
sounds like you've already committed firmly to the ending rather than writing it as you go...

maybe not quitting isn't stupidity, but a potential strength, and there's a reason you keep trying and falling... just need a little course correction and sooner or later, the storyline is rewritten... ;-)

I am committed to getting committed. I just need a few more weeks on here to prove that I am indeed crazy.

proving to who?

for what purpose?

what would happen to your plan if the attempt failed and there was actually an order in the apparent chaos, and "crazy" was only but a state, not who you are or what you're destined to...?

Then I guess I would have to submit to the chaos and allow it to take me wherever it so chose's. At this point, anywhere is better than here... Even North Korea .

it sounds like you already have submitted to the chaos.

and perhaps either you roll with it down this shit path, or back da fuq up and reseize control of the pen...

I agree, it surely is time for a paradigm shift.