UPDATE: Jeff Berwick to be interviewed tomorrow night (Aug 8th) on-air about Steem. I'll post more about that tomorrow.
As I mentioned in my intro post, I host a nationally syndicated talk radio show, "Free Talk Live" and we're big fans of cryptocurrency. Tonight one of our listeners called in toward the end of the show to talk about Steem, inspired by Jeff Berwick's overnight success here on Steemit.
Here's the discussion which starts at 2:52:19 in this YouTube video: (Note, clicking this link will jump you straight to the conversation about Steem, but hitting play on the embedded video will not - you'll have to jump ahead manually.)
And here's the audio archive from Soundcloud where the call begins at 1:55:36 (our audio archives don't have the full commercial breaks as our video feed does):
Please feel free to share any of our audio and video content, edit it, do whatever you want - we don't believe in intellectual property.
Here's my verification pic from last week:
What people need to realize is that my success on Steemit wasn't "overnight". It came from 20 years of writing and being a public person... and writing nearly every day, and doing a video on Youtube nearly every day for the last few years. However, that said, you can have success on Steemit, but nothing in life is easy... you gotta work for it.
Roy Kroc (founder of MacDonalds hamburger chain) said in his autobiography called "Grinding it Out" that people said that he was an overnight success. And he said it was true. "It's just that the night was 20 years long!"
Full $teem Ahead!
@dollarvigilante Great to see you here and actually commenting on individual users' posts. I feel like more whales and dolphins need to look at the little guys " the minnows" and even look into their blogs, not just the occasional comments. Up votes on blogs is very important, as that is going to be the majority of posts. Again, it's been an awesome 3 days or so since you arrived Jeff. I believe that once you see and understand more of the mechanics of STEEM as I am, you will see this as the next financial revolution. @streetstyle
Agreed. Even one click on a minnows post will motivate them to keep with it and tell their friends. If they toil for weeks for pennies they will lose motivation to stay. It's not just about getting more people here, but keeping those that are here already.
Here Thanks.
Full $teem Ahead!
@doctorstrange I notice that I will up vote a post, comment but the action will not be reciprocated. Or they will just up vote the comment made within there own post, but will not venture further into a commentators blog. I appreciate any up vote, but more meaningful are up votes in blogs/post or even just "shout outs' by the whales would be so motivating. I think that will change with time, but I believe the whales should pay attention to this. This would definitely create more inspiration, a buzz and loyalty. On that note @doctorstrange, see if you find anything @streetstyle
That is totally true. Behind every "overnight success", there are years or even decades of hard work which most people do not know about. Holds true for businessmen, athletes, actors etc etc..preach it - "nothing in life is easy... you gotta work for it."
People find way too much problems with others, when in fact they themselves are the problem.
yes you are right there my friend, its all about the work we put in !! Well done keep on pushing upwards and onwards !! ; - )
Wow just watched the video and these guys are clueless about Steem. I noticed you offered to do an interview with them and talk about Steem. Amazing thanks for your support the Steem community really needs others like you!
I fully agree. I gave myself the rule to only post stuff that I have lived through...
And when I feel I am not an expert but rather an enthusiast, I try to state it clearly....
This is the nature of humans. They saw you made 15.000 $ on a post, and you where only introduceing yourself. Most of them have no idea why. They dont understand that you made this money becouse you can help promoting STEEMIT in manny ways. They dont understand that you made this money becouse STEEIMIT users appreciates you for your work. I recomand you to ignore them. If you made that money it means you are appreciated for what you do and for who you are. And remeber guys, you must have braind to make easy money. Not everyone can do this.
They also don't understand this new paradigm. They don't understand that money was not taken out of their pockets, or their taxes forcefully paid. They don't fully understand that everyone that does well goes up in power and now has a chance to result in the people they vote on making more money too.
They cling to envy (though they will not acknowledge it... it is someone else's fault) and try to compare this new paradigm to things from the past. There has never been anything like this.
There is also a fair amount of cognitive dissonance at play.
Good point !
@dollarvigilante, please do not feel the need to defend your success. Your hard work is being noticed and that is as it should be in a healthy economy. Moreover, as it is clear to everyone with two eyes that you are actively involved contributing your experience and network to the growth of Steemit. People here should not question your contributions specific value but thank you for the effort. My kudos to you sir and keep up the hard work. Full $teem Ahead!!
Exactly, there is no free lunch here.
Girls make money with their beauty, boys need to work hard for the money.
@holzmichl, that's a generalization if there ever was one. Some "girls" may make money for their looks, no doubt about it. But I am making money because my content is good and different. It's all about how valuable your post is perceived to be. If you believe that success for women depends on their breasts and come hither looks, I suggest you read more than what's on the trending page.
