Smashing Through the Bullshit: An In-Depth, Investigative Look at #Kokesh2020.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)
*Smashing through the bullshit.*

(This is an extensive, investigative post with many citations/links, and as such, I would encourage the reader to move through it slowly and thoughtfully, investigating and all the claims and assertions made herein for veracity and authenticity, so as to arrive independently at one's own, carefully considered conclusion.)

Was Adam Kokesh's arrest on January 16th, 2018, really related to his 2020 presidential bid?

Where did the donations given for the express purpose of posting his bail end up?

Was this all a well-planned publicity stunt, or just a random police stop turned into a publicity stunt on purpose, or none of the above?

Was Adam Kokesh's arrest on January 16th, 2018, demonstrably related to his 2020 presidential bid?

Was there a sound, logical rationale for the suggestion that Kokesh was being targeted by the "deep state" because the "powers that be" viewed him as a threat to the establishment? This idea was strongly suggested, pushed, and sensationalized by his campaign team and other sources during intense fundraising efforts.

Conflicting claims made by various sources stated that mere minutes after announcing his 2020 presidential bid, Kokesh was arrested. Reason Magazine and Wikipedia mistakenly reported that he was arrested mere minutes after filing the necessary paperwork. A quick check of the Federal Election Commission's official website shows that Kokesh had filed to run for president days before the arrest, on January 13th.

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A screenshot of Kokesh's official presidential paperwork filed with the FEC on January 13th, 2018. SOURCE.

If the feds had wanted to nab Kokesh so badly, why wait? The paperwork was submitted days prior to the arrest. Kokesh had also been announcing his presidential intentions ON NATIONAL TELEVISION since as far back as 2013.

Perhaps the "official announcement" seen and heard by millions was the real trigger. But wait. Where was the "official announcement," anyway? Oh yeah. It was just one little blurb of a post right here on Steemit, with 1,091 views.

This tiny post on a yet obscure blogging website hardly seems to be the type of announcement that would finally trigger desperate and fearful action from the state. Could there be a more plausible reason for the arrest which occurred on January 18th, 2018?

Sure. Kokesh was driving over the speed limit, somewhat erratically (his own admission--see video below, at 0:58), in an RV with temporary tags from out-of-state, and could not provide insurance or registration information to either Texas state trooper who pulled him over, and refused to use his phone to contact the friend from whom he'd purchased the vehicle. Now, I don't view any of these things as legitimate causes to stop, harrass, search, or cage someone, but we all know how the state works, and the above cocktail of factors, COMBINED WITH HAVING DRUGS IN THE VEHICLE (Kokesh referred to these as legal "sacraments"--8:43 time stamp in hyperlinked video--as per a special Native American Church card he carries), and saying things like your dog won't bite "unless you're one of those few cops who..." isn't going to help you evade their bullshit very well.

What do you think about how Adam handled the stops? I view the police as totally illegitimate agents of coercion, but that doesn't change the fact that Kokesh did almost everything someone would do who WANTED to be arrested. Listen to the cop at 16:33. To me this hardly seems like some "big government conspiracy."

The second, this time explicit claim, of the Kokesh camp was that they didn't know what the charges against him were.

The YouTube comments section exploded under two videos, released via Adam's official YouTube channel, of his girlfriend Stacey Cook giving updates regarding Kokesh's arrest and imprisonment. Cook claimed that “They’ve still not given Adam any paperwork or charges…There’s still no case number.”

THE INTERNET DID NOT AGREE ON THIS POINT. While Kokesh may not have been given a paper in jail stating each of his charges, in a fashion you will soon see to be a pattern for the Kokesh camp, clever language and half-truths are utlized to sensationalize things for the benefit of Adam's political and financial agenda. In this case, Stacey makes it sound like nobody knows the case number or the charges, which is simply ludicrous. She also attempts to make it sounds as if Adam was carrying no drugs in the van, which we will later see, and which Adam confirms in his own words, was not the case.

