My small contribution to Steemit (Recruiting talents part two)   (Plan of action to bring new users to our platform)

in #steemit7 years ago


Hello dear friends of Steemit, today I want to comment on a campaign that I have begun to attract new users to the platform, with this little bit of sand I want to give back to Steemit, my colleagues and friends how much they have done for me.

The steemit platform, as the people inside them have given me a great hand, this is the real reason to want to contribute my little bit of sand, doing something to promote the platform and bring new users.

In the previous post I commented on a campaign to attract new users to the platform, and where this campaign would be promoted, this week I began to spread this campaign.

This image corresponds to the campaign presented last week in summary form, this campaign was shared on Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook and Facebook pages related to online work and cryptononedas.

These are some of the Facebook pages that this campaign was published
I apologize for the images, they were very small, it is the first time I use this program to make the images in giff

This blog is the one I am using to promote the platform, in it you can find some important and relevant data that have to do with our platform, for example a direct link to register, another for frequently asked questions, another leads to the page Welcome, another leads the trend post to show that the platform actually pays and other links lead to some existing contests, once published the idea is to go adding more contests that are in force.

There are two things that draw attention to the page is just tackled, one of them is the title and the other are the dynamic images.

The first relevant fact that we can highlight is the title, in the clear that it is a social network and that pays for what you publish (Steemit the social network that pays for what you publish)

Another relevant fact is the dynamic images, when you enter the blog these people are calling, they change every two seconds, each image refers to a profession and a form of payment, here we mention Steem, Steem Dollar and El Steem Power.

The next relevant data is the instructions for registration, it is a dynamic image, when posing on the image is linked with a shortcut to the registration page, you are given a small welcome saying so.

Welcome to our Blockchain social network, Pay for the works you publish on the platform, Artists - Photographers - Writers - Adventurers - Sportsmen - Kitchen Lovers - Gardening Lovers - All Professionals and Amateurs Here Can Make Money Beginning to Work today, you just have to register

Another relevant fact is the direct access to the welcome page of Steemit, a brief introduction is made.

Welcome to Our Social Network Here you will find a quick and complete guide on how to work on our platform.

The next relevant data is the direct access to the frequently asked questions mentioned here
If You Have Any Doubts You Only Have To Enter This Page, Here You Will Find The Frequently Asked Questions, And The Answers. Fundamental to dispel all your hesitations

Another relevant fact is the shortcut International Short Story Awards, here we mention the existence of an international literary contest in which the awards are relevant enough.

The next relevant data is the direct access to the payment vouchers, this direct access directs to the screen of the post of trend, is a way to incentivate showing the profits of the posted post

Finally the other relevant information is the direct access to the page of the writing contest of the Spanish speaking community

This is a part of my campaign to attract new users, in the next post we will see the pages where the blog is being published and the statistics that show those visits, then I leave the blog link so that they can see it, I am open To suggestion and feel welcome for what you consider to add, is in Spanish the next step is to build a blog in English
This is my humble little bit of sand to actively contribute with our beloved platform.
I hope it has been to your liking

I'll wait for you tomorrow to enjoy another story from my land of Corrientes.

José Luis Fernández
Corrientes Argentina

The idea of this initiative is an international literary contest in which the awards are relevant enough to draw the attention of the media outside of steemit and attract new users.
For more information go to the reference link

Do not forget to vote for the witnesses, join the link and collaborate with your vote, Support the Spanish speaking community (cervantes), We are many people of Spanish speech that we have to thank your support, please vote for Cervantes, Enter the link To know more about who are representing our community. Again thank you very much.

If it was to your liking, please help spread my channel, share on your channel, reesteemit.


I would ditch the yellow and black graphic. It looks like a scam or ransomware.

Was a way to capture the attention of the user, it may be too flashy

it looks like a scam. i would not advise...

Thank you very much for this great contribution, you are right is very insitente.

overall, good job.

Is a way to thank and give back with the platform that has given me much, thank you very much for your opinion is very important for me.
Thank you very much dear friend @stellabelle for this pleasant visit and support for my work

everyone can do way more than they think they can. You too.

Yes, it's true you have many reasons, I hope this initiative can capture the users I want, thank you very much for your words are very important for me

Awesome! Hope it attracts people!

Is the way I came to return to the platform and people who have done much for me, is not much or anything professional,
Thank you very much dear friend @buzzbeergeek for your kind words and support to my work

Your post leads the way my dear friend @jlufer - onward and ever forward - THIS IS BRILLIANT!

Appreciation of heart these words of encouragement dear friend @ jeff-kubitz is very important to me, thank you very much

Wow! You seem to be doing a great job thank you for helping steemit grow as a community by informing individuals who dont know about this amazing place! Followed and i look forward to seeing your other work 😊 @gingenetwork

Many thanks dear friend @gingenetwork for your kind words, and support for my work

Nice! Followed. :) Looking forward to a progress update since I can't speak Spanish xD

Thank you very much dear friend @akrid for visiting and supporting my work

Try to simplify your website a bit. It looks like a gypsy cab and might be perceived as scam. Other than that, keep up the good spirit!

I regret that it was not to your liking dear friend @kyriacos,
Thank you very much for your point of view and opinion
have a nice week

Just trying to be helpful

That is much appreciated, my dear friend

Thanks for working hard in helping put Steemit out to more of the world. Looks like much went into this idea. Keep up the good work, and keep us informed on how it is going. Onwards we go.

Thank you very much dear friend @ddschteinn for the great support to my work, next Tuesday I will be able to show some statistic of movimineto of the blog.

Excellent post with great idea!

Thank you very much dear friend @tangmo for your kind words and support to my work

You're welcome! ;)

Great idea - keep pushing it - recruiting is important. Agree with @stellabelle on the yellow though.

Many thanks dear friend @uwelang for the support and his words, the yellow poster was already removed from the publications, I appreciate these words heart

Hola! Podrías ayudarme? Estoy tratando de publicar mi primer historia aquí en Steem, pero el botón nunca se pone azul y no encuentro lo que estoy haciendo mal. Te lo agradecería mucho!

Seguramente vos estas traduciendo la pagina al español , pone la pagina en ingles y se te pondrá azul , la palabra debe decir Submit a Story no debe decir enviar historia, botón derecho del mouse sobre la pantalla y cambia el idioma, creo que debe ser eso

Si si, está en Inglés! Doy a submit a story y alli le pongo todo lo que lleva de texto, las imagenes (las lanzo dentro del editor mismo y allí quedan) le pongo las tags, los créditos de imagen e inclusive algun tímido formato de cursiva con el * pero el botón de debajo que dice "Post" jamas se pone azul. En verdad no se si es que me falta alguna cosa de verificar mi perfil, o algo. Me tiene desconcertada de verdad!

Verifica bien los tags, cuando eso pasa, suele ser el error ahí, solo debes poner cinco tags, no mas, y mira si no hay mucho espacio entre ellos, debe estar ahí el problema , te dejo un link para que veas si podes encontrar una solución en ella

Era eso! Muchas Gracias!

feliz que se haya resuelto, te deseo muchos éxitos