The Business of Steemit

in #steemit7 years ago

With the rise in the price of Steem I see many people claim that they want to be “pro”, “make it my job” , “it’s a business to me” and many more in the same vain. But, what does it mean to have Steemit your business? Here are few thoughts from someone that actually runs a business for the last 15 years.


First and foremost, if you want to have Steemit as your business , you have to treat it as a business. Not as a hobby, not as a sidekick, but as a serious and legitimate business, which could be and it is for many people. There are many things you have to know, many things you have to take care of. And when you put the effort, rewards will come.


You don’t go to your business whenever you want. You have it open every day. Same is your Steemit blog. You have to post on a regular basis and never miss a day. Whether it’s actually every day , 5 days a week , once a week , you have to stick to the schedule. This way you educate your audience to expect content from you and they are happy when you deliver. But not only that, you have to be overly active in the platform. Answer all your comments, comment on other people’s posts and upvote. Participating in Steemit has to be part of your daily routine. Sometimes, you may not feel like it. But, this is what separates men from boys, amateurs from professionals. Pros, just show up. They show up whether they like it or not, they show when they’re bored, tired, unmotivated. Some of the things we do may become mundane, repeated. And yet, these are the actions that bring us the greatest results in the long run.


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Your product is your posts and they have to be great. It could be text , photos , videos and whatever it is, it has to great and attention catching. Just like the products of any business. If you sell crappy products, you will be out of business fast. If you just copy/paste a video from Youtube and write a sentence, guess how many upvotes you will receive. Yes, none. And don’t whine “that steemit thing doesn’t work” . It’s not Steemit that doesn’t work it’s you that don’t work. And some of you maybe new or inexperienced or blog for the very first time. It’s all right. Everybody has to start from somewhere. Accept the fact that your first attempts will suck and obsess to improve. Improve your writing, your video technique your post formatting. If you become better day by day people will notice and reward you for your effort. And ask. If you don’t know something, don’t be afraid to ask. Somebody will answer you, some will guide you, somebody will help. You won’t get any help if you don’t ask for it. Let me reassure you that people help more than you may expect. I have received help from places I couldn’t even imagine, I am grateful for that and in my turn, I help whoever I can, whenever I can.


In Steemit, just like in any other business you won’t show up and suddenly the money will pour. You will have to wait for your business to mature and be known to the world. You may have seen posts earning hundreds of dollars. These are from seasoned veterans with huge audience. Your posts won’t be like that. Even if you are lucky to get a couple of whale votes, your posts for the most part, will earn next to nothing in the beginning. You have to be patient, build an audience , build an interesting blog and then you will start to see rewards. It may take few months, even a whole year or more. It depends on your skills and effort. But, it takes time, there’s no way around that. Once, a famous comedian said that it takes twenty years to become an overnight success. These high earners, have produced countless hours of videos, have written tenths of thousands of words, to earn what they earn. They have put the time and effort, they were patient and now they reap the benefits that they deserve.

Your life is the product of your moment-to-moment choices Daren Hardy.png
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Know your numbers

My last point is the most “businessy” point. But, I think it’s the most important and this is why I put it last. You don’t have a business if you don’t know your numbers. Your metrics are the compass that will safely guide you to your goals. Keep track of everything you do. How much you earn by each post , how much you earn each day , how many views you have , comments , followers. The more data you have the more educated decisions you can make. You will know your averages, your best performers, your mistakes. Knowing your numbers will help you make projections to the future or try different scenarios on different situations. You will know when it is time to reinvest , when it is time to take profit, what is the balance between increasing your Steem Power and make a monthly payout. These are equally important variables. Your Steem Power has to increase over time and you have to pay yourself for the work you do. You’re a pro after all. Keeping track of your posts and rewards will help determine that balance and adjust it if the actual results are better or worse. In business you want some things to be predictable and cash flow is one of them.

Have fun

Ok, I said the previous would be last point, but I don’t want to leave you on a serious note. And this is because I believe that business is fun and Steemit could be the most fun of businesses. In the end, you blog about what you like and interact with other people and you get paid for doing that. What can be more fun than that? Yes, I wrote that you have to be serious and obsess, but don’t be too serious or too obsessed. Have fun, be playful , try new things , experiment. Some might work, some might not. It’s all right, as we say in NLP “No failure, only feedback”. Do it again and you might hit a jackpot. And don’t forget we’re dealing with people and people like a surprise here and there, a good laugh now and then. Spreadsheets are good but smiles are even better so let’s make Steemit our business and have all the fun we can during the process.

Enjoy and Steem On !!!

And until we all have fun businesses,
Be healthy , smile and Steem !

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Excellent summary of what it takes.

Whiners please choose another platform on which to whine now that you know.

I am so sick of all the complaints that great content is not getting rewarded. And of the vote begging, and the sycophantic bullshit.

