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RE: Food as Medicine

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

It's a crazy world isn't it. I've had otherwise 'normal' people very scathingly tell me that there is nothing wrong with GM food. Unfortunately, there is - a LOT wrong, for even without the destruction of our food supply - which is terrifying enough, this kind of food abuse DISCONNECTS us. I don't get how people don't get it. I mean, people are so caught up in what's 'normal' that they actually stop questioning stuff like the massive impact of force-feeding our kids tonnes of sugar (and people do force feed- they give out sweets at every opportunity. My kids got sweets just for going back to school of their teachers. WTF! Anyway, enough of the rant. Funnily enough I'm doing a short story slam in a couple of weeks and I've been writing some crazy story that was baffling even me! After sleeping on it I realised it was about unity and disconnection and the emergence of the '7 deadly sins' as a direct result of this disconnection. Those sins are becoming more and more prevalent (I don't see them as sins against any god - just crimes against the self really and the rest of humanity, but maybe that is god). :) Blessings xxx


It is God but he is an energetic parasite whose tails side is Satan who has taken advantage of the human race due to their innocence and ignorance SiStar GodDess my humble opinion after Kundalini Awakening..the deepest healing available here in 3d dualistic reality..You Go GodDess!!! I look forward to what gifts you bring forth for our fellow immortal conscious Co-Creator GodDesses having the experience of being human here!!! Use your pain and suffering to inspire, re-educate, and heal your fellow humans as you have already started to do yourself...and Keep Shining your Light Brilliantly in the Darkness!!!...Infinite Blissings, Cheers, Espavo, Shine On, and Steem On!!!

Peace, Love, Abundance, & Joy...

Lisa aka @ rwarriorgoddess