How to end a life

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Sometimes I wonder, "Should I sit back, turn away, be silent?"

I have been pretty outspoken on this platform of late, something that I never intended to be. I think it has cost me heavily and might have cost me my chance at having a 'successful' future at Steemit. I am unsure yet though as it kind of depends which way the pendulum swings. Generally, those that speak out against authority get consumed as the authority nearly always wins.

Every Steem I have on this platform I have earned on my posts or by trading and buying back in to Steem. I haven't earned it on memes, or competitions or shitposts (in my opinion). Nearly everything I have earned is on long-form posts and in the last few months, fiction stories. Even my photos come with way too much text. It has been a lot of work. A lot. I think that most of my content has some level of interest and value for at least some readers here. at least, that is what some of the readers have said.

Now, I wonder if I have killed my chances at that future. Have I stepped out into the path of a fast moving tram? How much damage have I done to my position in the eyes of those who supported me? How heavily am I judged for speaking my mind, talking about my observations and asking questions? No matter how ridiculous my views might be to some people, I don't think it invalidates the queries.

Once upon a time, I had a vision of perhaps living off Steem or at least, supplementing my current income a little. I run a single-person consultancy, it is difficult and the money isn't great. I figured that if I put in the really hard work necessary, I might have a chance. I wonder how much questioning the bidbots have hurt that chance?

I really enjoy writing, much more than I ever thought I would and I could see myself doing more of it, if that is possible. But, that does require support. Starving artist just isn't going to cut it to provide the food and care my daughter needs. So, do I speak my mind and do and say what is consistent with my perspectives or, do I bite my tongue, suck it up and play the game like many others.

Perhaps I should do every second post mentioning how great some whale is and spam my links to wherever and whoever will have them, maybe throw in liberal mentions of the large apps, draw pictures of witnesses. One good thing about Steem price being low? My vote (even with paid delegation) isn't large enough to get spammed links in my DMs by high earning accounts anymore. It is like they look at a voting list to see who they should DM. Knowing this place, that list probably exists.

But, I doubt that is going to help me now either, the damage might be done. At the end of the day, I don't really know who will be left standing and who will be willing to put their support behind me. The thing about having strong community support is that there are people back the outliers but, when it is stake based and the outliers are outspoken against some of the big stakes? Even if there are others that do agree with me, they are not likely to throw their weight behind.

Perhaps my fate is to live in some obscure corner of Steem writing volumes no one will ever read or perhaps it will be that I can get a little of what I have been working so hard for. I don't know. I hope that it is the latter, I hope that my long term view of steem will pay off for all of us but, my fate, like almost everyone else's here, hangs on the community, their decisions and their grace.

Although I am able to be swayed, I haven't found valid arguments to keep the bots as they are. I am sure there are better options to come but waiting for change slows change and not speaking up means to not be heard.

This is a community that first needs to listen to each other, discuss deeply, change appropriately and prove that a decentralized community can function healthily. Then, it should spread like wildfire so fast and with such intensity, the centralized systems cannot stop it, cannot repress it. At that point, it can say it has achieved its aims and the individual members within all played their part voluntarily, and it worked.

[ a Steemit original ]


This is a community that first needs to listen to each other, discuss deeply, change appropriately and prove that a decentralized community can function healthily.

This applies to all of humanity. We are not adjusted to operating in a world without authority dictating everything we do. Therefore, people are falling prey to what they always did.

The first part, "listen to each other" is the starting point....sadly, in this world, there is very little of this.

Over time, things will get better as humanity adjusts to what is possible. The system we all were reared in did a number of all of us.

This applies to all of humanity. We are not adjusted to operating in a world without authority dictating everything we do. Therefore, people are falling prey to what they always did.

This is how you know that the authorities are winning. We are conditioned to do as they have instructed. We can and must do better.

The first part, "listen to each other" is the starting point....sadly, in this world, there is very little of this.

It means hearing what we don't want to hear, it means facing the possibility wewere wrong, taking criticism, forcing us to change. Listening is the most damaging thing one can do to the ego as it risks its destruction.

Over time, things will get better as humanity adjusts to what is possible. The system we all were reared in did a number of all of us.

Yes it has. I would like to at least taste and smell a little of that future. I am unsure if it will arrive in time.

STEEM is an interesting experiment and change for humanity. Those who find their way here are thrust into a place of anarchy. Since there is no high priest or overseer, people are having to deal with things on their own AND collectively. We are in a world without hierarchical rules yet many are looking for it. Even though with a vast amount of SP are calling for other with more SP to "solve" the issues. When that does not happen, they throw a fit just like a toddler in a high chair.

