Your 12.26 STEEM is now worth $44,437.11.
You're welcome!
Here's how to make math fun:
Facebook market capitalization: $346,100,000,000.00 (
Total number of STEEM available: 95,487,434 (
Happy Steemer = $346,100,000,000.00 / 95,487,434 = $3624.56
Remember folks, money doesn't buy happiness. But beaches are nice.
Steem on!
#steemit #money #motivational #investments #steemthought #newbie #life #whalecall #philosophy #truecrypto
If 1 STEEM = $3624.56 / does that mean Dan and Ned are trillionaires? I don't see how this will ever work
I believe the world's first trillionaire is going to be a crypto-king or crypto-queen. If Steemit can roll Facebook/Reddit/Wordpress functionality into a unified platform that rewards its users... hell yes. I don't know Ned, but I've been following Dan for years and I can't think of anyone that would make a better crypto-trillionaire. Honestly. It would be epic!
One thing that bothers me is this: How many voluntaryist libertarians there are, and how much wealth and power they have, and how little political savvy they have. That's why we still have a DEA.
The saddest spectacle I can think of? More libertarian millionaires than Democrat and Republican millionaires, but them(the Ds and Rs) still riding herd over poor people with a huge prison-industrial complex because those libertarian millionaires "refuse to get involved in electoral politics," or are "principled nonvoters."
Being a "principled nonvoter" just means one thing: you're OK with being governed by power-grasping sociopaths.
Right now, libertarians could EASILY control several state legislatures, and have hundreds of pro-freedom initiatives on the ballot across the USA that would destroy state collectivism in the next election. (And this option recurs in each election, and will still be possible in 2018.)
"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws" — Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild. I don't think political reform is how the game changes.
Electoral politics is antithetical to pure voluntarism. Ignore the horse and buggy and develop the car. The buggy can't be improved any further.
no, they own less than 100% of the ecosystem, which by definition in the post was $346.1B (FB's market cap). E.g., @ned owns 11.1M of the current $299M market cap or 3.7% = $12.8B
Thank you sir, you just made $3000 STEEM completely reasonable!
Made it more reasonable-sounding... but a few other points:
I could keep going but I know I'm preaching to the choir. I'm saying it could be more.
Ha - yes all true! Could also add some of the market value of Reddit, YouTube, Wordpress etc. as Steemit will grab market share from all of those platforms over time.
[IMPORTANT] This post covers the Similarity between YouTube and Steemit as well on How to use Steemit and It's OFFICIAL CONTENT RULES.
Excellent post, upvoted! It will not be long before the Youtube heavyweights find Steemit and start driving their traffic here... some of them get tens of thousands of views. Imagine tens of thousands of upvotes. Bam!
I want to be a Steemillionaire
Oh that is sexy. So... steamy.
This is what the worlds first trillionaire will look like:
We all know it's true. I wonder what I look like to my computer?
It's really interesting stats! Thanks for the calculations.
Вы только приветствовать и поблагодарить Вас за Ваш комментарий!
I like your optimism. :) Let's face it though, Facebook is on a different level. Try Reddit - that's realistic if the Steemit devs knock it out of the park with perfect marketing.
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
― R. Buckminster Fuller
Nice it is, and true. So true.
Thank you, I like your flowchart on what to do with Steem Dollars. Upvoted!
I hear what you're saying and I raise you. Steemit will add profiles and messaging, likely in the very near future. Now someone throws up a pic of their new baby, the family upvotes and boom! Junior has a college fund started. Or... college guy has house party, posts the invite, half the college upvotes and boom! Most epic party ever... Or a Haitian orphanage posts bios for their wards and boom! Hope.
Facebook is on another level, but that level is now obsolete. Steemit can literally do everything Facebook does, but so, so much better. There's a quote about this.
Thanks for the upvote. I was waiting for the 30 minute buffer to upvote yours. :)
I won't try to spill water over your fiery optimism, so I'll just say - let's see how it turns out! Certainly there's potential.
You're welcome! I agree it's early days, and the moonshot is going to depend entirely on how the devs roll out new features.
You know what makes Steemit win? Upvoting your content to give you a financial reward should feel revolutionary. You know how it feels? Natural. That's why Steemit wins. In my opinion. Which is rarely right or humble, so YMMV. Thanks for commenting!
Also, I just learned about Dalits. Mind blown. Thank you and upvoted!
You are absolutely right. It's going to depend entirely on how the Steemit devs execute features and most importantly, market the platform.
Please do comment on the Dalits post if it interested you in some way. I know it's old and never going to trend, but every little bit helps. :)
Commented! I can't believe that sort of thing still happens. It's ridiculous.
