What's up with all the STEEM/SBD transfers to Dan, Ned, Berniesanders and all the other whales?! - JUST STOP IT! It's embarrassing

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Listen up steemers.. What is wrong with you people?!

I don't know why or how I found out about this.. I just did.. And it's insane..

Look.. Here's the thing..

I understand your situation.. And I can relate to your feelings.. In some ways. I even feel your pain and I understand that you're a greedy arse. I'm sorry for you.

I know you want a big fat piece of all the insane earnings that is going on.. but..

Don't Waste your time, energy and MONEY doing things this way.

(Also, there's hundreds of these.. I just took the first I found.)

Do you think @dantheman, @ned or @berniesanders or any of the other whales will upvote your content because of your "bribes"??

Oh, Wait! - That's not actually a bribe. It's just a crappy payment!

People are literally sending 0,001 SBD or Steem asking stupid shit like:

  • "Hey Dan. Could you please upvote my content?"
  • "Hi Ned. I made a good post. Take a look and upvote. Thank you".


That said..

I do understand why some people are doing things like this:

These people are having problems with their accounts or are trying to reach out to Ned or Dan due to errors and things that needs to be fixed. And I get these people. I understand that THEY are doing something like this.

And for all the people doing this while they're calling steemit a LOTTERY..

Stop trying to manipulate the system! -Would you do that with a lottery ticket too?!

Then your ass would end up in jail!

If the Whales Upvote your content, they do it because they want to..

And if that happens. You've won the lottery!

This is a wake-up call!

The question is not what steemit can do for you...
The question is what YOU can do for steemit.

Take a look at this and see what I'm trying to do for steemit.
Steemit: I will tell 500,000 people about you!! - And This WILL Make Us Go BIG!


I didn't even notice these transfers! I doubt Ned did. We don't check our accounts every day.

Thanks a lot for this reply @dantheman, I feel like a little kid on christmas eve! I do appreciate everything you all are doing here and I totally understand that you haven't seen this. Your accounts have "a bit" of activity so it's okay :)

Well, I knew there was a low change you might notice them but I though it was worth a shot to go the extra mile given the importance of the message. I'm sorry if it was too much...
in case you want to check out the article about the typos on the steem.io website: https://steem.ly/T

@anduweb, you have nothing to apologize for! I even said so in my post. I DO understand why SOME people are doing this. People with problems, people who's trying to solve problems and all that. That's LEGIT and I understand the reason you do it.. That's totally fine!

What I DON'T like, is the people trying to do the SAME THING, but ONLY to get easy upvotes.

No harm done anduweb. Keep it up! :)

I was just typing a reply for you man :)
I know it was uncommon to do that, but I thank you for seeing the bigger picture about it.

At least I sent a full SBD to them, LOL.

I really think you did something great. You found a way and tried it. That's awesome! - The sad part is that beggars are doing the same thing too.. :/

If anyone sends me 1 SBD with a link to their post I will check it out, no guarantees of upvotes however!

Haha, that's awesome :D

I sent one to dan and ned about the sign up problems for Chinese, i don't think they noticed it.

Any other ways to reach them?

Is this really happening? Wow.

This is like the Steemit version of random people donating to the Tom Cruise fan club. He doesn't need the cash, folks. Neither do @dantheman or @berniesanders .

But everyone has their right, if that's what makes them happy...


Yeah.. Things like this happened. And things like this happens on a regular basis too. It's nuts.

It's the wild west in here right now. Still early days. I bet things stabilise in the coming months.

Yeah, I think it will, but just to see something like this. It's unethical. It's .. I don't know.. It's just crazy.

It is very crasy to see indeed. But then again this applies to SO MUCH THINGS I see on a daily base. classic case of #humanity

Classic case of stupidity imho.

yes, that too

Lol I don't understand it. Clearly they should be sending money to me instead:)

We'll need to split it on three then. You, me and @williambanks :)

@hitmeasap I agree that sending to whales is bad. But let me just jump in here and say that anyone who wants to send a payment to me will TOTALLY get my vote. No problems there! :) Just send to @williambanks and I will upvote you! I have no problems with being bribed.

Yeah I hear you.. I wouldn't mind getting $0,001 from every member on steemit, on a regular basis.. But what these people are doing now.. That's just unethical.

Hey man in some ways you have to respect their little micro hustle. LoL.....not really. Hey I was wondering if you thought it was confusing that there are these crypto forks like the two versions of Etherium now listed on exchanges? I just made a post about this. Please consider upvoting me. I just upvoted you! https://steemit.com/steem/@brianphobos/linux-distributions-aren-t-confusing-but-crypto-forks-are-why-is-that

Thank you, I appreciate it. Have an upvote!

@hitmeasap Who the hell is asmolokalo and why is downvoting you like a stalker? You and cryptocurrency1

I don't know. He's upvoted 2 of my posts and this is the first time he downvoted anything, so I guess he wasn't pleased with our replies or something. :)

True :) I wasn't pleased with reply. And made flag. So that you don't need to read bull :)
But since I'm kinda alone in this one.. I can't really decide what's bull or not since only I gave flag...
Would need to wait couple of hours to get better judgment , but because most likely many people will not see this. Im removing flags.

Can't you reveal flaged posts to see?

Am I flaging people or just comment ?.. Wasn't my intention to flag someone as person here just the comment I didn't like.

And am certainly not abusing system...