And that is the state of most of humanity...We are like children. So yes, you are spot on with the authorities...the elite...the powers that are....they have full control and most people act like obedient little least until it gets to be too much then we throw a tantrum.

We are conditioned with so much self importance (while also being conditioned to be an obedient slave with low self worth) and grandiosity that we think that what we think actually matters and is correct. So again, the ego is on the line when we listen to others and they tell us we are wrong. That is something we dont want to hear. Hell most of humanity is asleep to what is really taking place. They do not want to believe they are enslaved...that goes against their self importance. Yet, that is exactly what the system is.

There is a lot changing on many different levels. New energy is reaching this planet which is shaking the establishment to its foundation. The last 5+ years witnessed a huge shift in many people. We are seeing a political, economic, and industrial establishment going to great lengths to keep things the same. Their power is threatened. Ironically, they know it yet the masses are mostly unaware of it.

So yes, unless you plan on checking out soon, you will see is happening as we speak and at a pace few could foresee. In the meantime, we are tasked with learning how to play well with each other. Judging by much of what we see on here, we have a long way to go.

Their power is threatened. Ironically, they know it yet the masses are mostly unaware of it.

The masses do not pay attention. That is why they are masses.

In the meantime, we are tasked with learning how to play well with each other. Judging by much of what we see on here, we have a long way to go.

I really am interested where it will all go considering where we are now. For me personally, I am interested at what ill break me ;)

The first part, "listen to each other" is the starting point

That's the point I was going to hit on :) . We no longer communicate in open debate but shout out our opinion and stiffel anything that opposes it.
I enjoy the post from @taraztpk in brings in debate and thought to one's own opinion

I like the way you speak your mind and although several of my opinions are different then yours but that's what I like. What's the use in being surrounded by people who agree with you every time.
Even I like some of the shit posts people post but at the end of the day I need to return to real content. You may have lost a few steem on this platform for being outspoken but you definitely have earned my respect in that sense.I have been following you for a few days now @tarazkp. I have read some of your content and it is interesting and holds my attention.

What's the use in being surrounded by people who agree with you every time.

It feels good. ;) I think many people these days are too emotionally unaware to take criticism. Any negative feedback ends in tears and whining so people surround themselves with those who will only praise them.

You may have lost a few steem on this platform for being outspoken but you definitely have earned my respect in that sense.

Is your couch comfortable? :P

At the end of the day, I will be compelled to do what I think is right. Others might disagree and I will do my best to listen but, they have to argue their case toward healthy progress well. Short-term compromise is fine until it becomes entrenched as culture.

I don't know if it feels good or not but I know for a fact that it feels cloying. :P
Short term compromise is usually tactical or a momentary weakness. Even if it is the latter I don't mind succumbing to it as long as it serves the long term goals. For me the problem comes when these 'compromises' start to get a little too comfortable. What you call 'entrenched in culture' is what I think of as a habit. From experience I can tell that this bad habit is difficult to get rid of, at least for me.
Sooner or later a man has to do what he feels right.

Sooner or later a man has to do what he feels right.

It is a weird forum to stand up in here I think but perhaps one that actually has a chance for change. The traditional methods have all been hijacked and compromised. We have some freedom here and we should exercise it and create a little more for many more to move also.

Now look, you made a killing here in January. Even I earned rewards worth so much in fiat that I would never even dreamed of making so much money just by blogging about whatever the hell I felt like. The best couple of weeks were such that had that level been sustainable, I could've quit my job and become a full-time Steemian.

Since then, everybody's earnings have gone downhill and the first ten days of April have seen near total annihilation of my earnings relative to those in January. That was driven mostly by the price of SBD and STEEM going back to under $2 from the towering hights back then and, in my case, certain manually curating whales shifting their attention to other minnows to support. (Thanks a lot for your generous support! Keep up the good work supporting the minnow population!)

You're earning much less here now but so is everybody else. But your earnings have been quite good despite everything. And you deserve every single cent. 80-90% of the photos you post are of very high quality. You are a model Steemian. You've tackled important issues while churning out content leaps and bounds above anything from anyone I've ever personally interacted with here.

It would be stupid of anyone with high SP who cares at all about their investment to organize a campaign against you, a very constructive high-profile contributor.

Now look, you made a killing here in January.

