You still don't get it, do you?
Listen to me. Listen. I'm going to put it in quotes so there's no way you'll misunderstand:
You will never, ever, ever ever ever EVER - not in a million billion years - make any respectable amount of money on this platform. You'll never be able to quit your job and create content here full time. Even buying paid upvotes at a profit will only have you making $50/day, tops. There's only so many large accounts that are selling them.
If you're going to stick around this place and continue to contribute, you need to change your expectations. You see those numbers at the bottom of my post? Probably says a couple hundred bucks. They're fake. It's not real. That's my money down there. It came out of my wallet, went to a upvote bot's account, and then went back to my post.
It's like me going up to you and saying, "Hey, here's $100. I'm going to go talk to that group of people over there. When we're in the middle of a conversation, come over and give me back the $100. Cool?"
Look, if you're going to stick around here you need to get this through your thick skull: you are never going to make any money here. If you do, it'll be beer money at best. It won't be consistent, either.
And if by some miracle you DO get on the good side of these mysterious Steemit Gods and they end up obsessively upvoting your posts regularly, it'll be just that: a miracle.
Hooh! Good God. What is it gooooood for..
That said, this platform is still good for something: exposure. And as a writer, that's priceless. Not just for your own ego, but because someday your actual dream should be to get brands to pay you for mentioning their stupid product in your article.
For example, I write about cryptocurrencies. Well, normally I do. I haven't posted an article in a couple days because my last post about how Steemit is rigged kind of made me depressed. And I ran out of modafinil. But I'll probably get back on the horse today and crank out a couple more.
Anyway, the point is that now that I've established myself as an "influencer" on this platform, I can add it to the list of selling tools I use when I approach a client. When I can post links to 20 articles that I've written on their industry, they think to themselves, "hmm, maybe this guy is legit." When they have to decide between hiring me or the faceless brand with a generic website and vague promises, who do you think they're going to choose?
Doesn't matter that my banner says, "SEND NUDES" or that my profile picture is a deep fried meme. Brands don't care about that. All they care about is their bottom line. How are you going to help them make money?
What I'm getting at here is that if you want to use Steemit to creatively express yourself via blog posts, videos, live streaming or whatever, forget about ever making a dollar from it directly.
Don't waste your time commenting on anyone's posts just because you think it will help other people find you. That's stupid and a luxury for people who have way more time and money than you do.
By the way I'm in a hostel right now and there's some girl eye-fucking the shit out of me so it's hard to concentrate. Gonna do my best though. Never knew typing 100+ WPM could be such a turn on.
ANYWAY. The point is that... shit what was my point. Okay, right, so my point is that... damn it... um... something something exposure... writing... oh, okay. Right.
The way you should use this platform is, get ready for it, how the designers actually intended: to create quality content that people actually want to consume because it's entertaining. If you do that, you'll get people who follow you because they like the art you produce, not because they're trying to entice you into a reciprocal back-scratching agreement.
Once you do that enough times and have established a readership of a few thousand engaged followers, then you'll be able to approach brands with yet another selling tool. Yes, it requires more work than just posting retarded comments and low effort shitposts, praying that the Steemit Gods smile upon you with a $17 upvote. But in the long run you'll make more money and there will be a higher likelihood of you being able to quit your job to work full time from your computer, like I do.
It's the same on other platforms as well. YouTube is a perfect example. With the proliferation of ad-blockers, Creators barely make any money from embedded ads like they used to. The ad blocker just blocks them.
The only way Creators are going to make any money is by inserting ads into the body of their video. The problem is that most of them are whiny little bitches and too lazy or stupid to approach brands with that kind of offer.
No participation trophies in a popularity contest
The MOST attractive thing to companies is an influencer who already has an existing audience. The understanding is that the audience implicitly trusts the influencer, so when they suggest a product or service, people are more likely to purchase it and not just brush it off like they would a banner ad or something.
Why do you think brands line up to court celebrities? Celebrities are the kings of the influencer game. They're famous from movies, television, rapping, playing basketball or whatever, and they get hit with sponsorship offers where they get paid more for a few promos than most of us make in a year. Even that "Cash me ousside, howbow da" girl got a record deal as a rapper. She's got over a million followers on IG now. Just for being herself on Dr Phil.
Don't hate the player, hate the game.
So how does this relate to Steemit? Well, sadly it means that you're going to actually have to put in a little work to either become an interesting person or at least make people believe you are. Since that's unlikely to happen, it's probably better to take the more boring approach and just create content around a particular topic.
The reason I chose cryptocurrency was because of a conversation I had one day with a friend of mine. He told me that he had a friend who was paying people $25 for articles about various things. At the time, I had just quit my job and had no income from freelancing. $25 per article sounded pretty good, especially when you're a 100+ WPM typing machine like yours truly.