Great content is only a fraction of the effort that is needed, as you have so succinctly pointed out.

Nobody said that Steemit is 100% just. And neither is life.
There are so many moving parts.
Do you think your work is done when you hit the publish button ?
Think that again. It only has started. :)

I guess if it was easy everybody would be doing it. Therein lies the opportunity

Spot on . As in everything else in life . :)

How do you get @friend5 to give such a nice comment upvote?

Hard work, perseverance, brains, good looks and luck.


Why? Are you are a pretty boy? If not, I should downvote you for comment spam.

Am sorry for what i did.

Accept my apology.

The mysteries of steemit are endless. Thanks for your nice upvote too!

If only I had good looks and a pair of big boobs :(

fitinfun You can do it if I did! sharon before and after.jpg

You didnt have to cut your dick to achieve those results :P

Well, I never had that, but the men I have worked with got to keep their equipment when they lost weight! There might even be some benefits in this area if you do get healthy.

I use to be like that before but all that has changed on looking at steemit in a whole new perspective of creating value for others rather than waiting for others to create value for me.@onceuponatime, I guess the reason why most people keep whining is because of the high promise of getting rewarded as soon as they come into the community not thinking for once that they will have to put in some work.

Spend time, I don't think that steemit needs more time than any other social media. If you love what you do and don't make it just to make money (If you want to make money work, work and work) you will not spend much time.
Some words about numbers.
Numbers are everywhere. We are part of them. We live with them. We live FOR them. My moto in my work is "count 10, act 1" and this is what I believe we must do in our life.
Those of course are my opinions and nothing more.My friend @iliasdiamantis. I think Steemit must not be like business, but one platform witch gives you the opportunity to communicate with others and show your work. Show your work like you (me, everyone) did in every social media platforms, but with vote system witch will pay you. No matter how much money you will earn. We must not forget that (one of the biggest platforms) Facebook added in our lives the "Like" and what we earn from it? Nothing but only one thumb-up and if more whiners than in real life.

We (every people) must first of all make a simple question to our selves. do I deserve those gifts ?
We always start the whining because other people don't vote us, don't give us $$ but no one thinks how did this people made it and he is in this position to give us this vote.
Personally I am happy when I see my posts claim votes (I am not liar, I entered the steemit to help Greek-trail and why not win some money) but I will never be mad if I see other's people have greater votes than me. And of course I will never start yelling if a new member makes a mistake but I will try to help him not to make it once again. I am sick too and really don't want people like them too.Dear @onceuponatime If someone gives you the chance to win money, you will make the worst moves just to win more and more. If someone gives you a portion of money and then they gives you less, you will automatically bite them because they didn't gave you what they did before. If someone stop what he did, then you will find your self in whiner's possision just because they didn't gave you what they did before.

Dear @trumpman what you said (Its is not full time job) is 100% correct. No matter how $$ you earn, you must not forget that you (everyone, I am in too) are part of a trail, part of a group, part of friends. There are NO customers, there is no job. Even if we earn money it is NOT job. We help other members like they help us before of will help us in the future.

Last but not least
We must not forget we are humans. Thank you for your time.
Odysseas Tsouvalas

:)thanks @otsouvalas for your comment. you gave me a great pass for another post next week.

I am Happy for that. :)

Personally I think steemit should never be considered a bussiness even if you run it like one. It should be considered as a means of making some extra money even if you reach the point of making serious $$.


And to add something more I think for certain professions and bussinesses steemit is the best place to have a secondary income and expand your already established bussiness and bring new leads e.g if you are a travel agent, a painter a singer or dunno even a pasteurmaker or something.

Steemit is a multi-faceted tool which can be used to accomplish many objectives. It is the Swiss Army knife of the crypto world.

Steemit is a multi-faceted tool which can be used to accomplish many objectives. It is the Swiss Army knife of the crypto world.

This should be used as steemit moto :)

Thank you for your input. It's great to have different perspectives because this way we have choices. And I am all about having as many choices as possible.

Steemit can be a valuable asset to a pro blogger's portfolio.

Well I know there are many good arguments like the ones presented in this post. It's just my personal stance, which as of the moment hasn't failed me since I always made way way more money online than from "regular" irl jobs. Maybe I am biased cause most people I know who treat making money online seriously like a bussiness failed :)

This write-up is really insightful as well as educative, it gives a summary of what I always tell newbies who I help get on the steemit platform.Hello @iliasdiamantis

Can I Aldo add that

Research in addition to your consistency will help you succeed on steemit

I have found out that the above is practically true as you cannot succeed on the steemit platform if you do not research consistently to know more.

