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RE: The Business of Steemit

in #steemit7 years ago

Excellent summary of what it takes.

Whiners please choose another platform on which to whine now that you know.

I am so sick of all the complaints that great content is not getting rewarded. And of the vote begging, and the sycophantic bullshit.

Great content is only a fraction of the effort that is needed, as you have so succinctly pointed out.


Nobody said that Steemit is 100% just. And neither is life.
There are so many moving parts.
Do you think your work is done when you hit the publish button ?
Think that again. It only has started. :)

I guess if it was easy everybody would be doing it. Therein lies the opportunity

Spot on . As in everything else in life . :)

How do you get @friend5 to give such a nice comment upvote?

Hard work, perseverance, brains, good looks and luck.


Why? Are you are a pretty boy? If not, I should downvote you for comment spam.

Am sorry for what i did.

Accept my apology.

The mysteries of steemit are endless. Thanks for your nice upvote too!

If only I had good looks and a pair of big boobs :(

fitinfun You can do it if I did! sharon before and after.jpg

You didnt have to cut your dick to achieve those results :P

Well, I never had that, but the men I have worked with got to keep their equipment when they lost weight! There might even be some benefits in this area if you do get healthy.

My initial comment was "If only I had good looks and a pair of big boobs :("

You are taking it too seriously :p

I use to be like that before but all that has changed on looking at steemit in a whole new perspective of creating value for others rather than waiting for others to create value for me.@onceuponatime, I guess the reason why most people keep whining is because of the high promise of getting rewarded as soon as they come into the community not thinking for once that they will have to put in some work.

Spend time, I don't think that steemit needs more time than any other social media. If you love what you do and don't make it just to make money (If you want to make money work, work and work) you will not spend much time.
Some words about numbers.
Numbers are everywhere. We are part of them. We live with them. We live FOR them. My moto in my work is "count 10, act 1" and this is what I believe we must do in our life.
Those of course are my opinions and nothing more.My friend @iliasdiamantis. I think Steemit must not be like business, but one platform witch gives you the opportunity to communicate with others and show your work. Show your work like you (me, everyone) did in every social media platforms, but with vote system witch will pay you. No matter how much money you will earn. We must not forget that (one of the biggest platforms) Facebook added in our lives the "Like" and what we earn from it? Nothing but only one thumb-up and if more whiners than in real life.

We (every people) must first of all make a simple question to our selves. do I deserve those gifts ?
We always start the whining because other people don't vote us, don't give us $$ but no one thinks how did this people made it and he is in this position to give us this vote.
Personally I am happy when I see my posts claim votes (I am not liar, I entered the steemit to help Greek-trail and why not win some money) but I will never be mad if I see other's people have greater votes than me. And of course I will never start yelling if a new member makes a mistake but I will try to help him not to make it once again. I am sick too and really don't want people like them too.Dear @onceuponatime If someone gives you the chance to win money, you will make the worst moves just to win more and more. If someone gives you a portion of money and then they gives you less, you will automatically bite them because they didn't gave you what they did before. If someone stop what he did, then you will find your self in whiner's possision just because they didn't gave you what they did before.

Dear @trumpman what you said (Its is not full time job) is 100% correct. No matter how $$ you earn, you must not forget that you (everyone, I am in too) are part of a trail, part of a group, part of friends. There are NO customers, there is no job. Even if we earn money it is NOT job. We help other members like they help us before of will help us in the future.

Last but not least
We must not forget we are humans. Thank you for your time.
Odysseas Tsouvalas

:)thanks @otsouvalas for your comment. you gave me a great pass for another post next week.

I am Happy for that. :)