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YouTube comments refuting the implicit and explicit claims made in the Stacey Cook videos (linked above).

So what's really going on here? Well, before giving my interpretation of all this, let's talk about what happened with the funds raised to "Finally Free Adam" via Steemit and his official fundraising avenues.

Funds were requested for the express purpose of getting Kokesh out of the Wise County Jail in Decatur, Texas, where he was being held after this most recent arrest, via a post here on Steemit from his official account.

Later, in a statement made from jail, Kokesh stated that:

Well today I would rather fight than buy my freedom. Thanks to our supporters on Steemit, we have raised more than enough money to pay off the terrorists, but I have instructed my staff to donate that money to the Libertarian Party instead. If you're not already, please become a member of the LP by going to

Now, to be fair, it is not exactly clear what is meant by "supporters" as that could technically be construed as anyone who has upvoted his posts and thus financially supported him here on this platform. He does say "raised" enough money, however, which implies the funds being redirected to the LP are from donations acquired for the express purpose of posting bond. What IS clear is that the funds raised via his official fundraiser were raised to "GET ADAM OUT OF JAIL." Where exactly these official fundraiser funds went is still very unclear.

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In this video from Kokesh's assistant and "chief strategist" Ben Farmer, the Kokesh team attempts to address the issue.

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SOURCE: Kokesh's website,

Wait a minute. Weren't all funds raised "on behalf of this misadventure" (the January 18th arrest and resulting jail time) raised for the express purpose of getting Adam out of jail? Every link I have seen to the fundraiser page states that this arrest--or some consequence of it, such as impound fees, etc,--is the whole reason for the funds being solicited in the first place. Indeed, this page is not even the main fundraiser page Adam uses for his campaign, but was created after the arrest for the express purpose of channeling funds toward getting Kokesh out.

official statementspecifically stated his money was for bail.Where was there a section explicitly specifying that the donations should go to the Libertarian Party? There may be some other sensible, and ethical reason that this happened, though. Perhaps the huge $6,000 single donation from @thejohalfiles here on Steemit was the one that was donated to the Libertarian Party. But wait a minute, the just referenced said that the earmarked funds for bail were set aside for the purpose of bail, so that can't be it, as @thejohalfiles

EXPRESS PURPOSE OF SETTING ADAM FREEESPECIALLY SINCE KOKESH ENDED UP PAYING NO BAIL WHATSOEVER?If @thejohalfiles's donation was earmarked, and all other funds raised from this arrest acquired via the official fundraisers were raised with the (posting bail, etc), and there was no option to earmark funds to be donated to the LP, then where in the hell did all that money go, and where did the $6,000 come from that was donated to the LP? Was @thejohalfiles contacted and did he approve a change of plans, allowing his generous 6 Gs to be donated to the LP? It's possible, but what then about all the other money raised for bail via the official, non-Steemit-based fundraising page,

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Proof that Kokesh did not give up any money for bail. Where did all those donations go, then? Was a detailed account ever given to all of the generous donors?

Things we've established:

1. The claim that the arrest of Adam Kokesh on January 18th, 2018, was a direct result of the announcement of his 2020 presidential bid is not substantiated by any significant evidence, and more rational, probable, and logical explanations exist, in that Kokesh was indeed speeding, driving a vehicle--at least once in an erratic manner (he admits this here at the 0:58 time stamp)--without carrying proof of insurance or registration, and carrying highly illegal drugs on board which he describes as legal "sacraments," (see 8:43 time stamp) and refusing to use his phone to open an email exchange with his friend or call, to prove that the vehicle was indeed, his.

2. It is unclear where thousands of dollars of donations, donated for the EXPRESS PURPOSE OF HELPING ADAM OUT OF THE CIRCUMSTANCES RELATED TO HIS RECENT ARREST in Wise County, Texas, are located. Kokesh, in the end, did not have to give up any money for bail. As such, the thousands of dollars in funds donated to his fundraiser are unaccounted for. It is not known if these funds were the ones used to make a $6,000 dollar donation to the Libertarian Party. It is not clear whether all or any donors to the cause may have approved of this change of plans. THERE WAS NO OPTION GIVEN IN THIS FUNDRAISER TO EARMARK DONATIONS TO BE USED TO SUPPORT THE LIBERTARIAN PARTY.


