Food as Medicine

in #steemit8 years ago


Hippocrates said it over two thousand years ago and it is still true today,"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." However, in Hippocrates' time, there was no Monsanto (MonSatan as I call them), Syngenta, Cargill, or Archer Daniels Midland manufacturing genetically modified Frankenfoods and fractionating and processing real foods into lifeless, toxic, nutritionally deficient "value-added" products that we are told are food but in actuality are anything but. Food was created of and by the Earth without human corruption. This is sadly not true today. That said, I am still not aware of any Organic Ranch Dorito trees growing

No GMOs.jpg

What I am referring to as food as medicine are whole , fresh, authentically organic fruits, nuts,herbs, vegetables, grains, and yes even animal proteins. Although a raw vegan diet and juicing are optimal for detoxing and health regeneration in today’s world, humans have historically eaten both wild and farmed animal proteins as well.


There are many different nutritional philosophies from many different cultures and I offer resources to educate yourself about many of them. I used to have a practice as a Holistic Nutritional Consultant and helped people reverse chronic degenerative diseases by re-educating many people as to what food really is as well as educate them on how to prepare them for optimal nutrition and taste. There are no strict rules of protocol for everyone as each person must find what works best for them.


Although quality and quantity play a role in food as medicine, I feel intention is of the utmost importance. Are you eating to fill an emotional hole, to sustain the machine that is your body, or are you eating with the intention of nourishing your body, mind, and soul as well as taste buds? Is your food prepared with Love or by someone who loves you? What is my state of mind while I am eating?


The answers to these questions contribute greatly to the benefit gleaned by our bodies from the act of consuming our food. For even if the most perfectly prepared organic raw foods blessed by Zen Masters is consumed by one in mental suffering, fear, confusion, or other toxic thoughts and emotion it will not manifest wellness and balance.

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Lastly, I would like to say to have fun with this topic. Learning about the destruction of the food supply can be very daunting and create much fear and paranoia.


Instead, I urge you to focus more on curiosity , creativity, and having fun while learning about what works, feels, and tastes best for your unique body. At my home I simply Love to play, discover, and cook new awesome-tasting, beautifully presented, nutritious foods that inspire us to do “The Happy Food Dance”. I hope you are empowered and inspired to do the same.

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Peace, Love, Abundance, & Joy...& Steem On!!!

Lisa Vunk aka @rwarriorgoddess


It's a crazy world isn't it. I've had otherwise 'normal' people very scathingly tell me that there is nothing wrong with GM food. Unfortunately, there is - a LOT wrong, for even without the destruction of our food supply - which is terrifying enough, this kind of food abuse DISCONNECTS us. I don't get how people don't get it. I mean, people are so caught up in what's 'normal' that they actually stop questioning stuff like the massive impact of force-feeding our kids tonnes of sugar (and people do force feed- they give out sweets at every opportunity. My kids got sweets just for going back to school of their teachers. WTF! Anyway, enough of the rant. Funnily enough I'm doing a short story slam in a couple of weeks and I've been writing some crazy story that was baffling even me! After sleeping on it I realised it was about unity and disconnection and the emergence of the '7 deadly sins' as a direct result of this disconnection. Those sins are becoming more and more prevalent (I don't see them as sins against any god - just crimes against the self really and the rest of humanity, but maybe that is god). :) Blessings xxx

It is God but he is an energetic parasite whose tails side is Satan who has taken advantage of the human race due to their innocence and ignorance SiStar GodDess my humble opinion after Kundalini Awakening..the deepest healing available here in 3d dualistic reality..You Go GodDess!!! I look forward to what gifts you bring forth for our fellow immortal conscious Co-Creator GodDesses having the experience of being human here!!! Use your pain and suffering to inspire, re-educate, and heal your fellow humans as you have already started to do yourself...and Keep Shining your Light Brilliantly in the Darkness!!!...Infinite Blissings, Cheers, Espavo, Shine On, and Steem On!!!

Peace, Love, Abundance, & Joy...

Lisa aka @ rwarriorgoddess

I think organic farming is the necessity of current time. We slipping more into the hands of junks day by day. In future those rich will have the access to organic foods at premium cost. and there will be farms dedicated for them like we having resorts now. and the poor and middle class people will be forced to eat the junks.

We already have been there for 30 years in the USA! and everywhere I travel around the world I see more &-Elevens, Circle Ks, etc...than real food except for in Asia!

Please look into this introduction to the ketogenic diet

I have been researching and practicing fitness for 14 years. This diet is the only thing that works for all my clients and myself.

cheers to a long and healthy life for you and your family.

Ketogenesis is exactly on e of the roots of imbalance for many people! Shine On @nideo!!! Cheers!!!...:D

I am confused to what you mean.
can you clear up what you mean that ketogenesis is one of the roots of imbalances? from my research, it is a restorer of balance

Immense Gratitude BroStar Gaman!!!..Upvoted and Steem On!!!...<3 <3 <3