HF19 a Success:
In a few hours Hard Fork 19 will take place, I know most of you would think I will talk about what is in HF19 like the purpose of the fork in making smaller votes count (4x voting + linear rewards), but what I want to talk about is a major positive change that took place even before the fork.
As we all know HF17 a major change that took a long time in the works failed witness approval and it was somewhat reversed in HF18 (both HF17 and HF18 took place at the same time), but the change that brought forward was a commitment by @ned and @sneak to make every hardfork after that a success by involving the witnesses and the community while the work is being done.
In my opinion the success of HF19 has already happened in HF17, not the technical success, not the distribution of rewards, not the linear rewards, the real success is the path the team has taken to bring change. Regardless whether HF19 will fix everything we want to fix or not, we no longer have to discuss a HF when the time comes to apply changes, because at the same time the code is being changed the discussion by your witnesses is also taking place, so when a fork has a confirmed date the team and the witnesses have already reached an agreement. This the best change that HF19 brings, no more weeks of wasted effort by the team.
Also with this change the voting experiment run by @abit and @smooth will come to an end. A big salute to these two witnesses who's selfless acts have proven time and time again how much they care about Steemit and the community.
With HF19 it is now the job of every Steemian to work and re-distribute the rewards as they see fit, your vote has more power, use it. Upvote content you like, and you are doing your part in making Steemit a better place.
I am sure @biophil the math wizard will crunch the numbers for us soon on HF19. He will tell us the best way to vote and when to vote. But it is your job to find the content you want to vote for, and that's the most important part.
Bancor Revisted:
I wanted to bring your attention to this article about Bancor:
If you followed my analysis of these ICO's you probably read my concerns about them. So I will not go further than telling you to research research research, that's your best tool to separate the good from the bad. Even a bad ICO can present a short term profit opportunity. Know when to hold them and know when to fold them.
Somewhere i read, that HF19 will make things better for minnows, and at the same time - not so attractive any more for big whales. If one end of the scale gets UP, and the other- DOWN, then somewhere ( at some certain SP level) must be a "sweet spot" , where things remain as it is, nothing changes.
So i'm curious at what SP levels will be these users, which are not much affected by this exponential>>linear change ???
Anyone knows?
im not a fan of this HF but it has some good sides :)))
hahaha I saw :D
While we minnows are excited waiting for HF19 to change the playground which may become little bit more favoritable to us, the whales may not think the same.
I heard some rumors that the whales are powering down and getting profit out.
Let's assume the whales all cash out and become Dolphins. What will Steemit become where there is no whales around?
I am so interested to such a situation!
The whales are not cashing out, and HF19 is not an anti whale fork, it's a voting algo adjustment that happened before and will probably happen again to make our steemit experience a better one.
In celebration of HF19 I upvoted all the comments, but I worn out my voting power, sorry for the ones I will miss, I will do this again, so hopefully I get you on the next run.
wow you are a true hero thank you
The HF will likely help bring in new users and keep them so overall it's best for whales. Whales will have less voting power but their Steem will be worth more!
Ridiculuralizing/wearing off at old fashion, some of the best powers that will soon become unpowered.
=) Nice way to celebrate.. second that, but on your post. Hehe.
I think is a great opportunity for all newbie and little creator to have good upvoting
Thank you for working on the Steemit workings and posting about the change. It brings clarity to what's currently happening and is removing uncertainty in the process. I really appreciate all the efforts that are being made by everyone. :)
Check the stats @corn113 - https://steemdata.com/charts It is just not true that they are powering down.
I heard the same rumors, but who knows.I guess we just need to be patient and find ourselves how is this going to change Steemit. I find it quite unlikely that whales are powering down but... who knows,
Hopefully it is all for the better and we all keep growing !
Thanks for sharing!
If that was the case, I wonder how dramatic the price drop of steem would be since there would be suddenly less demand. I mean if all whales dump their blubber nothing will be hungry for a while
Proof that the whales are not powering down and cashing out.
There are no more powering down than normal, and some of the whales who do power down simply like keeping liquid steem rather than having everything in SP.
You're right, no real power down from the whales. Sounds like minnows' posts are getting a very nice pump up right after HF 19 was life.
Now I am interested to know if existing and not yet payout posts of the whales got adjust down?
Anyone has the figure?
good posting
Something really confused me today.
I keep reading, that at present time ( prior HF19) one single upvote worth is EXPONENTIAL, depending on SP. Which in few hours is going to be changed into LINEAR
I just checked the "worth of upvote" values for 8 different whales-dolphins-minnows, from steemdollar.com , starting from the top, and in the decreasing steps of x10 times each. And here is what i got:
This seems quite linear, right?
