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RE: Introducing #SharkSchool - How To Take Over The Trending Page By Being A Bloodthirsty Savage

in #steemit7 years ago

yup we have a new @haejin around :D this one is doing better for sure :) he's actually writing a lot :) plus he's at least an honest person, sure he's skewed by now and it only took him 3 months to offer people to sell their kidneys (maybe kindness is a better word)

This place does have some flaws and It's funny they are being exploited to be fixed I suppose, I was wondering what this is about and I do know where he's coming from, the fact is I too used to care about this place and originality, in fact I got here to go away from lame-stream media where everything is promoted into your face even if you don't want it there (YT being a prime example of a platform coming from original content and supporting creativity, into marketing and selling galore Thanks G we all wanted G+, into a full fledged TV echo chambers to keep you glued....)

You are one of those great creators that have made a name for themselves and I've seen you a few times even followed you for a month or so, the fact is many people can't cope, many have missed the open spaces and many just don't know how to market themselves as @yallapapi says, it's not that I agree, I don't think this is the way you should earn your place, it's totally not fair to the creators, but if you look at it from your ego perspective and what some "investors" or "early adopters" are doing, you'd probably say fuck it and either leave or take the route of "everyone is doing it"

I have some roots and some principles and of course i came at a time when this place was different, people were actually talking to each other, they still are it's just the madness has divided people and everyone is rushing after rewards since that is the way to stay relevant in this space, the problem is in the design and in people's mindsets, they just drag the "real" world with all the bullshit and their past habits. so then we have that recreated and nothing changed, I gave up once and it's still a tough climb back into my old shoes of actually not caring about the rewards and being here for the people and the information, it's taxing it's time-consuming and of course it's a bit disheartening seeing "bullshit walk and money talk"

I can only imagine how hard it is for people that have no idea, I mean I spent my first 3 months here without even blogging and I can see from how he's writing, it's just another "social media" for him as well, whereas for me it was more of FINALLY a SOCIAL MEDIA, a place where you can connect to people, where you can SHARE and COMMUNICATE, not just numbers and noise.

I really have yet to find something better than steem, forums were great in their select fields, but nothing on this scale has been done or has ever worked at least in my worldview. Either we make something good with it, or we can try our hardest to make something like it if we fail here. There will probably be copies popping left and right.
Even now there are blockchain social medias around, nothing like the technical marvel @dan has created (from a top-level it works amazing), even the steemit inc. team as much as I don't like them (?unrealistic expectations or just disappointments from past forks (fucking flood gates :D) )

So yeah, hopefully we make the good standards last and actually spark some change for a change :D