So, was this all a publicity stunt? My personal thoughts.

The integrity of the Kokesh camp is questionable at best. Through a series of highly sensationalized publicity stunts, half-truths, and incessant donation drives, Adam Kokesh and his crew manage to raise large amounts of money, without ever being truly forthcoming or 100% clear in how the money from thousands of generous donors is being used. The Kokesh team claimed Adam hadn't been charged, when charges were readily knowable via a quick phone call to the jail or internet search. They claimed there was "no contraband in the van" though the truth is that Adam was in possession of several commonly highly illegal substances, but carries a special card which he claims allows him to carry them legally.

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Other questionable financial dealings/patterns, and Abuse of Steemit Platform:

Kokesh has a questionable, if amusing, historical pattern of 1. going to jail on purpose, 2. requesting support/donations via a team member (or more typically, his current girlfriend) on YouTube, and then 3. using the sensationalized event to fuel his next activist initiative such as a speaking tour, fundraiser, etc. This time he even got his own mom in on the action, claiming there was a mainstream media "blackout." A media blackout for getting busted for drugs and speeding by state goons in Texas? Why would the media care?

Kokesh also has a questionable history when it comes to financial dealings and responsibly handling payment obligationsthis post. Kokesh also upvotes every one of his own posts using this delegated SP at $80 - $100. As an Anarcho-Capitalist I want NO PLATFORM REGULATION to attempt to stop this. I am just voicing my market preference for more varied content in the trending section, instead of this shitshow., donations (as evidenced by this article), and also Steem Power delegations (he recently has been upvoting his own comments, personally attacking those questioning his platform or politics, at over $100, $20, and $10 dollars a comment, using delegated Steem not intended for those purposes. The SP donor, @jamesc, verifies this in the comments section of

Kokesh claims to love the platform, but his activity here tells an entirely different story.


Watch out for sensationalized, dishonest BS. Watch out for folks asking for donations not giving detailed accounts of how the money was spent, or changing the plans for how the money will be spent without consent of the donors, mid-game. Watch out for politicians who personally attack and criticize those who question their ideas. Watch out for folks who say they "love the community here at Steemit," but abuse the rewards pool and delegated SP, and don't take two seconds to consistently post or engage, unless the Steem price is doing well and there is political favor to be won.

If you have read all the way to the end of this extensive, investigative piece, I commend you. It's taken me awhile to put together. I am not, as some have attempted to imply, obsessed with Adam Kokesh on some weird, personal level.

I view him as a dishonest politician, fraudulently posing (whether intentionally or not) as a Voluntaryist and garnering donations under said false Voluntaryist pretense (while simultaneously peddling the force-based political system/electoral process as legitimate) via half-truths, sensationalized stunts, and their resultant hyped-up, dishonest donation drives. He is abusing this platform so many of us love and have been with through all the ups and downs, via his Steem delegation. All of this Steem-milking seems to be for almost the sole purpose of political gain.

After doing all the research required for this article, and seeing how Adam has been a sort of libertarian mainstream media star over the last decade, I am now open to entertaining the notion that the Kokesh 2020 movement may very well be controlled opposition. I am not yet fully convinced of this, however. What I am convinced of, though, is that the claims of Kokesh and his team don't add up logically, and that deception is being used to benefit Kokesh and his team both financially and politically, to the detriment of libertarians everywhere, and the Voluntaryist philosophy in general.

I hope you will look at the facts and arrive at your own independent conclusions. I hope to hear your thoughts in the comments.




Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as DTube and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)




I previously made the assertion that Adam's official announcement regarding his bid for presidency was only made here on Steemit. This was incorrect. I apologize for this assumption, and officially redact that point, and the points I attempted to make based on this fallacious assumption. I am sorry for this.