I told him so, and he goes, "$25 is nothing. He charges clients $100 per article."
Fuuuuuuuuck. Really? Companies are actually paying $100 per article to put on their website? I couldn't believe it.
Then I thought about it... if this guy is paying $25, and companies are paying $100, then that means that these articles are worth somewhere between $25 - $100 on the open market. So instead of writing them for someone else, why don't I just write them myself?
I wouldn't be getting paid outright for them, but if they're that valuable to companies, then there must be some value in me doing it and just putting my name on it.
They'll let anybody on CNN
Honestly, I didn't really understand why I was doing it at the time, but I figured if I wanted to start marketing my services to blockchain startups, it would probably be a good idea to establish myself as an "expert" or at the very least, a talking head.
Fast forward a few months and it's definitely paid off. I used to send out cold emails to blockchain startups. Before I had any articles written, the response would be lukewarm at best. As soon as I started including samples of my writing, the response rate skyrocketed.
And I'm assuming you guys have seen my articles. I put 20 links to them at the end of every post. They're full of memes and jokes, definitely not the type of thing you'd expect from a legitimate company where people wear suits to work and have lunch at designer food trucks. Yet here they are, paying me thousands of dollars a month to represent them in various degrees via social media, blog management and other forms of marketing.
So how do you use this to your advantage?
Sadly, you're going to need a little money to start with. Those of you who think you can start with nothing on this platform and magically be discovered by the Steemit Gods need a wake up call. It's not gonna happen unless you're smokin hot or have a legitimately interesting life, and I'd put money on the fact that if you've read this far in the article, you're neither of those things.
Besides, if you were then you'd probably already be famous on another social platform and not need this advice anyway.
Anyway, you're going to need some money. The way this platform works is that the posts with the most engagement (and highest value upvotes) get pushed to the Trending page, which is where you want to be. Why do you want to be there? Because those posts are effectively "stickied" for a few days, meaning that everyone from mindless upvote-hunters to bored housewives to normal internet people will be more likely to find them and engage with them.
Nobody cares what you think if you're a broke loser
Now the sad part is that in order to get there, you need to spend a little dough. Notice how none of the top posts on the Trending page are worth less than a few hundred bucks? That's because the Million Dollar Steemit Algorithm is designed to assume that posts that are upvoted by high value accounts are themselves, high value pieces of quality content.
While we know this is total bullshit, the fact remains that this is what will get you to the front page. Based on my [limited] experience, you need a minimum of $50 SBD in paid upvotes in order to get to the Trending page. This is excluding resteems, which we'll go over later.
For paid upvotes, I use Steem Bot Tracker. There might be a better site to find paid upvotes, but I don't know about it. If there is, please let me know.
Anyway, here's a few tips on using the bots over there:
Try and have the paid upvote execute within 30 minutes of posting in order to avoid the 25% curation fee
Trust me, you don't want to give any of these "curators" 25% of your reward, especially when you're the one footing the bill for the paid upvotes anyway. Your post is not going to get to the front page because some "curator" gives you a $1.40 upvote for your masterpiece. Your post is going to get there because you spent $8 SBD on resteems and $50 SBD on paid upvotes. Why split that profit?
Always use the vote calculator to see if the vote will be profitable (or at least break even)
I not using this when I first started buying paid upvotes. I lost a lot of money by not using it. It's not exact, but it will give you a rough idea if you're flushing money down the toilet or not.
Don't use vote bots that vote posts older than 3.5 days old
This is because @grumpycat, an extremely high SP Steemit God, does not like it and will slap you with a downvote if you break his rules. I don't feel like learning about whether or not this is justified because there's nothing I can do about it anyway and I'd rather just not deal with it.
That said, when I was first playing with upvotes, I used whatever bot I wanted and never had any problems. It wasn't until I started spending bigger money on paid upvotes that I got hit with a warning. Maybe once I hit the Trending page? I dunno.
Once you've gotten your paid upvotes all lined up, you want to get some resteems as well. There are a lot of resteem services out there that will basically promote your post to their followers. To be fair I haven't done any due diligence on these resteem bots to see if their followers are actually legit, but I will say that since having starting using their service, I get more upvotes and comments on my posts.
Yo uhhh ... lemme get uhhh... some paint chips
This in and of itself doesn't mean much because most of the comments are of the paint-chip-eating variety, but I believe the Million Dollar Steemit Algorithm takes that into account (along with total value of upvotes) when deciding if/where to place you on the Trending page. That alone is worth it.