My philosofy is also to reward all comments being in my blog..or?
Sorry all. will need to look it all over again "voting-downvoting-flaging system" I guess.

Think I'm going to build a bot to keep track of people who flag without reason and then go in all their threads with a post of all the conversations they flagged without good cause. No use for people to give these jackasses anymore steam power than they already have if they're just going to abuse the system like that.

Reached comment depth limit here...
@asmolokalo Thanks for explaining the logic. I'm removing my post from your threads. In the future you should reserve flags for a way of reporting abusive comments, spam and the like. If you disagree that's fine, just say I disagree and perhaps explain why.



 8 years ago  Reveal Comment

If it was dan, neds or berniesanders bots.. Why on earth would they send $0,001 to themselves with a url to a post? ... It's not like they need it.

@williambanks for president!! LoL Your honesty is refreshing!

I would probably give him a vote too! :D

I can vouch for @williambanks, he is the real thing. Not only does he provide excellent service for the community as they recover from bribing whales addiction, but he also has a 100% Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee: if at any point he is not 100% satisfied with your money, he will promptly return it.

Lol, thanks I needed that laugh. Here have an upvote!

Don't worry I caught the whales red handed.

WTS Upvotes 1 SBD each......?

I'll give you $0,001. ;)

How about 1 Bitcoin for a years worth of upvotes? Starting now!

Sounds awesome. Your other 2 accounts are berniesanders and ned right? ;) - I'll give you 10 BTC for a year if that's the case :D

Some people have no fucking shame...

That is true!

Loved this post, the topic and writing style. Really cracked me up!
I've noticed issues like that long time ago and it's kinda funny seeing people actually HOPE those payments would do anything or nothing at all.

Thank you very much @jasonmcz, I appreciate it a lot! :)

Have an upvote!

I am not really surprised to see this happening, but I do hope it will eventually slow down as it is utterly pointless. If you genuinely want attention from a whale you should rather dedicate your efforts to consistently produce quality content and actually write about what truly interests you. This is begging for upvotes, rather than earning them.

Well said. I couldn't agree with you more!

Have an upvote!

Great post! :D

Thank you I appreciate it.

Haha. Don't worry, it's going to call it's friends and they'll all come and talk to you :) And when they do, you'll be overwhelmed. Be ready ;)

Yeah I hope so, that would be awesome! :D

funny thing is there is no way to privet connect with people here, those are pm's but open to everyone.
but yeah, that is not the way to get recognition.

Well.. They did get exposure.. By me. :P

Yeah but obviously the whales don't recognize them.

The memo attachment to payments is equivalent to a system that implements a digital stamp cost for email to reduce spam. It wasn't meant to be a way of sending messages but there it is.

You know that's the best explanation I've heard and it makes perfect sense. Thanks!

Lol, does this ever work ?
I don't get why some people resort to this .. curating and commenting is not exactly hard, the key is to have something meaningful to add to the conversation (and a bit of luck I guess)

Keep up the good work @hitmeasap !

Thank you @ydm6669, I appreciate it! :)

And yeah, well.. Hard to tell.. It probably never worked on steemit and hopefully never will.. Especially when the whales doesn't even see these tranfers :D

LOL !!! I feel tried !!!

Trying to buy upvotes, silly beggers.
On the other hand, those who asks for help are legit, but not who does it only for money.

Yeah, and that's my point. I can understand why people are doing this when they're facing problems and all that.. But just to beg for an upvote .. That's .. horrible.

New way of begging i say .
Btw do visit my blog in return thanks !

Thanks for letting us know :)

Nice catch !

Thank you!

It's called the minnow hustle

Enlightening. This post has to go viral

Yeah, let's hope it does! :)

Maybe they are hoping the whale will use that same Steem money to send a response back.

Or... perhaps they expect a ticket like this one :D

That is crazy it is the first time i have seen that. I did see a post a few days ago about using the transaction message system as a way to advertise, but not on this scale. The life of a whale must get a tad daunting at times.

It was the first time I saw it too.. And when I did, I just got that weird feeling.. So I "looked it up". Took me less than 10 minutes to find this, and there's probably like a billion other transfers with the same type of messages too..

So not only will the whales get fatter from massive curation reward payouts, but if they are active and known well they will also benefit from receiving transactions from users trying to get noticed and requiring any type of help. That just wants me to become a whale even more. Even though like @dantheman stated he doesn't really notice it, i think in time when the steemit user base increases and the amount of these so called transactions increase, it could actually become very profitable for the whales. The whales need secretaries. However i think in time if the word spreads that this type of transaction manipulation isn't yielding results, then it will eventually die out.

Hopefully we'll be king of whales! :D

Hahah loved your post, really witty, funny and so true! I think people are blinded by the money and trying anything and everything to get the money, rather than concentrate on a good content and provide something that will improve steemit. I didn't know people send pennies to the whales, like wft! :D Keep the good work! Alla x

Thank you very much, I appreciate your kind words. And yeah.. It's actually a bit crazy.. I mean, sure, I can understand that they do try this.. They're in this for the money and I guess they'll do whatever they can to make it..

However, a MUCH better approach would be by doing what you've stated.. Provide quality content. Heck, provide ANY kind of content and just hope that SOMEONE will like it.. You've never been paid for any posts on Facebook so why is this so different?! - Can't people just SHARE because they CARE? (Care about OTHER THINGS than money that is.)

yeah i agree, well I think eventually it will happen that you will be able to tell the posts that are just not from your heart and original and others that are.