Indeed, but since I haven't cashed anything out it all depends on Steem future, not past. Yes, if things go very well, I will likely more than survive but I am hoping that I can do more than that and I can help others do more than that also.

The reason my earnings are what they are is because of consistency over the last year. No matter the climate, no matter the price, I have kept working. It has been very difficult at times but, long-term view requires it. The only tie I have slowed is when I was getting support from large accounts relatively regularly. It wasn't out of laziness or complacency, it was because I felt that I shouldn't draw too heavily on the pool.

When Steem was very high, I also posted less as I could self vote a little and cover the delegation costs easily. It meant I could share a great deal more SBD. At that time I was at about 15% selfvote (now 40ish) and was spreading a large amount outward to psts and comments. I have retracted a little now but hope not for long.

Honestly, I am hoping that in the long run, me being outspoken will be viewed as helpful, even if wrong at times. I think the discussions now are the things that are going to mke this platform thrive and if the community is strong and well interconnected, even heavy competition may have little effect. There is a lot of space in this type of platform for many players and steem is a great model. It would be a shame to sell it out short.

You've done well so far and you have created your own voice here - that's very important. You have a brand. Maybe you won't get to be among the highest earners on Steemit, but you can still be a good earner and write whatever you feel like. As for living off the earnings, I think that depends mostly on the crypto markets - I don't know if you'll ever get enough to buy a Lamborghini, but at some point we might get to the point where Steem will be high enough to cover everyday expenses.

Steem will be high enough to cover everyday expenses.

I would be happy with half of everyday expenses. Lamborghinis are for children ;)

I discussed a similar issue with someone a week ago and she replied that the end shall tell. You've spoken your mind and you've fought your case, we don't know who will win at the end of the day. But one fact about life is that, being the winning side doesn't always mean they were right. Like you said, no one knows what fate awaits you, we only hope the gods of Steemit will be on the side of the community, else the wolves will celebrate their triumph over the sheep.

I have been your follower from the first week I came up to Steemit. You've made many points, some I might not agree with, but on the issue of community vs bots, I think you have been fighting on the right side.

You've made many points, some I might not agree with, but on the issue of community vs bots, I think you have been fighting on the right side.

I think it will be the losing side but, I also think that there might be enough strength left to force some changes, more transparency, wider distribution, manual checks, quality development incentives etc. I don't see them leaving the space but maybe a change will be enough for now.

I think it will be the losing side.

Losing does not translate to wrong side though no one really would love to be a martyr.

I also think that there might be enough strength left to force some changes,

It is already getting some good responds from all side. Even those supporting have accepted that lots of changes will be needed to pull us out of disaster or just to push it a bit further.

I don't see them leaving the space but maybe a change will be enough for now.

We didn't expect Utopia. Things can be perfect. We all have our part in the imperfection of the, I have mine too.

I cannot support you with more than 100%, so I did just that to let you know I support you and will do so in the future. I like the way you write very much, you always write something to think about and although I don't fully understand all this stuff about bit-bots (I never used a bot), I understand enough to stand by your side.
So I hope you continue to do what you do and I hope that your views will receive a lot of support from the community instead of your fear that you will have to live in an obscure corner of Steemit.
I wish you all the luck in the world.

Thank you. It really does mean a lot @clio.

I also moved a witness vote over to the blockbrothers last night and hope they are community focused too :)

I use their app Steemify every day and I know they are working on more applications for the Steem blockchain. Of course, I am a bit biased because I am exyIe's mother but he is so dedicated, almost too, if you ask me. He is a great supporter of the Steem project and will do nothing that will harm it in any way.Yes, they are. I know all four blockbrothers very well. My son @exyle of course, but I also know his three friends since they were children. They are dedicated men and very community focused.

Fuck money, fuck people, fuck society, fuck humanity!
What else can I say?

PS! This post felt... pure? Man, I don't know how to express myself anymore.

:) I think that expressed it well enough.

I suspect we are all getting about 1/10 of the payouts we were three months ago, and that is probably more about bidbots than you having become a donald chump supporter!

Go hard man, bots don't read anyway...

I suspect we are all getting about 1/10 of the payouts we were three months ago, and that is probably more about bidbots than you having become a donald chump supporter!

lol. They lock up a massive amount of the pool.

Btw, is it just me or is that cat awesome?

Yes there is so much room for improvement here on that platform and I will take my luck on @onosocial because I can't stand that masculism of steemit anymore. And yes, Steemit is quite disillusioning, but compared to science where you won't be read at all, here you have two or three people that are incentivized enough to read at least a few lines of one's post.