Regarding donations sent specifically to "get Adam out of jail" being used for other purposes, Kokesh has claimed that "everyone" was contacted about the change. If this is true I am asking those who donated to the this fundraiser to confirm this for me. IF ANY DONOR WAS NOT ASKED FOR PERMISSION TO REALLOCATE THE FUNDS, please let me know. I made no direct judgement here, but have stated that the fundraising methods were worth looking into.

I stand by my suspicions that Adam's recent arrest was dishonestly sensationalized and hyped for the specific purpose of rallying support for his political campaign, and that information was given a dishonest spin so as to create a narrative more conducive to political advantage and funding.

I also stand by my criticism of Kokesh's abusive use of delegated SP to upvote his comments calling fellow Steemians "cowards" at the price of 100 dollars. An apology beyond "I changed it!" from Adam for this sort of abusive behavior to the Steemit community would be nice, though I in no way hallucinate that I have a right to make such a demand.

Thank you for putting this together. I never felt authenticity from Kokesh. Never paid much attention to him as what I gleaned from the initial impression gave me no reason to listen further.

Around the time I joined Steemit is when this recent shit show started. I first marveled that anyone could take his running for "Not President" seriously. I got interested enough in that line of shit to analyze the vids about the arrest. I marveled some more. Thanks again for your work here.

Are there any honest politicians? When you get right down to it, all are power hungry in one way or another. Love of money doesn't hurt either. That is why I am not involved in politics. Too much mud-slinging and not enough honesty.

I'll be honest. When I saw the story, I was like "That's just unfair." and believed it. Even though I stopped caring about politicians or standing behind any of them, and I know politics is a show, a circus, I believed it. I'm not sure if it's because of the fact I read it here or why.

If something is really hyped up, comes from everywhere, mostly you can find that only half-truth is presented. Some twist is needed to gain a bigger exposure, to manipulate more efficiently. That's how stories like this go viral. People get all fired up on social media because of some big injustice that could go well with the belief system lots of people share.

That's why this Kokesh story worked, that's why the "Trump is a fascist and that's why he is against illegal immigrants" works, that's why it is completely logical for lots of people to spend billions on wars every single year, etc.

But the same method applies to "smaller" story too:

Story that caused an outrage: Personal trainer/gym owner kicked out a man from his gym purely because that man had Down-Syndrome.
Reality: The gym owner was afraid the man with the Down-Syndrome will injure himself and believed he needs special attention, so suggested to go to a professional or a place where he could train safely and with additional guidance.
Journalist to the gym owner on phone: Well, sorry but this is an opportunity we can't miss.

Facts, honesty, statistics don't work on a mass scale. Emotional manipulation, presenting everything as an illogical, injustice that goes against our morals do work. Politicians, journalists know that and only virality matters to them. Nothing else.

Really well said man. Thank you.

People on the platform have accused me of being "jealous," divisive, and harmful to "the movement." I don't see it that way at all, but so be it. Whenever "the masses" swallow a sensational story hook, line, and sinker, there's always another aspect to it that isn't being discussed.

That "smaller story" is pretty powerful. All about the hype machine.


Yeah, thought about accusations and similar stuff. Instantly checked the votes to see whether a downvote brigade has arrived or not.

Well, in a sense, you are indeed divisive, harmful to the movement. :D Which is a good thing, since you revealed that it's shady and people are misled.

The one thing we shouldn't forget... even though decentralization is great, it won't solve everything. During these times, for fraudulent people, it simply means a safe environment. For example look how successful Roger Ver is... :D

Lol! "Disruptor" was among the insults hurled at me yesterday. Once I got over being verbally assaulted, I realized that was a compliment. Damn skippy, I disrupt every bit of corruption I sniff out.

perhaps this is called one of the dynamics of politics, that is one way to weaken political opponents, in the world of pilitik many ways to weaken the opponent

Hey, thank you SO MUCH for this. I just had a little run in with the campaign manager yesterday. It was quite upsetting, this makes me feel a little better about how it all worked out. I know this is usually taboo, but I think you may be interested in my post this morning explaining what happened between Ben Farmer and me yesterday.

