
I don't know. He's upvoted 2 of my posts and this is the first time he downvoted anything, so I guess he wasn't pleased with our replies or something. :)

True :) I wasn't pleased with reply. And made flag. So that you don't need to read bull :)
But since I'm kinda alone in this one.. I can't really decide what's bull or not since only I gave flag...
Would need to wait couple of hours to get better judgment , but because most likely many people will not see this. Im removing flags.

Can't you reveal flaged posts to see?

Am I flaging people or just comment ?.. Wasn't my intention to flag someone as person here just the comment I didn't like.

And am certainly not abusing system...

My philosofy is also to reward all comments being in my blog..or?
Sorry all. will need to look it all over again "voting-downvoting-flaging system" I guess.

Think I'm going to build a bot to keep track of people who flag without reason and then go in all their threads with a post of all the conversations they flagged without good cause. No use for people to give these jackasses anymore steam power than they already have if they're just going to abuse the system like that.

Reached comment depth limit here...
@asmolokalo Thanks for explaining the logic. I'm removing my post from your threads. In the future you should reserve flags for a way of reporting abusive comments, spam and the like. If you disagree that's fine, just say I disagree and perhaps explain why.

