve with steemit let me share my biggest mistake so far:

On my first days here all I wanted was follower and upvotes. I responded to any follow to follow post I came across and I gathered 100 followers in my first week. I didnt spam in the intoduction threads " I follow you so please follow me" or anything like this at least.
I wanted to grow fast, I wanted those 100$ and beyond posts and therfore I thought you need follower and upvotes. still need them but you need the right ones.

Ask yourself how much do you care about the people you just follow just for the sake of getting a follow back? Not this much, right? How inclined are you to read their posts about metal if you only listening to classic, about god if for you god is a flying spaghetti monster or about programming if all you want to do is travel.

As you gather more and more such follower and lets not forget you need to follow them back your newsfeed gets more crowded and the posts you are really interested in are getting lost very easy.
This is also happening to your followers. A new posts pops up by the minute and you just dont care anymore. Sure you can just mute them but they will do this also. So all you get is a bigger number meaning nothing and your posts still dont get the attention they deserve.

One more argument for not doing this, is: You are killing your fun. As soon as I stopped doing this and unfollowed the people I dont care about (sry everyone) my feed was suddenly filled with information I was really interested in. I had fun reading it, I ve learned in a field I was genuine interested in, I wanted to add my 2 cents in the comments and I was happy to upvote when I enjoyed it.
People saw my comments and saw that I (at least tried to) put effort into it and tried to add value to their post and maybe start a discussion. I came back to their answers and some kind of realtionship got build.
People followed me because I brought value to them and with this they got interested in me. ( at least I hope so)

I didnt achieve as much follower as in my first days but I enjoy steemit way more and my follower I gathered now feel way more genuine. I still dont had a 100$ post, actually I my posts make life 30 cent or so, but thats ok. I will rather grow small.

I was reflecting what I really want to do here. Would it be cool to share some ideas or just your traveling adventures and be able to live from it?
hell yeah.jpg
But am I willing to do what is necessary to achieve this? ...No propaply not at this moment as I still love my job as a poker player.
I lack the skill of writing and all I want is just ramble a bit. I dont edit a lot and all you read is kind of the first draft and I will keep it that way for now at least.
We are still early steemians and if my priorities change someday, maybe I look back and think what an idiot I was for not pushing more but for now this feels right for me.


So refreshing to read that someone actually likes to read and makes sure that there feed is all that. I notice some people have 2000+ followings, how do they keep up to date with so many. A lot of post i think are also as you say people just clicking that button based on the header and photo not actually bothering to open the post. I have opened a lot to a poor quality of what I think most of steemit is shocked to see. But yet it remains. Hope more people will follow your way. ✌

thx a lot for your comment.

I am still new here but I a have already noticed that a lot of content is being posted just for the sake of posting but as far as I can see those people arent succesful here.
The community sees if somone is stealing content or is posting random shit and they just get downvoted.

Everyone has to decide how they want to use steemit and if somone think he wants to follow 2k people...well go for it.
I think I loose to much good content then with such a newsfeed.

Thx a lot for reading

This is exactly spot on. A large follow list is nice. IF they're engaged and engaging. Gain the followers with your content and comments and you'll be better off than just gathering people for the sake of having that follower number be large. Good post. And you gained a follower!

thx a lot. I hope I can keep you engaged.

It would be nice if Steemit allowed you to sort your home feed in a few different ways, perhaps by the way you have been voting. If you could sort posts in the feed on categories that interest you the most, that would be cool too.

I think there is a bit of work that could be done here and also on the way new comments are reported to you on posts that you have commented on. Steemit has been improving very fast - I'm not complaining just commenting.

I agree and I hope and I am sure there will come something along the road

Thinking the same, but we should be just patient.

thanks for sharing @flipstar I just started out as well and was doubtful on what to do, but what you say is right. following just for follows is worth nothing. I will be sure to keep that in mind in my following posts.

happy to help.

enjoy your journey.