Thank you once more for sharing, I am definitely resteeming this.
Keep steeming

You are absolutely right. You have to know the rules and play by the rules. Steem on !!! :)

Great article resteemed

thank you . :)

Nail on the Steemit head! You want something? You are gonna work for it, also the not so cool sides of it all. Great article @iliasdiamantis, Im glad you are back to your writing game!

Ronnie Coleman a famous bodybuilder once said : " everybody wants to be a bodybuilder, nobody wants to lift heavy ass weight".

nah! Everybody want to put on a movie, and watch themselves muscle up/get filthy rich. It doesnt just work like that.

PS, lifting heavy ass weights is a pain the ass, hehe

Resteemed because I agree with 80%+ of what you are writing here :)
These are all good practices to follow in business.

Not sure though if steemit can/should be considered merely as business.

Nevertheless, in whatever section one wishes to succeed, good practices, consistency, honesty, clarity and love for what they do are necessary!

Why not, one could try that approach. Things change so fast and what was considered common wisdom , now may not work as well.
We live interesting times . :)

And I cannot even imagine what lies ahead of us..
At least we will be able to be a part of it.. (hopefully)

Maybe this is why I love it the most ... :)

An absolutely interesting great post! 👍
I really enjoyed it!
Thanks for sharing!

Upvoted, Resteemed and Follow!

your @mynaturebody 🌱

thank you @mynaturebody for your support .

it's as you said. If someone want to gain something from it and i am talking about money cause at the end of the day mostly everyone joins steemit for the money factor then he has to consider it as something serious, interact with others, have patience, try to make quality posts and above everything have fun along the way.

The 100% is that if you treat is seriously then success is along the way. I don't know whether it would be $$$ or $ but it will be something from facebook and instagram nobody would have gained

I believe that when you put on the work and the hours you eventually get rewarded. In my business site/blog I have spent countless hours answering people's questions in the comments. We're talking about more than 2000 comments. Now, most of my clients say "I read your site , I saw your comment , I wanna work with you".
Mission accomplished. :)

every person likes engagement and ''customer care'' so it's only logical if you provide it to them to stay happy and not only that, others will see that and appreciate it!

Here on steemit i have seen people that just make posts without replying to comments. i already know their future :p

And they wonder why they have no “following”/ “engagement” etc

Ok, I said the previous would be last point, but I don’t want to leave you on a serious note

this was hilarious !
I must say as a newbie i have learn't a great deal from this blog post

Thank you . Glad I made laugh. Laugh is life. :)

informative also helpfull for us..steemit is platform,where we can earn more money and also more learning....thanks for sharing
plz follow @ upvote me..

Thanks for stopping by. :)

thanks for your support...

"It’s not Steemit that doesn’t work it’s you that don’t work." Completely agree with you...While reading your post..This lines literally gave me goosebumps. This will surely motivates me for my nice journey on steemit..JUST the way..Thanks for sharing ur ideas. It has helped me a lot.

Thank you . I wish you a fun and prosperous journey. Steem on !!! :)

Good work! It shows from the comments too.
Whatever you do in life you should do it well. No mediocre things.
It is better to have little and excellent rather than much and mediocre.

I have no issues at all with everyone that sees it as a hobby.
But, when you are serious do your best.
Thanks for dropping by . :)

thank you for this article. it's an eye opener for a starter like me.

Good mornig my friend...I have no word to express for your post...great job..

Ευχαριστώ Νίκο . Steem on !!!

απέδωσες την πραγματικότητα ενθαρρύνοντας όσους έχουν χάσει το κουράγιο τους..

Ευχαριστώ. Ειναι πολύ νωρίς για να χάσει κανείς το κουράγιο του. Steem on !

I totally agree with you on this one, sincerely you made my morning.

Thank you . Glad that I helped. :)

Thank you... i needed that. : )

Glad that I helped...

every steemians should read this

Thank you and thank you for resteeming it to your followers so that they read it. :)

Great article! Everything to the point!

Thank you. I wonder if we have the same name.

:) Mine is Έλια (από Ευαγγελία)

Close but no cigar. :)

Close but no cigar. :)

I like post, good advice, but I'm still wondering how to have more followers?

Do to your (potential) followers what you want them to do to you.
The long answer is a completely new post.

Comprehensively speaking !! ;)

I played a loud chord ... :)

its risky; price has been cratering

Tell that to those that bought Steem at $1.2 or even $0.2. Be patient. Price cannot moon all the time.

I got in at a dollar. My comment had nothing to do with wanting moon. I'm just saying that making steem your full time business is risky because the price of steem is volatile

What business isn't risky? Only war and taxes as far as I know.

And even then, a bigger bully than you might arise :-)

Ok , now I got it and I agree . As said in another comment , I see Steemit as a part of a blogging portfolio.

A very good guide. Too many people see Steemit as a get rich quick scheme and it is not. It takes hard work and consistency just like anything else.

Thank you. These people, I would suspect, fail fast and leave.
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