I feel that "black hat" would be to send a whale a "nice" zip file with a keylogger, and then trade that whales steem on binance.com to monero or some other dodgy privacy currency and then use it to buy a bunch of dodgy shit on the darknet...@capnsostre
What this guy is writing about is not "black hat", he is giving us all the information we should have gotten when we first signed up...
Making money from deluding poor people in the third-world into thinking they can become rich only by blogging from their broken secondhand smartphones... What kind of "hat" is that?As a half-failed artist, paint-eater, & entrepreneur, who wants to go back to being a semi-beach bum living the laptop lifestyle, I think this sounds awesome, anyway @capnsostre what do you think about?
This is one of the most sensible comments I have ever read.
I'm kind of sick of whales and dolphins who are witnesses, bot owners and bot users giving us lectures on why us poor people are abusing the system by trying to profit with content that is not worthy by their personal standards.
Im kind of sick of tutorials for "plankton", by "bot using minnows" where they tell you how you can make it on steemit, just by interacting and posting quality content and grow "organically",
"-Don't give up guys!"...
"Organic growth" might work if you have a very appealing body/face (not going into gender-debate) tasteful but jet revealing (without being vulgar) clothing, in which you make yoga- videos and post photos of your vegan food and recipes, preferably being "english-first language speaking" and a "free spirit", but in a semi-luxurious tropical place for a backdrop, whilst your "partner" (who you are pretending not to have) is filming and taking photos with an (usually the partners) expensive camera and light-rig.
For us who don't want to expose ourselves in this way, or have a "partner" we can pimp-out, the only way to make a scratch here is either by miracle upvotes from some merciful whale, or by using the method @yallapapi explains here in this post...
I'm definitely following you, good coments
followingThanks @polarg, I have my moments... I can get a bit sarcastic sometimes to, so don't take all my comments too seriously...lol
I mean - I think the delusion is across the board, and happens on any platform. In fact, that's not a "hat" so much in the sense I was speaking. I come from marketing where you have black hat and white hat seo/social media marketing and other tactics. Buying likes on any other platform is considered black hat, but I guess it isn't considered that here. Which, is interesting.
I get it, before black, white & grey "hats" where more like different types of hackers... Etc...