Um...Sure. I think you misunderstand.
@papa-pepper solicited ideas for how to build the steemian community.
I proposed (and then carried out) a steemit event that was intended to be a recurring event, an open mic to bring together steemians who are local to each other.
I hosted the first one in L.A. and now it's time to pass the torch to another city.
If anyone were interested in hosting an open mic and offering prizes, I have a prize pool (provided by @papa-pepper) of SBD 37.
That's all. If you don't want to host it and don't think anyone does, no problem. But I think you think I want you to tell people I'm a great guy, and that's certainly not necessary or expected.
Completely understand you my dude, sounds like a great idea. I won't be able to help out, but best of luck with finding someone.
Thanks. Good luck with your venue.