Hey Taraz, this is my first time stumbling across your page, so I don't fully understand what you mean about "speaking up". I think you painted a pretty good picture though by pointing out the things some people use for "success" here.

I'm new here, and although ive made some very mediocre progress thus far, I also have a dream of living off Steemit. Although I agree with many of your negative points made, I think there's a shimmer of hope for the grand future here if all of us using it now start to band together and continue to use it as it should be used. I know this is a blindly vague and optimistic statement, and no, I don't have any sort of solution to offer, but I believe it is possible and that the only way to achieve it is if we all do our part to stay active here, support the right people and continue to work towards a solution.

So, again, no I don't really have much to contribute. But, I just like to share my viewpoint that it is up to all of us to make this work. I look forward to looking into your page after I stop writing this pointless comment :)

I think there's a shimmer of hope for the grand future here if all of us using it now start to band together and continue to use it as it should be used.

I have hope too but I am not a passive hoper :)

But, I just like to share my viewpoint that it is up to all of us to make this work.

It is up to us and that is what makes it a decentralised community. No one is coming to save us and if someone does come, it isn't t help.

Hi Taraz. If you wrote crap I wouldn't follow you. I like your posts and enjoy your humour. I have one author I read because I enjoy his humour also Nelson De Mille. I am fussy and fickle but do enjoy reading what you write.
You wrote about your concerns and it was needed. I have written a few comments on other posts and deleted them. They were political. One was on Winnie Mandela saying she was an angel. We all know the truth and she was the definitely no angel. Should I have left it and got flagged or started something . I am too small to do that right now but will when I have the chance when I have more clout.

I can't comment on Winnie (other than the Pooh which my daughter loves) but I think in time there will either be a space for real discourse here or, it will devolve like the other platforms. I am hoping that more real discussions are possible without threat of flag for differing opinions (except on payouts ;) )


should read 'Munny'

Be boring if everyone agreed. Hopefully it does develop into something that we can all participate in properly and have different opinions. I am not a brown noser and think for myself. No amount of money will change that.


I have been in the minority many times . too many to count . luckily I have been right with my stance . I have been hated for having taken the stance . when I say hated that would be an understatement . On the bright side I have always been respected . Even by enemies who have shaken my hand after the drama has ended . It has cost me in different areas that I have gladly accepted .
There are people out there would tell you that they don't like me , but you will be hard to find anyone who I do not have their respect .
I personnel would rather be respected than liked . It is a choice that we all make at some point or another .
What is the character of a man ?

What is the character of a man ?

The mask that he wears publicly or the one that looks back from the mirror as he shaves?

The one that looks back from the mirror . you can't BS or hide from that just look away . the mask just hides the villain until he is revealed then we all see how pathetic he really is.

@tarazkp, It is true that you will get criticisms from some bloggers who find your comments on the platform to be deliberately targeted at their own interests. It is also possible that there might be a backlash from those who feel injured by your attempts at drawing attention to issues on the platform. It is expected because most humans do not like to be told that they are wrong. They mostly interprete it to mean that they are dumb or clueless.

As to your support, except you have changed your theme, your focus, your opinions over time, I doubt if any would be leaving you. I know I won't because I enjoy your posts. I enjoy the way you present your ideas and how you find ways to put complex issues across in a simple manner. Whatever support you have comes mostly from the content you create, I believe, not from your friendly disposition or your handsomeness. This means that as long as you are doing what you are doing, you will not lack support.

Despite the way things may look or seem, there are people who value your opinions, who see eye to eye with you, who do not agree with you but love how you write. These people will support you. They might not be much but they are there.

You have played a definite role in my progress here on steemit, your support has been one of the best things here on steemit. I don't know any whale. I have not had any interaction with one but I know you and because of you I have learnt to count the pennies instead of pursuing the pounds. I know it is slow going, but I am happy at the support I have now.

Do not give any part of yourself away and if you are forced to do so, do not give it cheaply. Make sure they bleed for it. Always be yourself, deliver your content, do your best and leave the rest. Do have a splendid night.

Whatever support you have comes mostly from the content you create, I believe, not from your friendly disposition or your handsomeness.

The twist of the knife...

I do understand I have support here but I would never want someone supporting me to come under fire either or lose any of their potential. I would rather stop posting all together than risk other's future.

Perhaps I should do every second post mentioning how great some whale is and spam my links to wherever and whoever will have them

I might have to stop watching you then XD

Obscure corners are probably better anyway, it's where all the fun is at and where all the work gets done.


it's where all the fun is at and where all the work gets done.

