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RE: Weekly Comment Catch-Up 5/25/18

in #steemit7 years ago

You hit the nail on the head when you were answering @afm007 's comment.

The example of Facebook ads vs Steemit bots....This is the major point I think people that are against upvote bots might not consider....We don't get anything back from advertising in Facebook!

Of course if you are selling something it MIGHT convert if your marketing is on point...But no guarantee.

With an upvote bot (with how they are currently set up) you get something back while it may not be a big return...Heck you might even make a profit, but you get VISIBILITY and attention to your post.

Plus the SP at the end of the week...

That's why I love them!


Exactly, there’s never been an advertising network as powerful as this. I’m really amazed that more big content creators like Gary Vee haven’t made their way here yet. It’s a matter of time.

Good question....He's pretty invested in the centralized platforms for spreading his message but he always talks about coming to new platforms and giving them a try....Curious to why he hasn't been active here.