I'm not going to list the resteem bots that I use. You can just check my wallet history for that information. Ugh... fine.. here:
I'm sure there are more, those are just the ones that I know about. If anyone knows of more, please let me know.
So how much is all of this wonderful shit going to cost you? Let's figure it out.
Ideally, you should be posting at least once every other day. And that's the bare minimum. When you get a little cred and people actually recognize your name as a decent content creator, you can slow it down a little bit. But in the beginning you need to pull out the big guns and hit them with that good shit.
You're competing with so much for attention these days that you need to stay visible. I've said it before, but your biggest problem as a business, influencer, celebrity, whatever is obscurity. You don't need to be the best, you just need to be visible.
Posting once every other day will give you a chance to do that.
Now, all of this wonderful, free advice that I've given you precludes the fact that you are creating content with some actual value and not just pictures of you eating cereal. Unless you're a semi-attractive girl with strong opinions and a stupid haircut. Then you can do whatever you want and people will kowtow to you anyway because they're thirsty little upvote-hunters.
So back to the point: how much will it cost? Let's do some math:
$50 - $100 SBD to upvote each post x 4 posts per week = $200 - $400 SBD
$5 - $7 SBD for reseteems x 4 posts per week = $20 - $30 SBD
So let's split the difference and say $320 SBD, which at the time of this writing is roughly about $1200 USD. Now, most of this money you recoup in the form of SP and SBD when you claim your author rewards after 7 days. But plan for some losses, especially in the beginning when you're just figuring out how to work the system.
Which brings me to my next point...
Don't be a little bitch
Before doing any of this, you need to ask yourself: what's the point? Not in the fatalistic French latte-sipping cigarette-smoking "life is meaningless" way, but from a practical sense.
Why are you here? Money, obviously.
Why do you want the money from Steemit, specifically? Because you hate your job and want to work from your computer on a tropical beach somewhere. Duh.
In order to make that happen you need to expand your mind. Don't be so fucking lazy that you think this or any magical platform is going to pay you just to create content for them.
You are your own brand. You, the person reading this, the average looking nobody with a boring life that will die without making an impact on the world, can be famous in whatever industry you choose. All you have to do is write something semi-intelligent and send a few emails.
It'll take some time. You'll have to engage in that painful activity called "thinking" that nobody seems to like doing these days. But so what? I'll gladly think from my hostel in Thailand with a bunch of hot slutty European girls before I go train Muay Thai and spend a few hours on the beach working on my tan.
Meanwhile you're suffering through winter in your boring office while you work on those reports that your boss wants on his desk by Wednesday afternoon or some shit.
All you have to do is think a little bit. Here's 7 Steps To Success:
- Write 30 articles about the same topic
- Email companies telling them you're an expert on that topic
- Offer them a service on a monthly basis
- Go back to Step 2 until you have $10k saved
- Move to Thailand
- Party with me (jk I'm a loser)
- Sit on your laptop next to me in the hostel and laugh at all the losers stuck in their shit jobs
Half joking here, but that's really all there is to it. And yeah, you're going to have to spend a little money to get there. But what's $1200? If I told you right now that I could make you famous in your industry for $1200, would you pay me?
No? You'd rather do it the "organic" way and just hope that your breathtaking short story catches the attention of the Steemit Gods? Don't make me LOL.
Of course you would. You'd pay $12,000.
So, what's it gonna be?
What do you think about making the Trending page on Steemit?
Let me know in a comment!
Can't get enough of me? Follow me on Instagram!
Check out some of my other posts here:
- Why Steemit Is A Giant Circle-Jerk And How To Make It Work In Your Favor
- Telegram ICO Raises $850,000,000 From 81 Separate Investors And At Least One Russian Billionaire
- How To Make $10k A Month The Old Fashioned Way
- How To Make More Money Than You've Ever Made In Your Life
- Six Low Market Cap Altcoins That Could Maybe Possibly Potentially Rise 10x In Value But I Dunno Though
- Lisk (LSK) Founder Max Kordek Pledges $50,000,000 To Fund High Quality Sidechains Built On The Lisk Platform
- Russian Nuclear Scientist Caught Trying To Mine Bitcoin From Top Secret Supercomputer
- How To Grow Your Personal Instagram Page To 5 Billion Followers
- Watching This Video Will Make You Want To Move To Thailand (And Not For The Hot Estonian Chick, Either)
- Bitgrail Cryptocurrency Exchange Hacked For 17,000,000 Nano (XRB), Claims Insolvency
- After Rejecting Cryptocurrency Entrepreneurs For Fear Of Money Laundering, Rabobank Fined $400 Million For Money Laundering
- In Only 3 Days After Pre-ICO Launch, Crypto Investment Fund Pecunio Has Already Raised Almost $2m
- Shill Of The Day: Why You Should Put Your Daughter's College Fund Into Lucyd's New ICO
- All I Want Is A Billion Dollars, A Rock-Solid Six Pack, And To Smash A Different Hard-Bodied Fitness Model Every Night - Is That Too Much To Ask?