Funny, seems you're not the first person who claims to have had problems with being badgered by Farmer online.
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BadQuakerBen Ben Stone tweeted @ 24 Jan 2018 - 00:20 UTC

Please Note
If Adam Kokesh or anyone from the #Kokesh2020 team has threatened you or implied a threat because of so……

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Thank you bot.

Holy shit. Make that, wholly shit.
LOL! I was honestly prepared to make that my last post on steemit, thought I would get drummed right out of here. I am having a "Where have you been all my life" moment for you right now... lol!

Nice work putting this together Graham. I would not be surprised at all if he was controlled opposition. Only today I became aware the Sibel Edmonds who I have been following for years and have even donated money too has been attacking independent journalists such as Eva Bartlett and Venessa Beeley and apparantly even defending the White Helmets in Syria which have been exposed as a propaganda construct. See this for a bit more info.

I wonder if he will still participate in a debate with you after this article or whether he will use it as an excuse to get out of it.

I'll be watching with interest.

Thanks for the info regarding Sibel Edmonds. Much appreciated.

I wonder if he will still participate in a debate with you after this article or whether he will use it as an excuse to get out of it.

I am wondering the same thing. Either way, if he backs out, it will reflect poorly on him/the campaign, as far as I am concerned.

I really like Corbett and the fact that he seems to let his work speak for itself and doesn't appear to be interested in the fame or attention makes me less inclined to think he is part of the problem but I do remember that he was quite involved with Sibel's News Bud project although I am not sure how much he has to do with it now.

At the end of the day all we can do it watch/listen to what people like Corbett/Kokesh and others have to say, do our own research and then make up our own minds.

Wow, that sucks. What about Corbett? I know when the Malhuer Refuge thing went down, Corbett said some things that I KNEW were not true, and very hurtful to good people. That was in my back yard, I had friends there that I have known for years.

If he's saying one thing and doing another, he's really getting into that politician role nicely. I wouldn't give any politician money and expect it to be spent how they say; no matter who they are. And in my eye, as soon as you enter that political ring, you're a politician and can't be trusted to be honest.

I tend to believe that you could be the purest person in the world but by the time you would get into a high position, you would be a completely different person. Money, power, favours, threats change people.

You won a new follower today. INDEED! I was working with the most beautiful people you ever met, the Ron Paul sign wavers. Stand in the cold for hours to pass out information, work their weekends at gun shows - whatever needed done. And it was about working together for truth and justice. Then the little titles were bestowed via "free and fair elections" and all of us had to deal with a new ego trip, unlike anything you have ever experienced unless you got elected. People treat you differently, you start to act differently. People TRUST you, so you make decisions based on YOUR values, they elected YOU, right...? I watched many fine people turn into powermongering ghouls before my eyes. I got a bit ghoulish myself, it is heady stuff, all that power. AND I WAS A PEON. A state central committeewoman. My husband was a Precinct Committeeman, but we had Congressman and Senators kissing our ass. Most people kissed back... we got out.

Good to hear a personal experience related to this topic. It seems to me that you made the right decision. Not everyone's stomach can handle this.

I know people who jumped into politics quite heavily. One was one of my best friends. A good person with a sad past. It's brutal to see the gradual change up until the point you feel you don't know your friend anymore.

Yep. My "right hand man" all through the campaign, just a rock... stabbed me in the back at the very first shot. He played all cool while his wife sat there turning red, then nearly crying, because she knew what he was doing was not right, and she knew I was not buying his bullshit about what he was doing, and at least SHE still had a bit of ethics. Not enough to stand up to him, but it was her husband. Sorry for the loss of your friend.


Well, not the happiest campaign story. She faced a difficult decision. Both confronting her husband and not doing anything is quite wrong but for different reasons.

