Great news! My first test of delayed voting worked, but I used such a small dollar amount, no reward was paid. I had a second one not far behind and it worked like a charm!
Here is a quick update on A New Curation Paradigm for Steemit post.
About a week ago, I posted on @holger80 Steemrewarding site. This site has a lot of potential and I wanted to share what I'm finding out as things develop.
Firstly, I focused on the delayed voting. Essentially, this tool allows for up-vote functionality after the 7 day curation period. And, from what I can tell, a number of Steemians are interested in this type of service.
@holger80 has always been responsive on his Discord Channel, and explained why I did not see a reward on my first attempt, too small of an amount. My second attempt, a little larger worked. So I'm recommending this service.
Also check out - upvoting of paid-out posts possible and rules table improved for more information on the stet up.
The Steemrewarding site has additional functionality which seems to be working great. I'll post again on more specifics.
Thank you @holger80 for the utilities.
Also, for those of us that appreciate technical support of the community, @holger80 would like your vote for witness.
So, you mean i can upvote my own post after the 7th day and still get the reward? That is so cool, if it works though.
Thanks for dropping by @toyimika. I agree, being able to reward a good post regardless of the initial 7 day period is great. Seems to be a lot of people excited.
As far as up-voting your own post after the 7 day marker, it does seem to work, but is subject to the normal rules. If the reward is under 2 cents, as my first test, there is no payout. Also, I suspect if you've already voted on the post, you may not be able to vote again and might waste a vote. I'm not the expert on this. You may want to reach out to @holger80 with questions. He is very responsive on the Discord Channel.
Also, I'm using the auto-vote which is on the same site. This allows you to get very granular with auto-voting.
Hi @guysellars
Another great choice of topic buddy.
I'm having difficult time grasping idea of delayed voting. Those votes are not having any voting power after payout already happen. Right?
Thx for sharing that link. Will read more about it (as I'm very curious and confused right now)