I thought the numbers of followers you have, and the amount you are followed by, were making your reputation number? For that following and followers are ok? In the beginning, I used a bot and I made the mistake to fill in, automatic following... Now I follow a thousand! not nice. for most of the times, I am not even able to read what they write for it is so many times chinese or thai. What I also did was getting a steem basic income. You pay I think 0.100 sbd and they vote you up on all! I did it for me and my daughter and again for me and Veerle. so I end up with having about 6 empty votes, but they are most loyal as I can see on steemsupply. But I get them votes on all, I like that, I know they will never interact they are just votes. Interacting, I do with you and vee, wanderingkells, james-hugo, mariannewest, dmcamera, dswiggle, erikah oaldamster, dragosroua, kus-knee and the girl from the drawings agneslaczo , graigcryptoking, and a few more... they are my new cyber friends, and I will always read their contens and vote for them. Interaction most important otherwise you feel so unworthy. :-)
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Yes I did a similar thing. I just followed anyone who asked me to follow, and it wasn't until a couple months later that I realized I made a mistake. I do follow a couple of the auto voters that keep their word. I see nothing wrong with that, but the compulsive resteemers and non posters are not worth following. Also, people will message you in your native language, or whatever language they see you speaking, and then their blogs are totally another language.. That is kind of deceptive if you ask me. And yes, I consider you one of my cyber friends too! Thanks for stopping by friend!