- How To Be Successful In Just 100 Hours A Week
- Discipline, Fearlessness, And Other Lies Sold To You By Clever Marketers
- The Problem With PentaCore And Cryptocurrency Mutual Funds In General (And What To Do About It)
- Stock Trading Platform Robinhood Latest Company To Cash In On Crypto Craze With New Cryptocurrency Exchange
- Japan's Largest Bank Set To Open Cryptocurrency Exchange In April 2018
- There Is Now A Japanese Cryptocurrency-Themed Pop Group
- WaltonChain (WTC) Voted #1 At SE Asia Blockchain Summit... but who cares?
- Basic Attention Token (BAT) - another token that unsuccessfully answers the question, "Why not just use an ad blocker?"
- Request Network (REQ) setting up a $30 million dollar fund for startups
- If Warren Buffett Invested In Crypto, He Would Stock Up Now While The Market Is Collapsing
- VeChain (VEN) Being Shilled HARD In r/Cryptocurrency - 50 Posts In The Last Week
- Switzerland Sees Crypto As Their Chance To Woo Drug Dealers, Saudi Princes And Shady Billionaires
- Why Creative Work Is Its Own Reward And How To Get Better At The Things You Hate
Follow, resteem and smash dat mf like button...
Your post is informative and entertaining at the same time. Reality explained in a very good way.
How'd you get $2.71 for liking your own comment. Damn.
hahahah, wow you have just explained the reality of life in such a good way. I liked your sense of humor.
At first, I am like no man it couldn't be right, I don't want to believe on what he is saying and then later on when I think about it neutrally, it all starts making sense to me.
Your totally right most people aren't willing to put in the effort even though alot of my posts only make pennies. I'm Willing to keep Working at it. I started with nothing and actually have 3 Steem. So part of this article is BS but I'm not exactly burning hot on Steemit either.
TBH you cannot make it online without advertising, and good luck wasting money to goto the promoted section. I wonder how many people here have had a successful blog (I'm talking in this decade) without having to run advertisements allover social media. There's no problem with bots IMO, if you stand behind your product or your content you will have no problem paying for promotion that actually works. Try publishing a book without promotions... This ethical stance is ridiculous. Yes bad content sucks, yes it is promoted, EVERYWHERE, not just on steemit. But guess what, on steemit you can actually use your vote to FLAG content you think is blatant spam. Use the bots so we can take money from the spammers and be able to promote great content and flag crap content. If we do not do this democracy on steemit has died and it will continue to head towards some tyrannical oligarchy / wasteland like it is beginning to.
Yes. This is the idea. Unfortunately it's not happening. People save their flag for getting revenge on someone.
Used sparingly, this argument works. It's just that we are nearing the point where there's more money to be made from the right bots than there is from actual readers, because so few people actually read anything on steemit but instead are just prowling around looking for curation rewards or "upvote for upvote" garbage.
Umm... Yeah. Pretty much.
This site's got potential, and the idea upon which it is built is great, but it's got some serious kinks and I don't mean the kind you want the Thai-hostel-dwelling slutty European girls in this guy's article to have.
I'd honestly kind of like to see the curator system go the way of the dinosaur. I think if people actually came to Steemit to read articles of interest, instead of chasing what they hope will be quick or easy money, then the environment of this platform would start to improve.
Genius level comment. No sarcasm, I truly mean it. My broke ass can't afford to promote my content, but the day I can, I surely will. In the meantime, a little ingenuity keeps people returning to my blog, and I enjoy the time I spend here. That makes the infinitesimal earnings worth it to me.
Somehow we learned a lot from you buddy.
25% for the curators really gives me headache. LOL
but without tha 25% where is the incentive to upvote?
Where's your incentive to hit the "like" button on Facebook?
Financially there isn't one, but people do.
Super entertaining read! It confirms my strategy is well thought out... I just don't got the $1200 thing down. I am getting there. Thanks for the motivation and the reality check.
$ > everything
Totally (at least on Steemit)
Yeah, you said a mouthful here and a lot of it was the conclusions I was already starting to come to. I never harbored any hopes of getting rich off of this platform but since I was already writing anyway, I thought "well, here's a platform to publish some of the stuff I can't get away with attaching my name to in this country (articles with less-than-favorable views of China tend to get an unpleasant response from the Chinese authorities). And who knows, maybe I'll make some supplemental income."