By the way, the husband sounds like a successful politician. :D

The karma bus rolls, never when you expect it but always on time... It was not long before he was getting knives in the back too.

If you can post something like this without indicating what type of politician the person was (a Ron Paul? A John Lilburne? A Frederick Douglass? A Lysander Spooner? A Thomas Massie? A Thomas Paine? Pursuing voluntaryist policies? Claiming to to pursue individual freedom the way Obama did --totally self-contradictory and obviously lying from the beginning? Claiming to pursue individual freedom the way Ron Paul did --coherently, but without a radical focus on the courts? Claiming to pursue individual freedom the way Lilburne, MLK, Frederick Douglass, and Rosa Parks did, battling for his and her life against the courts, speaking publicly to huge crowds of the similarly-oppressed, demanding results they would not be paid for? Claiming to pursue freedom like Cobden and Bright did, on stage, coherently, but with little of their own freedom at stake?)

We know literally nothing about your situation. Certainly not enough to judge whether it's one thing(freedom), or the very opposite of that thing(tyranny).

Your friend could easily be a radical freedom fighter, and you a half-assed "fairweather friend" of liberty. ...Or vice versa. There's no way for an informed observer to know from your comment.

...But the assumption that "power is bad" is there. ...The fatal error of the liberty movement!

One type of power stops the big, bold, fat, wealthy S.S. officer from gunning down skeletal Jews and pushing them into a mass grave.

Are you against that type of power? The power wielded by the Allies when they liberated the death-camps?

I'm not.

Justice+Power+slow improvement, slow reduction of political power = freedom.

If the liberty movement has no power of its own, our children will go to the gulag, in chains.

It's as simple as that.

You'd better figure out what would cause you to pick up a rifle, and what would cause you to donate money to what quality of messenger for your ideas: so you don't have to.

Your story's really vague. Maybe your friend was a pure sociopath, like most power-seeking politicians. Maybe you're 100% full of shit, and think every libertarian has a duty to lose, if he's "a real anarchist." You've not given anyone enough information for them to have an opinion on the situation. You've not even given them enough information to identify a pattern from reality. Your assessment might be right, it might be wrong. ...I don't have enough information to know, and anyone who thinks they do is full of shit, and "siding with their kneejerk reaction" or "engaging in confirmation bias."


This kind of thinking 1) is usually not true or absolute. 2) encourages libertarians to "not donate money" ...the default action.

It's hard to get people to confront the government. The government is now a tyranny, an unconstrained mess of totalitarian bullshit.

I'm glad when people give money to ...and I'm glad when they give money to Adam Kokesh. ...And I'm even glad when this happens and those two entities misspend the money. ...Because their mistakes allow them to learn, and to improve.

I don't think Adam Kokesh is likely to turn against freedom. He's staked too much of his image on it. (I could be wrong. Anyone can be "controlled opposition" ...but generally, the LP thinks their best friends are controlled opposition, and thinks their most dire infiltrators are "trustworthy beyond question." ...I've never met a group of people less aware of political technology than most big-L Libertarians.)

Some of the things Adam says would not be said by an infiltrator, "late in the game." I'll be watching closely to see if he keeps saying them, or if he "walks them back."

All communications are both signal and content, and the line between both is blurry, depending on the context.

Adam does a pretty good job of keeping disparate groups happy, and also saying meaningful things.

That whole thing was just so bizarre, I remember asking what he was busted for or if he had a lawyer and those questions were not really answered no matter how I asked. That is shady. I feel like that $6000 is in the gas tank of the RV unless they come up with some proof otherwise. Thanks for helping me out with my charity thing yesterday, that was huge, the Cokeish account did not respond to my requests.

Yeah man. A lot of stuff that doesn't seem to add up at all, and super vague non-answers if answers are even given at all. No worries. Cool initiative. Thanks for putting the word out.

