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RE: Ode to my friends on steemit! How did I become so attached to everyone??

in #steemit7 years ago

That's quite the collection of Steemians you have there. It's amazing how few of them I've actually ran across until now.

Thank you for the recognition, though I feel like I'm not nearly as deserving as the rest. I kind of show up and leave rather than hanging around chatting for any great length of time.

As for the comics—I'm not writing any right now. Before I started on Steemit, though, I was developing an all girl superhero team called Misses. I hope to get back to it at some point. Problem is, it apparently costs money to get people to draw comic book pages. Whodathought? :)


Well @glenalbrethsen, you do not give yourself enough credit!! Your comments are always so bang on; you get to the heart of the matter right away and always leave such a thought provoking comment, there's really no need for

hanging around chatting for any great length of time.

The "length" of all the chatting on steemit has no bearing on the poignancy and relevance of a comment, and you manage to do both very well. Just leave all the "hanging around" to people like me and @themanwithnoname! He and I can then chat 'crazy talk' while you leave the good stuff haha

A girl superhero team called Misses? Any chance of creating a character for me? I did have a Wonder Woman lunch box that my teenage sons bought for me that I used while I was a teacher, if that sways you at all haha

Well, so how authentic would you want the character to be? (as in how much of you would you like to be a part of the character, including name, backstory, personality, etc.) And do you want abilities? If so, what kind? I have many of the main characters already figured out, but there's literally dozens of others that could use more than a superhero code name. :)

Well I must be able to fly, and I'd like a raven spirit animal...Those are my only real requests ;) But the rest, I'll leave up to you...I'd be curious to see what you would "make" me from the little bits that you know about me.

This is fun!! Thank you @glenalbrethsen ;)

Okay, well, that at least gives me something to go on power-wise. MISSES are all teenage girls between the ages of 16-18 so it will a younger version of you. I'll have to figure out how to incorporate the flying and the raven spirit animal. Each girl's abilities is reflected in their names, which all start with MISS. And the miss part is actually a play on words, too, so that's where the trick of it comes in.

Since it's all the backburner pending what happens here, it could be a while before I come up with something, but I won't let more than a few weeks pass before I figure it out. Maybe sooner. :)