Nice work putting this together Graham. I would not be surprised at all if he was controlled opposition. Only today I became aware the Sibel Edmonds who I have been following for years and have even donated money too has been attacking independent journalists such as Eva Bartlett and Venessa Beeley and apparantly even defending the White Helmets in Syria which have been exposed as a propaganda construct. See this for a bit more info.
I wonder if he will still participate in a debate with you after this article or whether he will use it as an excuse to get out of it.
I'll be watching with interest.
Thanks for the info regarding Sibel Edmonds. Much appreciated.
I am wondering the same thing. Either way, if he backs out, it will reflect poorly on him/the campaign, as far as I am concerned.
I really like Corbett and the fact that he seems to let his work speak for itself and doesn't appear to be interested in the fame or attention makes me less inclined to think he is part of the problem but I do remember that he was quite involved with Sibel's News Bud project although I am not sure how much he has to do with it now.
At the end of the day all we can do it watch/listen to what people like Corbett/Kokesh and others have to say, do our own research and then make up our own minds.
Wow, that sucks. What about Corbett? I know when the Malhuer Refuge thing went down, Corbett said some things that I KNEW were not true, and very hurtful to good people. That was in my back yard, I had friends there that I have known for years.