But the thing is nobody, and I mean nobody but nobody, actually reads anything on this site. Nobody's upvotes are based on the quality of the post. They're all upvoting based off of either "upvote for upvote" circle-jerks, or attempting to pounce on a comment early in the hopes of snatching a curator reward from the number of upvote-for-upvote circle-jerks it will be involved in later.
To be fair, I skim through the crap to find the interesting pieces like this one and actually read them. But when I make a comment I often get comments amounting to, "Oh wow I wish more people would actually read and make a meaningful comment, bla bla"
Resteem over 10,000+ FollowersYour post was resteem by Whale ResteemService @booster007 & @boostupvote
Keep it up!
All the best!
Send 0.100 SBD/steem For resteem over 4200+ followers / send 0.200 SBD/steem resteem over 10,000+ Follwers Send your link in memo ! @boostupvote Attached !
Great post! I was meant to fall upon this, much thanks. One Love ✌❤😉
I really like the discussion there, may I follow you.
Please vote
Please vote. Very worthy public service announcement, especially if your country is a real democracy. You can't complain about the ruling or opposition party if you don't at least cast a ballot come election day. It may just get your representative a seat or push your party into a majority. Keep up the good work!
I learned quite a few good thins from this post and would incorporate them in my writing from now on, thanks!
This is really one of the best posts I've read, I also work and worked and will work hard on steemit. I also was buying upvotes and I still buy them sometimes. I like your honesty, not every steemian say the truth about steemit, they are all crazy about making it ''the best'', they don't understand that is just a tool and if you are not so successful in steemit, it doesn't mean that you are not living well. ☺ I will even resteem this to more than 3500 followers to let them know the truth about steemit and I will even share this in my biggest steemit group of more than 19000 members : Steemit for Resteem ↕.
I like brave people like you. ☺
Yea I up voted and resteemed this Post.
Because you hit the freak'in nail square on the head!
Congrats on tapping into the black hat use of the SteemIt Platform, making fake experts...
You've been followed....
Good post.I like feel love post.
Good writing i like your post
yo what happened to that 800+ pump on the post you made 5 days ago?
It was $200 SBD which was roughly = to $800 at the time. I did a 1 x 4 conversion rate.
I lost about $30 USD on that. Still worth it. I think I got downvoted by one of the people I trashed in the article. Either that or I fucked up the upvoting somehow.
I think paid upvotes are not worth as bots give you vote at first time but then they give you small votes.
Are you happy?
OK dude. That's all I want to know. What you wrote about is the reality of this system and if you spend money to use it then I guess you can live with that.
where he makes fun of us
while we pay him for thatwelcome to @yallapapi
btw, nice post LoL
This chick gets it.
After being in this platform for barely 24 hours, I've read some good and bad stuff about it already but thankfully, more of the latter so I'm going in with a clear head but high hopes. Thank you for this extremely honest and hilarious (yes, I had some laughs whether it was intentional or not) post! :)
Looking forward to your next content.
Wow. You've been here 24 hours and this was one of the first things you read? You're so lucky.
LOL. 7 points for originality.
This is one of the longenst posts i've ever read on steemit, yet, it was pretty fun and informative, not boring at all, you truly know how to keep someone reading your stuff.
In th other hand, i'm living in a country with a monthly salary under 3USD$, so, making 1SBD at day isn't that bad at all hahaha..
But it's truth, The only way to be notable and make some real money on steemit it is actually putting money on it.
Thanks for the information and all those bots.
Hope you're having fun!
Greetings from Venezuela..!
Damn brother that's rough. Get yourself a canoe and GTFO of there.
i wish i could.. hahaha
I love this stuff @yallapapi! You are telling us the truth, why the h3ll doesn't anyone talk about this? Is it a crabs in a bucket thing? Or are people afraid it is going to cost more to get into trending? So everyone who figured it out, are just really hush-hush about it...
I think it's just because they don't want to let on that their content isn't actually being upvoted organically. Not because they think it will lead to people actually using the bots.
Case in point, I've pretty much laid it out for you guys in this post how to get to the Trending page using paid upvotes/resteems, and I'd be willing to bed that none of the people who read this actually use my method the way I'm describing it.
Part of it has to do with spending the money. Most people probably don't have $1200 to spend on their vanity on an experimental blogging platform.
Actually, I fucked up the calculation... it's probably closer to $3600. Whatever. People aren't going to do it anyway.
I have tried to use bots in order to get into the hot section, it worked, I have not really calculated the ROI, but I don't think I lost money so far... Not sure if being on like 17th place on a list in a obscure "hot-section" gives much more exposure...? When I have some more "cyber-cash" I am going to try your formula to get into trending... Thanks a lot for the post it was very helpful.