Why 30 minute buffer? If you can briefly explain:)
I was wonder the same thing, and would also like to know what this buffer is. :)
You are penalised if you upvote in the first 30 minutes. 100% if after 0 seconds of the post, 0% at 30 minutes.
You don't say. I had no idea! What is the penalty?
I like that math LOL!!!!
Bucket list for a Steemit trillionaire. Seriously, what couldn't you do as a trillionaire?
lol, nice stats, let's get Steemit to the Facebook level. :)
It's you and me doing this right here right now that will take Steemit to Facebook level... and beyond.
It wont be long before that happens
I have a real beef with the comment organization thing. Here's this great comment, with a lot of potential for a counter-comment, and I have no idea what the comment was commenting on. It's just sort of hanging out by itself, but clearly referencing something that should be discussed. Bollocks.
I'm going to say.... yes! It won't be long before Steemit eclipses Facebook's market cap and in so doing makes the first crypto-billionaire!
Do you know if Facebook or Twitter are taking countermeasures against people who raid them to try to get their followers to join Steem?
We've seen a few of Facebook and Twitter stars show up with 100k followers - as of yet no public outing of FB or Twitter taking action. Right now it's like a crack in the dam that's seeping, too small to notice. But the crack is getting bigger by the day and I'm not sure they're going to be able to do anything when the flood starts. If/when profiles, likes, messaging etc. are added it's going to get ugly..
Dream come true
It certainly would be, and the best part is that the benefits would not just go to the tiny crowd of crypto-geeks (of which I am one) but to a much broader audience of people. Awesome!
Most people where brought here by the money in the title = money is the social capitol of the world
We all want to dream of better days. It's hardwired and good for what ails ya!
Put aside the numers;
this is bigger than facebook. #philosophy
I didn't quite follow that one to where it leads but it looked like the kind of thing that if you get, it is profound. So thank you for sharing and upvoted!
Это очень круто. И я думаю, что Steemit собирается уничтожить Facebook полностью. Так что это может быть изменение карман. В любом случае это будет весело ездить! Спасибо за комментарий!
LOL you're right
Occasionally! There's the pesky inflation thing that someone will bring up at some point, but for now let's just bask in daydreams of warm sand and cold drinks. I need a vacation.
Oh i am on board with this . I have a sneaky feeling this is about to go loco. As soon as you start seeing billboards etc hit the streets, expect the next phase of awesomeness to be spawned.
I have that same feeling, except for me it's like a scream-it-from-the-rooftops thing. So not sneaky, but similar.
Wait until the first celeb throws a post on here, makes an ungodly amount of money for 19 words and pic, and then tweets to her nine billion closest followers. That will be a good day.
ikr and it will happen very soon. And once the first one posts the rest will follow. The tsunami will be ongoing for weeks drowning all streemians in a wash of emotional turmoil.
Oh man, if you think there's a lot frustration with "Girl travelling the world solo" posts pulling down $10k wait until Beyonce shows up. It will be like an insatiable black hole for STEEM. But I think that's all part of the evil masterplan to dominate everything.
hahaha right on!! yup the visual i got when you posted that was

That needed to be here. So badly. Thank you!
Hey, johnsmith. Of course I like your statement. But please explain. What is the relationship of the market cap of Facebook and Steem?
Glad you like!
The tenuous relationship I am trying to establish is:
Facebook = social media = $346B
Steemit = better social media >= $346B
Maybe a bit ahead of myself, a little presumptuous and perhaps a little over optimistic. But hey, what makes us happier than our dreams? :D
I like your article on converting STEEM to SP. Upvoted!
I just asking myself, what would happen, if steemit gets a billion users like FB. How big would be the market cap of Steem? Surely really huge.
It'll take time to get to that valuation, perhaps not along time, but some time. I'd divide your number by 2 to account for the dilution baked into the ecosystem, e.g., if it takes a year there would be 100% dilution (I think) so this number works for 1 year out.
That's still $1800 per STEEM so party on Mr. Smith!
I knew someone would bring that up! You win! :D
Yes, the supply of STEEM doubles every year, which is going to put a damper on my Happy Place of $3k/STEEM.
Unless of course Steemit's adoption rate is exponentially greater than Facebook's due to social media now being a part of everyday life (Facebook had to break trail and kind of invent social media, harder and takes longer) and Steemit is appeals to a vastly broader swath of humanity due to it's ability to pay rewards to literally any human being with an internet connection and the ability to create some kind of content.
it doubles every year, then reverse splits 10:1 every 3.3 years. so it stays within a pretty constant range.
the real problem with your analogy is that youre comparing apples and oranges. The term market capitalization as it applies to a company just isnt the same thing as the term as it applies to a crypto currency.
