I believe the world's first trillionaire is going to be a crypto-king or crypto-queen. If Steemit can roll Facebook/Reddit/Wordpress functionality into a unified platform that rewards its users... hell yes. I don't know Ned, but I've been following Dan for years and I can't think of anyone that would make a better crypto-trillionaire. Honestly. It would be epic!
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One thing that bothers me is this: How many voluntaryist libertarians there are, and how much wealth and power they have, and how little political savvy they have. That's why we still have a DEA.
The saddest spectacle I can think of? More libertarian millionaires than Democrat and Republican millionaires, but them(the Ds and Rs) still riding herd over poor people with a huge prison-industrial complex because those libertarian millionaires "refuse to get involved in electoral politics," or are "principled nonvoters."
Being a "principled nonvoter" just means one thing: you're OK with being governed by power-grasping sociopaths.
Right now, libertarians could EASILY control several state legislatures, and have hundreds of pro-freedom initiatives on the ballot across the USA that would destroy state collectivism in the next election. (And this option recurs in each election, and will still be possible in 2018.)
"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws" — Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild. I don't think political reform is how the game changes.
Electoral politics is antithetical to pure voluntarism. Ignore the horse and buggy and develop the car. The buggy can't be improved any further.