Ten times more SP = ten times more value in one upvote.
How it can be?
What I am missing?
@joseph , @aggroed , @ausbitbank , @timcliff - or anyone else can clarify this?
The time a vote takes place influences those numbers as well. I know a few people who can answer this better, @abit @arhag @smooth @jesta @gtg they are the math wizards on the witness panel.
Yes, i know TIME is important. And there are few more variables. But my interest is purely how the amount of SP influence will change.
Another thing not clear is this - somewhere i read, that HF19 will make things better for minnows, and at the same time - not so attractive any more for big whales. If one end of the scale gets UP, and the other- DOWN, then somewhere ( at some certain SP level) must be a "sweet spot" , where things remain as it is, nothing changes.
So i'm curious at what SP levels will be these users, which are not much affected by this exponential>>linear change ???
Anyone knows?
If that is the case for minnows now. Imagine what it will be like for newcomers in one years time. Or more than that?
Unless something has changed recently, steemdollar.com does not give correct values.
Yes only joined a month ago but have read a hell of a lot in a month and seems like HF19 has been put together smoothly behind the scenes. Always good to see no panicking behind the scenes, gives everyone confidence.
I can't wait for the hf to go live. Hopefully i can make a difference in the votes now after this change. Cam someone tell me whats the time slot it's going to go live?
Thanks and much cheers..
Someone announced this:
I have no idea how accurate it is http://steem.vc/hf19/
I'm too excited about this new HF 19. I'm like a kid waiting for the holidays x). I subscribe to your blog. Very good article
Same here!
I feel the same way about every hardfork, but if you are running a witness node the holiday feeling comes if your node forks as expected :D
@izbing , Hear hear!
Haha nice song! Didn't expect that :D
I see the countdown for the HF so when that goes to 0 it literally kicks in the next block and our votes are worth 4x and linear etc?
Thanks @joseph... No idea why but I feel like I am counting down the New Year! haha
I am newbie in Steemit.
I don't really understand what is going on but I think it's something great.
I trust Steemit and cryptocurrencies.
They are the key of new age.
I am so glad that I have joined this platform. Wish you all the best.
Keep going, Zack. Steemit and crypto currencies overall are a huge new world of opportunity for us all to make $, meet awesome ppl and potentially set ourselves up for great jobs / businesses / careers with the knowledge and connections we get here!
It is not only about $$$, cryptos provide freedom, where there is none!
I'm like you, just learning , so I read these post to help me get a handle on what's going on.
Either way this forum is great, and the people on it
For our Steemians who have day jobs, what is the reader's digest version of what happening in HF19? The cliff notes version...anyone?
Basically the vote influence is going to be changed to make minnows more influential (that's the little guys). Also, short and sweet, your vote is worth more but your voting power might wear down faster so keep an eye out for that. If it does, you'll be seeing endless tutorials about how to lower your voting power per vote so you can get more votes in per day without watering down your vote power too much.
@joseph m thinking what good will ds HF19 will do to my account but till then plss upvote ds comment
I can't wait for hardfork 19 and see the changes it brings.
Thank you to all the witnesses working their arses off upgrading their servers.
Let's hope it will bring good news!
Looking forward to change and we believe it will be better for Steemit!
The best thing about Steem is when you discuss the 'Hard Fork' their is no panic or real contention. I love BTC but the fees and transaction time are crazy nowadays but as soon as someone mentions sorting it out with a soft or hard fork its like you insulted someones mum and you get a pile of abuse.
hahaha, yes so very true, graphene tech is much different because there is voting and there is delegated witnesses to act on everyone's behalf, it's easier to get 20 people to come to an agreement.
Absolutely, I'm very enthusiastic on Graphene for the reasons you stated. It's also easier to do forks and such when you have such a strong community with a built-in feedback system(s)
HF19 will be live in 3 hours according to my timezone that's 6pm. I look forward to see if it will affect me positively,i have sacrificed alot for steemit and even dedicated my career on steemit and so you must see why I'm kinda nervous, steem power and SBD to the little guys is all we ask.
@joseph well whats the timing of hardfork will site go offline while hardfork
No the hardfork will not be noticeable on the website, unless something goes wrong, but we had a track record of many HF's taking place without any service interruption.
@joseph should i send my steem coin to poloniex or it is safe to keep them here while hardfork
Good question, it's better you wait till after the hardfork, since exchanges will do updates. As far as I know bittrex updated already so you can send now, but do not do the transfer close to hardfork time. That's a precaution.
HF19 significance seems an exciting topic for many Steemians. As a minnow 5 days old on Steemit, I have not been involved in pain and pleasures of earlier HFs of Steemit community. However, I will keep my eyes and ears open to provide feedback on any HF19 effects I notice. Thanks for sharing your views.