One of those things happens there ;)

"I speak my mind and do and say what is consistent with my perspectives or, do I bite my tongue, suck it up and play the game like many others."

I spent the first 40 years of my life doing the above quote from your post as in biting my tongue. I don't anymore and I can sleep better at night. The truth is, I like you better just the way you are (even if I don't always agree).

biting the tongue is painful for a reason perhaps and might lead to grinding of the jaw which can cause headaches. Speaking the mind should really be done more often for health reasons. Peace of mind is definitely worth it.

You know that you have my support! Okay it is only a small push in the back but it is support. The more I grow the more support I can give!
I'm curious about 2 things:

  • what consultancy are you offering?
  • I have been following you for some time and I do wonder what damage you could have done to your account!
    I appreciate that you are writing about different things and most of all that you are genuine!
    Keep it going!
  • Personnel skills and organisational communication development for improved performance and well-being

  • I don't know but I am happy with my results for the community as a whole so it is what it is.

Sounds interesting. I'm a information analyst standing at a crossing in my carreer. Want to get more into real consultancy, advising companies how and if they can profit from new technologies.
That's why I'm interested in the blockchain and stumbled on Steem!

Well, I don't want to sound like I'm sucking up or whatever, but let me just say you have inspired me. Like a lot. Both your writing and your photography, your style of writing has prompted me to be somewhat more direct with my posts, which I've always seen as a good thing and I've taken up photography, mostly do to your photos.
I know that doesn't help much, but..
As for Steemit and living off it, I'd say don't lose hope, my friend. The markets are tricky and they flow, first one way and then the other. I think there's still time to get to that point where you can live off the work you've put into this platform :)

as they say, flattery will get you everywhere. :)

I am glad that it has had an effect on you and I hope that my demise will teach you a lot :D

No, there really is a lot of hope left here and the markets will swing upward for a few more years overall. I really hope that the community will pull together more though and realise the potential it holds.

Well, I plan on learning more from your being alive :P

It is difficult for someone with your obvious moral scruples to win in a game which is weighed in favour of bad actors. We can only hope that enough bidbot supporters will realise that their behaviour is counter-productive to the health of the platform and the bidbot frenzy will eventually abate.

I think the bots will win but, I am hoping in a changed form and a form that requires and incentivizes more human interactions. I don't know what that will look like yet but, there is a lot of room for trial and error still while the place is forming.

Perhaps I should do every second post mentioning how great some whale is and spam my links to wherever and whoever will have them, maybe throw in liberal mentions of the large apps, draw pictures of witnesses. One good thing about Steem price being low? My vote (even with paid delegation) isn't large enough to get spammed links in my DMs by high earning accounts anymore. It is like they look at a voting list to see who they should DM. Knowing this place, that list probably exists.

That's how I knew I was finally making it!

The future is a dark entity where nothing can be predicted. Steemit is a good place for everyone. Some come here for meme, money and others for the discussion.

You will find your leader the way you want it..

But doing one thing (memes) or another thing (long form content) doesn't and shouldn't ensure the pay, support or growth.

It all depends - on who find you, trusts and supports you.

I wish you all the health and wealth...take care.

Thank you. you give me more power.

after I read your writing I am amazed at what you say here makes me inspired, maybe we need hard work and high spirits to achieve one success, I am still new in the world of steemit and I am still very layman to write, I support you and I like what you share here, thanks mr @tarazkp has shared the story, I hope you are always healthy.

... you feel you have lost some big upvoters because of your stance?

On the upside, this big player is on your side! lol

...have you noticed this happening to you...?

To some degree yes. The are still following me apparently and I do understand their position at the moment. I also think that it could be because there are a lot of things going on behind the scenes (I feel) that is taking attention. Don't know.

And yes, my feed has reduced as has the quality of some authors dramatically. When people who used to write well are only posting challenges, it speaks to their motivations.

....since I have dropped my political/economic/philosophical pieces (only a few days of course), and reverted back to my original position (_still _some of that stuff I just mentioned- but more my life story and musings..)

My up votes have shot up. (I'm nearly at 3 dollars a day now! lol)

...maybe a lesson here.

'Stop screaming at the universe, and insisting on telling it want you want it to hear, and just listen....'

A level of happiness has also returned.
(It's very draining living in the political shite all the time!)

It will be very interesting to see the 'fair weather friends' return when the price of steemit goes up..