"But what's $1200?"
Enough for someone in my position to suck a dick for...
Damn bro that's one expensive blowjob. You must be pretty good.
Can't stand the taste or texture of dick, so to me that's a massive compromise and not even enough. I'd probably just lay there and have my face fucked by some guy with a necro fetish. Glad to realise that you actually do see $1200 as a fair amount of money. I misunderstood and thought that this amount was just like nothing to westerners which was depressing.
Expensive for a blowjob. Not expensive for your dreams.
Resteemed! Not that you care, seems you have plenty of exposure. I won't help there. Just that it being so we'll written and informative, I had to. This realist point-of-view that you take in your posts, not only is it rare, it enables more transparency. Good stuff.
Every little bit helps.
Guy I just love your article. You have me reading word for word. You are so interesting to say the least. How I wish you could help me out to write in this mannner
Eventually I will make a post about becoming a better writer.
Man, you`re a machine in crushing dreams, but you´re also a fucking hoot with a great sense of humour.
Thank you, that's exactly what I was going for.
click here.Congratulations @yallapapi, this post is the second most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a User account holder (accounts that hold between 0.1 and 1.0 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by User account holders during this period was 2398 and the total pending payments to posts in this category was $6749.23. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories,
If you do not wish to receive these messages in future, please reply stop to this comment.
Fuck, second place again? Let's see who beat me...
LOL. Ok now I don't feel so bad.
For the curious.
I can’t stand the heat, I’m a northern girl but I’ll come and visit you on the beach in Thailand! I’m a grandma and not one of those sluty plastic surgery kind you see on the trending entertainment sites.
You made me laugh, I figured out most of what you said on my own. I don’t worship gods, I’m a Buddhist and I don’t suck whale dick🥩, but I will fry it up for dinner. I’m not a wimpy vegan Buddhist😉😂😂😂😁
I’m so tired of picture posts with broken sentences looking for me to upvote. I don’t understand the culture of begging for votes. I’m here to help those who can help themselves🌀
Let's start a gang.
What will be our name and motto @yallapapi? I will depend on your humor and intellect because right now after writing all morning I am sadly lacking :p
Someone who teaches something while being funny is a gem. Learned a lot from this article, on my way to the bank to get 1200$.
Shine bright like a diamond.
Better make it $3600 just to be safe.
You seem to be the wokest person all around steem dude, nice content.
Blew my mind
First of all it was really fun to read this 😁
Second, what you basically say is that steemit is broken. At least for the way the creators ever intended it should be. So you think it is possible to repair it?
I think I agree that it's broken. There are so many scams. And perhaps even more important, most new sign ups directly quit. The part that remains either doesn't earn a thing. Our they try to buy using upvote bots and some won and some lose.
But what if it wouldn't be possible to self upvote? And if paying for upvotes is not allowed anymore? Etc. Etc.
No. Incorrect. I never said Steemit was broken.
This post in particular was about how to get to the Trending page.
My previous post, which was more of a rant about the state of the Trending page at any given time, was intended to shed light on the fact that if people want to get eyes on their writing, then they're going to have to come up with a little money.
That said, what I think should be encouraged here is some curation by Steemit staff. Or some official incentivized form of curation beyond the 25%.
Of course, I'm also game for the laissez-faire system of letting the free market take its natural course. I have enough money to pay my own way so I don't really care. And I'm not a huge fan of welfare either.
The problem is that even if you write the most smashing piece in the world, you're unlikely to make any money from it unless it pleases the Steemit Gods AND they happen to be around to see it posted AND they actually take the time to read it.
The combined upvotes of thousands of people only amount to a couple dollars. I mean, all the $$$ are fake at the bottom of posts anyway because most of them are paid upvotes to push posts to the Trending I repeating myself?
Lol, so it's not fully broken. But only most part of it 😋
Seriously you got a point. Most people can write a masterpiece without getting any or much reward. And once you are popular you can write shit and get nice rewards. Just because people blindly upvote your post. Which is easily visible when a post has 80 views and 250 upvotes.
But those upvotes can also be bought. Well in the end most people are really clueless.
So then I come to the conclusion, don't complain. Either you join them, don't care about ethics and try to grab as much money as possible. Our you quit. That last thing, quitting, is what most new users do 😥
Read two of your blogs back to back, and followed you, so in my humble opinion, you must be doing something right to earn my selective following. Love how you just keep shit real. Resteemed to my followers.
That pretty well sums it up. A sense of humor is a must in this world. PS. I just got back from a month in Asia. I spent some time in Bangkok and Phuket, but one beach below you. Karon not quote as busy as Patong. I'm wondering if you're the crazy guy that hit me in the back with a motorbike on the main drag in Patong beach? ha ha.