In a company, a share actually represents percentage ownership... and price of a share will correct if the valuation of a company's assetts is not inline with its market cap. I know not always, or dependably, but the point is that the relationship does exist. That means corporate market cap, as determined by share price, is at least a somewhat accurate depiction of valuation... 1 steem is not comparable to one share of FB, because the marketcap of steem as currency isnt really effected (at least not directly) by the valuation of steem inc's assets.
To put the argument another way -- if youre going to use corporate marketcap as a bell weather for crypto marketcap, steem is already disasterously overvalued... If there was a company and if that company had a stock, their 300M marketcap would be completely out of line with their assets.
Im not saying i don't see an increase in value... just that its not as simple as taking a corporate marketcap and assuming that steem currency will hit that marketcap.
Excellent points! And I agree on all of them. Perhaps the best we can say is the market has valued Facebook at ($) because it is the state-of-the-art/best in class social media platform and Steemit has now made the state-of-the-art obsolete, so Steemit will be valued at (>$). Apples to oranges, yes! But we can also talk about the value of fruit. And I like fruit.
Sick numbers! So we have a chance to be millionaires from steemit?
Yes, many current Steemians will become Steemian millionaires. Or at least that's what I tell myself as I sit here and type until 2am. :D
I appreciate your up-votes on posts, keep the positive vibes rolling!!!!
And I appreciate these conversations we keep having! Steem on!
As always! Our posts are really goods! Nice to write you!! Good luck with this project, and remember, the sky is not the limit, the limit is our mind!
Thank you - and same to you! Your passion for coffee really comes through in your posts. Upvoted!
Yes, limits are in the mind. In my case, the limits are low... like $5 blackjack.
hahahaha... lol. thanks, some day my posts will be like yours... and my blakjack y like $3 hehehehe GBU
I'm not ashamed to admit I spent a lot of time at the nickle slots...
Neat. Thanks for the info
Welcome! And, you're welcome!
Love this and the enthusiastic war cry :) Only thing is that Steem is being mined/created at an insane level. Cheers and upvote!
Yes, the inflation is 100% per year. But adoption will likely be orders of magnitude greater than that. Going from 30,000 users to 1,000,000,000 is going to take a lot of %. Assuming this all works, off course. :)
Weird how no one had mentioned it here yet, but the total supply is higher; check
I think it was mentioned... but a good point nonetheless. And the live artist thing is genius!
What?! I'm sorry for everyone who believes this but his math is way off. First of all, millions of more STEEM are going to be created in the coming months, maybe even double in a year or two. Next is FB's market cap, Steemit will have to come up with some wonderful way to move all the of FB's users to Steemit. Markets of decentralized social media are not exclusive to Steemit (Ethereum has a few coming up). I'm a total believer in this platform but lets not overestimate ourselves so we don't end up discouraged at the end of the day. Steemit has a long way to go and we have to make to take strong and steady steps (build a strong foundation).
Yes, lot's more STEEM coming down the pipes. But also a lot more users that are going to want some juicy, juicy STEEM. Also, reverse split every few years to help with the decimal places. But you're right! Supply of STEEM is constantly increasing.
Now as for Facebook users. Let's call them ants. And money is sugar. Steemit has sugar, lots of sugar. Facebook has... well, I'm not sure really. I don't use Facebook. But here's the point... ants like sugar. And when one ant finds sugar you know what the rest of the ants do? Yeah. Ant stampede.
As for Ethereum... well. First mover is a big advantage. Look at Facebook. ;)
Love your math!! In that case, I am a multi millionaire ^_^
I love my math too! I love any math that makes us all wealthy!
I did a Twitter Version!
Awesome, upvoted! And thank you for the credit, you are one classy Steemian!
Basically, if STEEM gets over 1 billion users like Facebook, the STEEM currency will soar. A unique case: STEEM's currency is leveraged against the success of its own product. I am worried that people will post as much as they can just to make money. I think this could create an environment of poor content. That being said be creative and informative with your posts or this social media site will bomb, along with its currency.
You know something? Steemit seems to be really good at burning out people pushing high volume, low quality content. Seriously. Even a crappy post takes a few minutes to put together, and there are very few people that can keep churning that crap hour after hour without any kind of reward. Seeing $0 on every post is a constant reminder that you should be spending your time elsewhere.
I agree there's going to be a flush of spam as people chase pennies trying to make millions, but the whole system seems very well designed to discourage that sort of thing. I'm sure someone is going to game the system in a way the devs never thought of, but so far, it seems like Steemit is making people dig deep and push out as much quality as they can muster.
Happy Days!!
Yes! Yes! And... Yes!
This is going to piss me off. A lot. Who's running this thing? Is there an off button?
Hmmm... so Bank + Facebook:
Wells Fargo + Facebook = $255B + $346B = $601B = $6200/STEEM!
I like your math better than my math.