Let's say Kokesh is a fool who wastes LP donor dollars. Does he waste them more than Bill Weld, or a totalitarian shitbag like Bob Barr? Does he waste them more than Bill Redpath or Nick Sarwark? ...You don't even know where your dollars are going, when Redpath holds a "closed door session" on the LNC. Often, they're being redirected to a person who has nothing to do with a petition drive that's currently underway, when the State Party desperately needs those already-allocated-dollars to pay activists with signatures in hand! Often, those dollars go towards people who are working AGAINST spreading the message of liberty, rather than those working on a shoestring budget to inform and organize the public.

I believe Adam is "doing his best with the knowledge he has."

Are there smarter people in the libertarian movement? Yes. Are there braver? Maybe. Is he giving it a good run, in spite of minimal support, and trouble with idiotic, totalitarian law enforcement? I think so!

His critics should walk a mile in his shoes. I certainly have, and I no longer want to. The LP eats its own.

I don't think any of those guys asked for bail money and then pocketed it. Hopefully Adam didn't do that either, but what if he did? Can you help me out with my charity effort Jacob?

It’s not about “wasting LP dollars,” but about dishonest fundraising.

Thanks for this info and opinion. Steemit is a great place for discussions like this.
I'm an activist fighting the war on drugs, specifically cannabis prohibition. There's no way I would ever justify anyone being pulled over, searched, or arrested simply for cannabis possession. If Adam wasn't driving safely, that's another matter, but it doesn't sound like he was charged for that.
I'm not okay with politicians (or anyone for that matter) tricking others into giving donations and then using them for another purpose. If he did that, he should have to answer for it.
But under no circumstances should ANYONE be harmed for possession of dried cannabis flowers. The reefer madness has to end.

No, I agree. I’m not justifying it either. Just pointing out that it is not surprising he was pulled over and arrested. It doesn’t seem to have anything to do with his bid for president, which is how he and his team sold it when requesting donations.

Yeah, I realize my point wasn't YOUR main point here. I agree with and support your quest for truth in this matter! I'm just so sensitive to ANY potential unnecessary prohibition, I feel the need to make sure there isn't any. Your writing is clear and your points are well taken. Thank you again and Steem on!

Is it your position that "imaging" and "spin" should be run past every donor? (Then the police state only needs to donate to Kokesh to be informed of his plans, and pre-empt them.) Is it your position that there should be no "spin" in his campaign? (Then, perhaps, he fails to raise enough money, and his campaign dies, and he retires from public life, as I have. ...And perhaps that means that, like Weimar Germany, "the good side" loses. ...and our kids go to the gulag in chains. ...Sometimes, a Lilburne in the right place is exactly what everyone needs to literally save civilization. ...Whether they know it or not.)

...And what if people simply stopped contributing unless there was drama? Many people know that "conflict wins eyeballs." If Adam goes too long without conflict, he might be seen as "consuming scarce pro-liberty resources without delivering civil disobedience."

If the $6K wound up in his gas tank (instead of fighting a bail requirement?), that's too bad (in one sense) ...assuming his donor is upset that he gave to one cause, and it was used for another. ...But all resources are fungible, and I don't get the sense Adam is super well-paid, and "living in comfort."

Adam is one of many people fighting, sporadically and weakly, for individual freedom.

I hope he survives and thrives, to the extent he helps stop the state from sending innocent people to cages.

...He certainly "represents me"(represents my thinking) more than Bill Weld, Bill Redpath, Nick Sarwark, or Bob Barr does.

Let's try a thought experiment: ...If there's a singularity, and people are trying to deliver the vial of nano-armor to Bill Weld (so we can have a merciless drug war for all of eternity as we cringe at the feet of our police state overlords!) or trying to deliver the vial of nano-armor to Adam Kokesh (so we can have drug warrior prosecutors, judges, and cops stacked up on Vlad-the-impaler spikes on every street corner), I know which one I'm going to vote for.

...And yes, I'm kidding. (kind of)

This is ridiculous man. Nothing about your comment attempting to justify dishonest actions makes any of said activities okay. You write as is Kokesh is some sort of messiah none of us can survive without.

You write as though you are American and actually have a say in it.....