LOL wasn't me brother. Still haven't made it to Karon and not a huge fan of risking my life on a motorbike.
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Wow making fun of autistic people in the title yet it made $169 in 4 hours. Nice... Wonder how many upvotes it would get if it was making fun of homosexuals or transgendered indivuals. Pretty disgusting.. My son is 6 and can't talk, still wears diapers and spends his day banging on everything he sees just to get a fucking sensation out of it because he can't feel anything properly. He is TRAPPED in his own head and he is fully aware of it and intelligent and understands the terrible things people say about him in public. Yet he looks normal so doesn't get any special treament just annoyed looks of "why is this little shit screeching like a retard" VERY FUNNY RIGHT!?
But don't DARE make fun of who someone wants to have sex with even though everyone wants to rub their sexuality in your face.
oh and Steemit politics are a really important issue for the world today, btw.. *insert eye-rolling gif or emoji
I understand your frustration and anger, but I don't see the relevance of sexuality to this article.
I was just bringing up a double standard.
The writer mentioned nudes
Virtue signaling isn't trending anymore, it is passive aggressive whining and does not sell product, not even political products. Judge a person by their character not their sociability, implants or lack of a dick and balls...
Playing the victim is only profitable for short term profits.
I ain't virtue signalling it just pisses me off that you can get away with bashing mentally challenged people but if he had insulted kids who want to change genders to be cool he would have been flagged. I think our society is BS, we protect the wrong people and hurt those who truly can't help themselves
You are insulted not the handicap...put some shoes on and stop trying to carpet the world...
I think you are selling these people short...they can handle a lot more than you think. You make them out to be stupid cry babies and they are not!
I'm not even offended by it I really don't care if people make jokes about autism, the holocaust, or anything else.. What I'm pissed off by is the double standards of SJWs.. Maybe you just need to get out of your little bubble and try to understand what people are saying on a deeper level before you label them.
I like popping bubbles...hahaha!
I am a nutritional consultant and author of 5 books. I have consulted for people in 50 countries. My grant application to study autism and diet made the National Institute of health final review in 1997. There is no money in dietary intervention and needless to say neither of the 2 projects (dietary intervention, autism spectrum) received funding. 80% of the children who received a consultation by age five had recovery meaning that they had a diagnosis and no longer met the criteria for a diagnosis after dietary intervention. I am still in contact with many of the families and now many are adults and friends. Most did not speak until after on the diet for 4 months. Some were Hollywood, doctors, neurologists and I have worked in India, Malaysia, Borneo, South Africa, Scotland, England, Cambodia, Dubai (UAE), Vietnam, Nepal, and currently live in the USA. I am also Asperger. Please contact me if you would like to have a consultation. There are several steemit articles which discuss some aspects of our work Autism and G.O.D. 'Generation of Diversity' which is a term for auto-immune evolution. Normally I have a fee but it can be waved. If you are pleased with the result you can make a donation.
I followed you please link me to the information if possible if its not on your account I will be looking later on
Very funny. Thanks for the truth. :)
Hmmmmm... As a marketer and entrepreneur I try to avoid black hat tactics and this is definitely black hat. It's my belief that it'll always come around to bite you in the butt later.
But the comments below are mostly positive, so I'm genuinely curious: What are Steemians views on things like this? Do most people not care? I know you mentioned a whale downvoting, is that just a single case or what?
I'm genuinely curious to see whether the community views these tactics as unsavory or not.
It's a really funny place, basically we are seeing what happens in early societies. Naturally some original members split into groups and cliques and started jockeying for power and fighting over what each side sees as fundamental rights and wrongs. This is happening freely without input from mods/administrators. Pretty interesting stuff, but I think it goes over most peoples heads.
hmmm. good point about it going over most people's heads. The average user just won't know if he's buying votes or getting them organically, so you're definitely right - it's up to the groups with power to decide, and so far they don't seem to be pushing against it.
Using upvote bots is not black hat. It may seem disingenuous to use paid promotion on a blogging site where nobody's really selling anything, but the fact remains that if you want anyone to see what you're producing them you have to use them.
I don't at all think it's disingenuous. It's natural and sensible if anything. And I can see from the response to this post that upvote bots aren't black hat on this platform.
But on other platforms they are. If you pay for upvotes on any other social media platform, it's blackhat and you can receive penalties as a result of it. So that's why I was asking whether they were considered blackhat here. I'm still new and didn't know it was acceptable practice here on Steem.
