Vote buying is reward pool rape!

in #steemit7 years ago

I'm sorry if that idea contravenes what you perceive to be your best interests, but the fact remains, any rewards not voted to you by a person that read your content and wanted to support you, or it, is contrary to the purported idea of a reward pool at all.

For those of you that weren't here before Dan got fed up with the crapitalust crap that was being forced upon him, vote selling was frowned upon, not really suppressed, but there weren't many folks here then, the crapitalusts won the argument and Dan left.

Self voting wasn't a thing because the n2 made your vote worth less than if you had voted popular content. Stacking votes made the later votes worth more, curation rewards included.

The whales couldn't make any money posting, nobody was voting their content.

This is why hardfork 17 made self voting a thing.

Why delegation was allowed to give passive rewards to the whales from the reward pool intended for content creators.

You are allowed to join in the fun by selling your vote and renting your sp, but only to provide cover to the whales that already know that this makes steem a money grab. Ultimately doomed until things change.

The value of steem is in it's utility as a currency, it's content on the blockchain, and it's perceived value as an investment.

The investors are currently raping the reward pool to the tune of 100's of 1000's per week.

Yeah, crapitalism!!

What is going to happen if this continues is that regular folks are going to be turned off by not being able to earn money to use as currency in the stores that accept steem.

Why would folks create content for pennies when the insiders syphon off 95% of the rewards for the 'investors'?

Those 'investors' are here for the roi, and nothing more.

When this all comes to a head they will abandon steem for the next coin they can rape.

I can't wait for that day.

If you are an unfavored content creator just hang in there, that day is coming.

The lower the price goes the more steem per dollar value you will get.

I made most of my sp when the price was under .15usd, and I hope it goes back down.

Maybe the reward pool rapists will finally piss enough regular folks off that I won't be alone in bitching about getting punched in the face, daily.

Most of the whale support I used to get has vanished, they got tired of banging their heads into the brick wall.

Well, I am here to beat my drum, 'Keep working, stop paying', not to make money, so I don't mind, so much.

I mean, don't get me wrong, I need money to live under crapitalistic slavery just like the next guy, but my bills are low and my needs that require money are nearly non-existent.

I don't drink coffee, smoke cigarettes, drink beer, go to concerts, or have much 'fun' as defined by the populists.

I just like having internet and some Dr. Pepper.

Maybe poke a little smot when I can afford it.

So, you can expect that I won't be going away, nor will I be changing my tune.

Have a perfectly peaceful day.

Vote FBA King of the World!

Keep working, stop paying.

No war, but the class war!!

How to win in court!

How to win in court for far less!!


I agree with you except I drink coffee, smoke sigarettes, drink beer and go to concerts (although it has been a while since my last one).

We've all got our poisons, mine are just cheaper than most.
Thanks for the support!

Very true, any vote not gotten from people that read your post should be frowned at..... Nice one

I don't have a problem with your point of view, I take issue with the idea that you are the only one who gets the real picture.

Why would anyone with stake want to hold stake so that bloggers could trade blogs?

This is a blogging platform, intended to reward 'good' content creators.
I get that to get it off the ground investors, and roi, were needed to build excitement and expedite adoption, but those days will end.

The way i see it, nobody should invest more than 100mv, about 100k usd, at this point.
Using more stake than that disadvantages the small fry, making the game less attractive to the masses.

Maybe if my side of the equation wasnt sooo lonely, i would adopt a more genial attitude, but as things are not enough folks are expressing their discontent with the status quo, imo.
I could be wrong, but where is the change if so many folks recognize the problems?

The blockchain is a DPOS - delegated proof of stake. I acknowledge there are issues.

However, SteemIt, Inc made clear a long time ago that it is the blockchain project they are interested in, not the blogging site. In fact they have said many times if someone wants to build a better blogging site, they should.

I got on board with that idea, because it is what we are going to get. I am just pointing out the way you see it isn't fact, it is a point of view.

The blogging is the point of this blockchain.
If all they want is a blockchain to run bank accounts, what are they doing here?
Why did they run off Dan?
He was building a blogging site, afaik.
Id think it easier to start from scratch than to push the bloggers off of this chain.
Something isnt sitting square with this.

I do agree with you. really this is one of the best article I have ever read so far in steem. a perfect educative post. you have clearly shown what exactly happening in our community with your words.

Thank you for your support!
Tell your friends?

I just noticed you unvoted my witness.
So I visited your blog.

I have been complaining about linear rewards daily for a while:

I will continue to write about this too, but there is nothing more I can do right now :(

Thanks for contacting me, this tablet is lagging and i unvoted some folks unintentionally.
I will add you back.
I got you in my steemvoter so i can keep up with you.

I'm mainly shitposting these days - It's been very frustrating.