Thank you for mentioning that. I heard way too many people complaining you did too much money over night. The hell you did, you worked for this moment 20 years! Most who are on Steemit want to make a blessing overnight but did nothing before. I sir respect you and am not envy. You deserve it and I know I can do it too. But nothing is free, it has to be earned
You got that right Jeff! It takes effort, content and lots of time with your head down creating.
Perfectly said, people just think you found a magic money tree huh?
Everyone thinks they are entitled to their fair share of it.
Wow...writing nearly every day for 20 years would have an effect on one's writing!
Dollar - you a great addition to the Steem community.
It takes 20 years to become an overnight sensation :)
Often longer
@dollarvigilante, I agree completely. Some people see $$ and think it's a lucky break or some fluke. I have been working as an illustrator for 26 years. Putting my work up here and getting to the point I am with my posts has been no easy feat. I know struggle well. Thanks for bringing up a good point.
This is the conclusion I came to realize too. There is no such thing as overnight success. It is build by brick after brick but consistency always bring great results in the end.
Good job @dollarvigilante. I should be at your level in 10 years from now.
The thing is you got followers already. I really like your show by the way! Got into this because of you
I'm very happy to see this post from you. It clears up a lot of questions that I had after reading your post. I could see from the comments that other readers had similar thoughts.
I am very interested in seeing how the platform gains mind share. There are a lot of things to like about it.
I just listened to the show Ian and I'd be happy to come on and discuss my experience with Steem. Cheers!
Thanks Jeff. Let's do it whenever is good for you - as you know we are live seven days a week beginning at 7pm Eastern.
Jeff will be on tomorrow night Monday 8/8 at 7pm Eastern. Post with details will come tomorrow.
I'll keep me eye open for that post!
U da man dogg
I've read a few posts today with people downing Jeff's success here, but take a look at how many new faces just today have arrived. This will benefit all of us less known publishers by hopefully receiving a new audience that may be interested in the topics we like to talk about. I think his earnings are great, and hope he sticks around for a long time!
Hey Free Talk Live is great I listen every day
Great stuff. Get the word out there. Get more people here, and then into the crypto space in general. This is about to blow up, for real! Cheers, @ftlian!
Free Talk Live is one of my favorite radio podcasts. Their principled analysis of news and politics is always refreshing amidst the other noise. Plus, they cover cryptocurrency in depth because they understand its ability to empower people. Keep up the GREAT work guys! And welcome to STEEMIT!
Thank you - I'm interested in seeing how this progresses.
This is so motivational for fellow members. Facebook is now history, the future is only Steemit and it's streaming ahead fast!
Awesome to have you exploring steemit more @ftlian ... I just talked about it on NeoCash Radio today with JJ and Darren today: http://neocashradio.com/blog/episode-167-a-first-look-at-steemit-and-silbert-announces-etc-pump-and-dump/ Starts right around the 24:20 mark.
I had the privilege of watching FreeTalkLive grow faster than any station of it's kind. Over ten years ago when the masses justifiably hated and doubted NeverGetBusted, FreeTalkLive was the first station to cover my activism in a favorable manner. I shot them an up vote and would have shot them five if I could. Glad to see y'all having Jeff on air with you. He is a whale and the cool thing about him? He leaves plenty of air in the ocean for all the fish. Big love to FTL and Dollar Vig.
I <3 Barry Cooper. It was a pleasure to smoke you up so many years ago at the Liberty Forum in NH, brother.
Interesting radio broadcast that brings up some good points. Thanks for posting.
You can certainly convert it into Bitcoin, and much more beyond that. This already paid out, so there's no shameless self-promotion. Just for your information.
I can tell you're someone to respect :)
I think I might just start following your radio show.
This platform is getting more amazing by the hour! Anarchism and Steemit are a match made in wherever the hell we want.
Not my intent to hijack, but extremely related. I was thinking that exactly.... that exact match... makes this possible. https://steemit.com/steemit/@clevecross/voluntaryism-university-steemit-can-change-the-future-for-everyone
Wow!! This is great. Thanks for sharing. 😍
Кажется, что каждый стремится заработать капитал на популярности критика. Любой шоумен видит в этом золотое дно. И поэтому его выводы не являются объективными. Бывает. Однако ему потребуется немало мужества, чтобы признать свою ошибку. Когда проект обретает свою истинную силу.
Nice picture m8 and good post
Glad to see you around @ftlian. Looking forward to the interview with @dollarvigilante.
Nice post and verification @ftlian
Welcome ftlian !!!

Love all your Stuff Jeff, all the best brother!
Very cool! Its great that this is getting bigger
I like this jeff is spreading the word about steemit.
To the hosts, opting out of voting and being proactive in coding blockchain systems which could potentially render the Iron Law of Political Economics impotent is not insignificant. The act of defection has to be combined with a plan to render the power of the vote irrelevant.
We need more people talking about Steem & other digital currencies!