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RE: Amanda of DASH versus Mitchell Loureiro (VP Marketing of Steemit); Who Kills Marketing Better? #1

in #steemit8 years ago

what do you mean, haven't explored the world of editors yet? here is what I got last week, I've gone through at least 10 text editors for my time on steemit, and have learned markdown here, might try my hand on web design :P glhf :)

for now I just did a quick skim of your post :) good comments, at least there are many :)


taking a look. I think i will have to use one of these things. in general, though i am really looking for an editor that posts directly to steemit. to find ways to bypass all the firewalls and block features of steemit and at my work place! I will try your editor. i looks very good! i did nice editting of this post but when you paste it on steemit. It gets all scatter. It is said that there is already github request to fix in place. Thank you for that link! i think my post will now come out perfectly!

yeah use only what you can make here, I normally write my posts on notepad at least around 80% of them then add in the markdown and do proofreading on the site, so yeah having an editor here is a must :)