Thanks for adding me to your list @lynncoyle1. I consider it an honour! 😍
"Take the time to let them know you care and that they are important to you." This is very apt for me this week because I've been having internet problems and separate to that there seem to have been problems with Steemit.
on Wednesday when we had the grandkids over I got my priorties wrong and kept coming back to check my computer when my attention would have been better spent on the kids.
Today I was rushing back to catch up on some Steemit stuff when my son rang and I ended up staying in town and meeting him for lunch. I'm so glad I did.
It's too easy for me to get stuck into my online family and miss my offline family or at least not give them my full attention.
I think I need to set some times for being on Steemit and stick to them.
Thankf for the reminder. Hope you and Brian get to the beach again today! 💙
That's pretty sweet of you to consider it an honour...that means a lot to me!!
I'm so glad that this was a gentle reminder to you as well! It is so easy to get caught up in things and forget what is truly important in life: the time we have for others. That's what it's all about I and offline.
Brian and I did get a long walk on the beach again, and then he even had the energy to go out for a couple of hours this evening. It was wonderful! Thank you ;)
It's another big family day today so replying to some comments on Steemit now and then will be away until this evening.
Wishing you both a wonder full day. 💙Aw so glad you were able to have that time together on the beach and that Brian felt well enough to go out in the evening too. That's wonderful @lynncoyle1.
Thank you @gillianpearce! Enjoy your family; wishing you a wonderful day too <3