Hey Taraz, this is my first time stumbling across your page, so I don't fully understand what you mean about "speaking up". I think you painted a pretty good picture though by pointing out the things some people use for "success" here.
I'm new here, and although ive made some very mediocre progress thus far, I also have a dream of living off Steemit. Although I agree with many of your negative points made, I think there's a shimmer of hope for the grand future here if all of us using it now start to band together and continue to use it as it should be used. I know this is a blindly vague and optimistic statement, and no, I don't have any sort of solution to offer, but I believe it is possible and that the only way to achieve it is if we all do our part to stay active here, support the right people and continue to work towards a solution.
So, again, no I don't really have much to contribute. But, I just like to share my viewpoint that it is up to all of us to make this work. I look forward to looking into your page after I stop writing this pointless comment :)
I have hope too but I am not a passive hoper :)
It is up to us and that is what makes it a decentralised community. No one is coming to save us and if someone does come, it isn't t help.