Tell me, i was hoping to get some free speech support, but most of the whales that did support dissent have stopped supporting me.
C'est la vie, i still beat my drum and wait for the day it makes me famous.
I hope it happens while i can enjoy it, but who knows,...
Thanks for fighting the good fight.

Your history of changes in past forks was interesting. Rumor has it that self voting is restricted on the next approved fork.

The change, if it comes, will be from the top 20 witnesses voting for forks with such changes.

With only approximately 4% of users exercising their voting right it is something that needs promoting.

I will believe it when it happens.
So far, the changes have all favored the rape.

Im starting to doubt smts, too.

Time will tell us the truth, and its likely that very few of us will actually care.

...and its likely that very few of us will actually care.

Well the 4% would indicate that lack of caring or perhaps simply unawareness. Because witness voting is wieghted like upvotes it is all the more important that many of the smaller fish exercise thier right to counter the power of the bigger fish.

At this point it isnt easy to figure out what each witness supports.
Ive voted the ones that i have seen good reason to vote, and unvoted the ones that pushed for the reward pool rape, but little good it does when the top 100 accounts have exponentially more stàke.
Still, one account one vote tells us who the people support.

composite of all postings on the witness-category tag. It is a nice one stop post to see what they have been up to.Yeah voting is very transparent as are most things on the blockchain. @timcliff regularily posts a

I do try to keep up with that, but havent been too encouraged by what i have read.

My feeling is that there are some good folks in the circle of 20, yet there are others that seem more of an organizarion or block than some geek running a witness node on their Ubuntu box. 😎

Working on voter awareness is a back burner project of mine.

The value of steem is in it's utility as a currency, it's content on the blockchain, and it's perceived value as an investment.
I would of thought so. Steemit are basically buying our content & own the royalties after 6 days, That's a pretty sound business model. There are talented people on here & talented people cost good money, they aren't just getting a good deal they are getting the sale of the century.
They are getting members of staff for pennies that should cost $$,$$$ yet they instead choose to reward the cancer of it. A newbie stumbling on an article from Steemit has searched the internet for a solution & clicked Steemit to see that post by that author (The content is what they are interested in) Steemit just made a sale not to mention royalties after 6 days & any other spin offs like ad space in the future which could be worth astronomical figures long after we have brought the farm.
All that cost Steemit just cents.
They can reward the cancer & kill the host or
They can reward the host & kill the cancer.
I'm certain the latter would make a more entertaining website & if a website is more entertaining it's more marketable & profitable.

That is what gets me, too.
Why they want to kill the golden goose is beyond me.
Sacrificing long term value to repay the investors hampers adoption, imo.
Better we make conditions ripe for mass adoption than money grab while they can to reward the early investors that will eventually move on.

Time will tell us the truth, im betting on some secrets coming out over the next couple years.

I do really appreciate you sir for exposing the reality of what was happening in steemit. Only the capitalist who won and benefited on this blockchain. So, I just Enjoying myself in gaining more friends and reading some good article that Is useful and gives me enough knowledge of what was really happening in this world. That's why I love to read your article because you really express what you feel and see in this blockchain.

Just calling the abuse as i see it.
Im not a big fan of insider corruption.

We do have a great community here, lots of caring supportive people.
When we get them to see that their crapitalust dreams of making everybody rich by grabbing all the loot they can get while expecting that everybody else do it, too, then we will see progress.
Until then, its crapitalism as usual.

Lol do you not see the irony in your spongebob meme?

Do tell, ive never watched an entire episode.

In that episode where he does that thing with his hands and the rainbow comes out he puts alot of emphasis on the word imagination

Ok, so my idea isnt imaginative enough?

Or was his emphasis on fantasy not being reality?

Fantasy not being reality. In the episode they were pretending a cardboard box was all different things.

Ah, ok, i am imagining a world without rule by force where EVERYTHING is free!!

I can deliver it on any given tuesday, with sufficient cooperation by other folks.

The whole world is a complete capitalist setup from start to finish. You might as well make a bit of money where you can.

I should go ahead and join the exploitation because everybody else is doing it, too?

Its that attitude that keeps us enslaved to the banks, my friend.
Morals matter, and mining the ignorance of others is dispicable, imo.

Others are really happy to be ignorant, and I know this because I've tried to convince them to learn more. If others are happy to be ignorant, then that's their choice.

Yes, and mine is to not exploit that fact.
Just because i can doesnt make it right.

Well if they don't care, then that's their problem – and someone's going to exploit them.

Ok, and i will have a low opinion of those that do.
Its akin to taking candy from a baby in my book.

Thank you very much for sharing this information and the wonderful explanation for the steem experience,
and I wish everyone the benefit and success, good luck.

good to see on this post.keep sharing.