My support will be firmly behind those like you and others, who stuck it out, and kept writing..

If I wanted fairweather friends, I could go to the pub!

If I wanted fairweather friends, I could go to the pub!

ah.. .one day :)

I think you're doing great and getting some haters while speaking your mind means you are going the right way. About the future of steemit the platform will evolve and the bidbot period will end. Just have to wait out the storm.

I say speak your mind and post what you feel.
I believe in the long run you would regret not being true to yourself and your aspirations.
Consider yourself lucky, at least you are established on this platform. Most my posts don't even get views. I guess I am either not insightful enough or my followers are all expecting me to post about marijuana. It so happen four20 is my birthday. I have knowledge of the other but there are others who have much more important information to share.
I am guilty of earning steem with contest and games and I am not going to feel bad about it because I don't.
I don't really understand the bot upvoter thing and when I have some free time I will research it.

Once again I've gotten caught up spending ages reading your post and all the comments! I like all the debate you spark off. It rarely seems to get nasty though and you aren't being flagged by bot owners, so I'm guessing it's not really that that's reducing your rewards. I've noticed a lot of people are getting way less rewards of late. Your average upvotes haven't really changed either. In fact your posts about the bidbot issues seem to get more upvotes if anything. Perhaps the reward pool is really declining and it's probably for multiple reasons.

Steemit really is an interesting social experiment and a reflection of reality in so many ways. I often wonder if Ned refuses to intervene purely to watch how this experiment pans out. Could we ever be truly self governing?

In fact your posts about the bidbot issues seem to get more upvotes if anything. Perhaps the reward pool is really declining and it's probably for multiple reasons.

I think there is a swell starting. I hope. And yes, there are multiple reasons. I think the main is that the bidbots are using previously inactive SP to lock up the pool. Lots more users coming in but, they are on the public side of the fence unless they use the bots. the draw is massive. abh12345 said it is the equivalent of 5 million in vests voting every 5 minutes or something like that. That is enormous.

Could we ever be truly self governing?

Give me the dictatorship and I will force people to self-govern. ;)

Yeah, I think we could at least to some degree but I also think that it would look much like an ad hoc goverment anyway. It would still be better than the crap the real world offers.

the draw is massive. abh12345 said it is the equivalent of 5 million in vests voting every 5 minutes or something like that. That is enormous.

It is and I can't help thinking it's much more massive than the drain from the pool than the handful of "reward pool rapists" being targeted at the moment. A drive being pushed by one of the bot owners no less. Distraction techniques maybe?

areal good post showing the your deeper thoughts about stem and how you see the platform...

Do you know these people
who just try to ignore talking to other people
and just keep distance so no awkward situations happen.

Hello i am "you don't need my name" and i am that person

you have a great skill of writing. i didn't know all this. thanks for sharing it. it helped me increase my knowledge.Please keep writing blogs so that we know better.And i am following you upvoting you, because i loved your writing

Most of my steem was earned by being a low-paid laborer and converting my suffering into steem at prices higher than the prevailing rate. I can't say I'm too sympathetic to the fear of not being able to live off of steem earnings, but I can say that if you release yourself from that sort of thought, you can say whatever you want here.

I don't really know shit about anything in life, but some things I believe are: trying to get everybody to like you is a losing battle, you're better off catering to your base(even if it's a minority of mutants), money can't prevent you from eventually dying(so making yourself unhappy to get is probably isn't worth it), and success taken to extremes can prevent you from having a ripping good time.

I don't even know who you are or why you wrote this post, but I upvoted it and commented because one of your supporters(acidyo) resteemed this into my feed. That you can find support and an audience due to you speaking your mind should account for something, shouldn't it?

Also, take a look at berniesanders. That guy comes off as a total flailing asshole, but I'll still support his cause when I don't think he's going over the line because I respect him putting himself out there. Although, in his case I'm not sure there was ever a choice whether to get involved or not. Some people just have to be themselves.

And by the way, I fucking hate bots. I don't use bots or self-vote. I feel like a scum bag for loaning steempower through minnowbooster, but I at least try to pick the least spammiest borrowers I can find. I do it because of the aforementioned fiat losses. That's where my line is. Yes, hypocritical, but how much are your losses?

Anyway, I think you need to release yourself from the attachment to expected future gains. It seems to be causing you pain. Expect nothing, and you have everything to gain.

I strongly believe that freedom of speech is essential for every community and the same applies to steemit. People should know that they can speak up without being punished for that.