I do not wish to intrude, since you are such a senior member but may I make two requests -
When you have time, please do take a look at my blog where I tried my hand at writing - a chain of thoughts on solitude - inspired by my wildlife picture instead of just putting the picture. Thanks
A minnow
@joseph you must have been in the industry for years to write such perfect analysis of hardforks. yes, i am also looking forward to HF19 and hope they give some voting power to minnows - not the real newbies but who have reached and crossed a reputation score of 40.
The way i see it, Steem is still in beta. We are done with one experiment, and moving on to the next. I am now changing the way i am voting now to best utilize the features in HF19.
But personally, as you said. I will always vote for excellent posts i come across. Supporting great content creators on Steemit is a tenet which i will never put down.
I am new in steemit, and yet understand about hard fork itself. After reading this article I understand, to be challenged.
Stick to it and support it.
Increase rewards = Increase work !
Nice post dear keep it up👍👍👍👍👍
@joseph It will be probably new features on the platform. hardfork should make something good.
Am very excited about hardfork and as advice...the research has commenced...upvoted as always...tks for the insight...keep it coming...
Nb: just sent my first post need big guys like you to check the content if am on the right track...;)Wow...a timely update @joseph
Big guys is not me, but I hope they see your message :D
humility personified...to me you are a big guy....big guy is not those with whale tag or highest steem power...
big guy to me is not those who earns the fattest bucks on any resteemed or new posts@joseph
big guy is not for me those who appear on weekly best earners or rated the highest...
Big guy to me is he/she who has a big heart...who will take his time to upvote, comment, resteem and encourage new members to climb the ladder of success smoothly...
My big guy is you..yes you Joseph the Big guy...;)
Also...I see big guy in...
you guys are my big men...tks for upvoting my earlier comment... @picokernel @forykw @cube48 @joseph
In HF 19 I'm curios about vote distribution. I'm a minnow and new here so I hope it makes some changes on the leverage of the system. Usually minnows are overlooked by the powerwhales in here. I've seen a lot of good minnows who post interesting and right on the spot applicable stuff.
I have to agree with you that steemit is in adolescence process. It is almost mature from the technical point. The stuff and witness are doing a real good job and I wish to thank them for that. I hope that the some new witness appear and replace the one that are not that active.
Let's see and wait.
Steem future looks promising
Awesome to hear about the developments and the excitement is great! Keep up the good work everyone!
Good article
You got to know when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em
Thank you for your thoughts on the HF 19 :) I am really looking forward to how things will change ;)
Very technical, but the jist of it about being beneficial makes me relax some.
Thanks for the great info!
Following and Upvoted.
It will be interesting to see how a wider distribution of power affects voting and the content we see on the trending list. I also look forward to the creative ways that people will use this to their advantage. Its those people taking advantage of a situation that make us stronger in the future. They help by pointing out weaknesses in a system. Steem continues to survive through all the experiments and that is a very good sign for the community long term. The commitment the developers have to constantly improve things is the key.
nice info ...
The platform transformed so much that it is now grown huge and strong. The bond that the steemians have, from minnows to whales have greatly evolve and is much stronger than ever. Congratulations STEEMIT!!!
@joseph what do u think about the price of steem coin will go up or down while hardfork
You are asking me to speculate on a short term event. I do think STEEM will go up on the long run because it's the only crypro project built with use case attached.
I think this is the best altcoin ever created and fulfiling its purpose upvote if u agree
I am eagerly waiting to see the positive change this will have on the moral of our community. Thank you for all you do for steem/steemit!
You can fix code, you can not fix people. :D
Absolutely! Even with vote weight change, I think new steemians have a visibility issue. However, As you have said in previous posts, I can not stress enough the importance that networking has on your Steemit success!
Great post, glad to see that HF19 was a team effort. Kenny Rogers on the end was a sweet touch, folks would be good to heed his advice.
Change to good, I hope!
Looking forward to using Steemnow.com to see what kind of affect it will have on pending and future payouts.
I am not sure if the signs of change will be immediate or will take some time. We will see today. :D
What time is it at exactly?
there is a counter at the top of the explorer page. now reads 4 hours
Appreciate that!
Complex work, will be welcomed
Very exited for HF 19.
I feel rejuvenated now to write more posts today. I can't wait!!
Great post. Well-written/well articulated. Followed. Keep up the good work!
@joseph as you seem to know your way around steemit, is there any one place where there is like a changelog or something. Trying to get my head around how steemit works in details :)
Just wrote a piece on some points that concern me. No idea if I got it right or wrong because I can't find what i am looking for.
what time will or did the hard fork take place?