I actually just bought my first upvotes today to test how it works out, and be familiar with the process. I'm planning to compare the effectiveness of giveaways, buying upvotes, and paying for promotion to see which has the highest ROI.
I feel that "black hat" would be to send a whale a "nice" zip file with a keylogger, and then trade that whales steem on to monero or some other dodgy privacy currency and then use it to buy a bunch of dodgy shit on the darknet...@capnsostre
What this guy is writing about is not "black hat", he is giving us all the information we should have gotten when we first signed up...
Making money from deluding poor people in the third-world into thinking they can become rich only by blogging from their broken secondhand smartphones... What kind of "hat" is that?As a half-failed artist, paint-eater, & entrepreneur, who wants to go back to being a semi-beach bum living the laptop lifestyle, I think this sounds awesome, anyway @capnsostre what do you think about?
This is one of the most sensible comments I have ever read.
I'm kind of sick of whales and dolphins who are witnesses, bot owners and bot users giving us lectures on why us poor people are abusing the system by trying to profit with content that is not worthy by their personal standards.
Im kind of sick of tutorials for "plankton", by "bot using minnows" where they tell you how you can make it on steemit, just by interacting and posting quality content and grow "organically",
"-Don't give up guys!"...
"Organic growth" might work if you have a very appealing body/face (not going into gender-debate) tasteful but jet revealing (without being vulgar) clothing, in which you make yoga- videos and post photos of your vegan food and recipes, preferably being "english-first language speaking" and a "free spirit", but in a semi-luxurious tropical place for a backdrop, whilst your "partner" (who you are pretending not to have) is filming and taking photos with an (usually the partners) expensive camera and light-rig.
For us who don't want to expose ourselves in this way, or have a "partner" we can pimp-out, the only way to make a scratch here is either by miracle upvotes from some merciful whale, or by using the method @yallapapi explains here in this post...
I'm definitely following you, good coments
followingThanks @polarg, I have my moments... I can get a bit sarcastic sometimes to, so don't take all my comments too
I mean - I think the delusion is across the board, and happens on any platform. In fact, that's not a "hat" so much in the sense I was speaking. I come from marketing where you have black hat and white hat seo/social media marketing and other tactics. Buying likes on any other platform is considered black hat, but I guess it isn't considered that here. Which, is interesting.
I get it, before black, white & grey "hats" where more like different types of hackers... Etc...
Thank you for posting, hopefully we are all given healthy always the almighty ..
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ResteemBot's Maker is Looking for Work.
Great post. Thank god I did not quit my job already. Just kidding. I work for an innovation department. Testing blockchain innovations is one of my hobby’s. There is a lot of crap out there. Staying critical is very important in this new market.
But... But.. I don't want to make beer money. I want a lambo. A yellow one. Please Steemit Gods. :D
he he he! But....but...then you have to work hard and pray for a seemit miracle!
You rawk. This post had me laughing so hard as I nodded in agreement on so much of it. This reminds me so much of self publishing, creating a brand, paying to be seen. I am having to work slowly at it at first on the paying part but yeah, it is doable. If I didn't think so I wouldn't slowly be investing.
You have a wit to you that leaves one hooked until they get to the end, disappointed it is over. Thanks for the laughs, as well as the tips. I wasn't sure on the resteeming services (still am not to be honest. Maybe they are paying you to write for them hahaha).
Congrats on being a maker when it comes to your life. Will be following your future posts for sure.
Great post..
I found this post informative thanks so much @yallapapi
I'll make it there someday! :)
thanks for this great info
Your content makes me HAPPY & SAD at the same time, because everything you write down are 🗣FACTS bro🤞🏾I just came across your profile by accident and i’m happy I did‼️👌🏾
I don’t think we will get anything realer 🔥🔥🔥then your content 💥on this platform‼️
Hahhaha!! I learned so much from this and almost died from laughter.
I'm at work reading this post. I wok as a costumer support agent so a don't do much at work. I moved from expensive,cold and sad Norway to Greece to live a cheap life at the beach. Thank's for the post and making my day! I'm new to steemit and this is a follow from me.
Wonderful post and probably the best I have read about the sad state of the network. This should be the fist thing any new users reads so I'll resteem it for free to my 1000 followers? I also wonder would you be interested in buying my 13 cent upvote for 12.99 cent. (Just kidding) you get it for free, the way the one true Steemit God intended.
I will probably never make it to the trending steemit page because I enjoy doing it the organic way. Can't say that it'll pay out short-term but long term? I think it's a sure bet. I think that sportic resteem service you use is a complete and utter scam (I've looked into it before).
Then again, it didn't take lon for me to understand that bot upvotes make up the trending page.
If I ever make it organically, I'll hit you up and we can laugh about this.