I have to be "American" to talk about Voluntaryism? Nah.

I went through this article ,
According to the Texas ACLU, the police do not have the right to demand a citizen stop videotaping willy-nilly though they have the loophole I'm sure they'd summon here regarding "truly interfering with legitimate law enforcement operations." The ACLU notes that "Professional officers, however, realize that such operations are subject to public scrutiny, including by citizens photographing them

I was not stating that the police were ethical or lawful in their behavior in this article. That has nothing to do with the focus of the piece.

Great reporting here, thanks a lot @karkanarchy84've opened my eyes!! Resteemed.

wow even you also donate your steem doller to the poor people.nice thats great.i saw your image.than

I'm afraid you are mistaken. He has only helped you to keep your eyes press tightly shut. Kokesh believes in the people, and giving the power back to them. Only people with their eyes shut would find a slander peace enlightening.

Also Kokesh will legally and responsibly shut down the federal government and all it's corruption. I'm genuinely curious why anyone wants anything different than that.

Thank you for gathering all these information. When he was arrested and asked for donations for bail it appears questionable for me, as news reported that he was arrested because of drug issues.

Very intresting post dear I like it

No, dear. You haven't even had time to really read it.

I personally think that Kokesh has been deceitful one way or the other just to benefit himself and his team. He's selfish

I don't mind selfishness (self-interest) at all. Dishonesty bothers me, though, especially where money's involved.

This dude is suuuper pissed the government didn't get that 6 thou am I right? Your silly for taking the time to put this together. He's trying to change our country for the better, and you can't see past the bull shit your being fed!

Those are some claims you’ve made. None of them substantive.

  1. The government did get “6 thou” (did you even read this?)
  2. I’m an anarchist. As such, why would I want the state to have more money?
  3. If you don’t think Kokesh and his camp should give clear accounts to his supporters, or not twist language and, well, lie, to make more money, I don’t know what to tell you.

Try again with an actual argument and maybe we can get somewhere.


People have the right to their own opinion, even on your posts. You should stop flagging people for sharing their opinions, ur posts beg to be differed with, as you have no real idea what you are talking about @kafkanarchy! O'yeah and respect and peace dude, as you say on every one of your posts, which makes it obvious you're a tool.

You sound like a really nice person. You should probably just stop now.

As far as being American. I am American, but that is irrelevant. I don't need to be from America to talk about Voluntaryism and ISO. If you like the flags keep on being insulting.

I really would be glad to talk about this with you rationally, but you came out of the gates with the insults.

Sit your ass down, no one is trying to argue! I find you rather comical though. Adam and his team are on the up and up. Did you donate to his bail fund? Did you want your money back? Just ask, I know they would be more than happy to give it back you.

Flagged as spam. When you’re ready to stop mudslinging and actually talk, I’ll be here.

Your first comment asserted I was “silly.”

Now “sit your ass down.”

The “argument” I was referring to, was a discussion of ideas. Not “arguing” in the colloquial sense.

This is the type of response I am learning to expect from Kokesh supporters, sadly.

You are telling me to “sit my ass down” on my own post. Just don’t read it if you don’t like it.


Yeah opinions are like assholes, most everyone has one, yet you can't handle a mudslingers opinion and mark me as spam? Why u scared bro? The truth might get out there, and someone else might have an opinion different than ur meek unfounded article? I must have intimidated ur weak little mind, I get that. Stop projecting though, not everyone is dishonest or a crook... I do apologize for ever even seeing your page, u say anarchy, I say poser. Good day, and peace :) ps u shouldnt say peace and then spam someone... its confusing.

I appreciate this journal , thanks for sharing this @kafkanarchy84

Very, intresting, post, dea,r I like it

Your not even american....

*You're. And yes I am, but that is irrelevant.

Awesome post! I invite you to visit our blog and vote us back! And of course to enjoy our content :)

I wonder if he will still participate in a debate with you after this article or whether he will use it as an excuse to get out of it.

I'll be watching with interest.@kafkanarchy84