Deine Worte treffen es auf den Punkt!
Bei mir war es so, dass ich an sich nach 2 Tagen keine Lust mehr hatte auch nur irgendetwas in die "Post-Promotion" im Chat zu schreiben da daraufhin auch meistens nur -Ich hab deins geliked, jetzt like meins" kommt...Aber ganz ehrlich, wenn ich etwas Poste und einfach stehen lasse kriege ich teilweise eine halbe Stunde garkeine Views- also was machen? Ab in den Chat und den Artikel in die Post Promotion...

ja bin mir auch nicht sicher.
Für mich war es wichtig nochmal zu reflektieren was ich hier eigentlich will um damit festzulegen wieviel Zeit und Energie ich reinstecken sollte.

Ich denke in den tags zu kommentieren an denen ich wirklich interessiert bin ist einfach der beste weg. Die Leute sind offen und ich konzentriere mich schon etwas auf die "kleineren" bis "mittleren" posts da ich denke die Autoren sind auch noch neu und können auch noch besser zu meinem Kommentar antworten. In den sehr erfolgreichen posts ist das imo nicht mehr gegeben. So ist erstmal meine Taktik. Es wär gelogen wenn ich sagen würde es wär mir total egal. Aber dieses Like for like etc ist einfach nicht mein ding muss ich sagen.

Und manchmal ist es denke ich auch nciht schlecht nen post etwas zu promoten da guter content einfach auch untergeht in der Masse.

Ich möchte schon wachsen aber dann auf "natrülichem" weg.

Ich sehe das ganz genau so. Natürlich ist es mehr Arbeit den Content zu finden, der einen interessiert aber auf lange Sicht wird sich das denke ich auszahlen.

Yes, you are right. I think for us is little bit different. We do crowdfunding on Steemit to save Abongphen Highland Forest in Cameroon. So we actually need as many followers as possible. The truth is that we are getting more and more followers who are actually not really interested in conservation and sustainable development. But there are not many who are really interested in those themes. So what we could do? This is serious question I would like to know the answer. Thank you. Thank you also for your resteems, upvotes, promotion or donation. great day!

well I honestly dont have a big solution for this and I resteemed one post of you already since I think your cause is good. But (there is always a but :-)), it makes you not more sympathic if you hijack threads and start spamming.
I think the smarter thing would have been to be active on steemit for a month and build some connections before you started your funding. I dont know if this is to late for that and you have a clock ticking or so.
But as you can find all kinds of people here I am sure you could have been finding some enviroment friends and maybe find a whale to support your cause.

I dont think there is a shortcut for finding your niche. As I stated in my post, I think you will not gain anything from the people who arent interested.

I see. Thanks. I am going to write an article about spamming these days as reaction on some people´s reaction I am actually spammer. :) Yes, I am! If you look at my statistics - truly our main objective here is to get funding for our conservation activities following with raising of awareness and the last is to be loved by everyone. Although it could be one of the way how to get the funding. There is not much time for that. We have to be as effective as possible. But I am not saying spamming is the most effective way. I don´t even think so, but not yet found out the best one. The second thing is we are trying to bring more people here (environmentalist), but not really succeeding . It is still too strange for them to trust into it. We keep trying sure! Thanks again, have a nice day!

Well I certainly enjoy you engaging with my posts. You can mute people who don't post many things that you are interested in, I haven't done it yet, but good to remember

my plessure and a nice underline with my post.

yes but if I mute them the chance I unmute them is slime to nothing as the people I follow is growing and I just forget about them.
Comes down to the same effect as I would never have followed them or unfollowed them imo

this is the right approach for success on steemit.

I think so, too.

And I honestly hope so, as I think it would be way better for the community also.

Yeah, I've also been trying to not follow people who don't write about stuff I really enjoy reading. But I have followed some people not to offend them when they explicitly tell me they follow me and they would like the same from me. Not sure if even that is a good idea.

I decided to not do this anymore for the most part. Except I like the comment a lot or they keep supporting me a lot and I like to give back.

I still scan the tags I am interested in regular, to post there and engage with others and if their content is good I will end up on their follow list.

So far they have to be happy with an upvote, I give to most comments to keep them engaged and to get comments.

I appriacte every follow but as I stated if I follow just to be not rude they not gaining anything.

Yep lots of followers is important if they are valuable ones

as you said