And the same time, the power of the whales had increase exponentially. You are wrong when you said nobody is voting. Voting is there but with the same authors all day long.
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And the same time, the power of the whales had increase exponentially. You are wrong when you said nobody is voting. Voting is there but with the same authors all day long.
First of all, with all respect I´m jumping in these conversation...
So @juvyjabian If the whale votes between them the power voting will be on the top... Nobody on the bottom will be affected for... So that is a kind of monopoly or something like a "The Whale Club". Looking for this perspective, What the chance that someone in short time will be part of this club? So... I guess that we need to talk about that for they change the rule for democratize the SteemIt. Or for create a rule that equalize this situation.
Thanks for joining in. You are right, a discussion could be good starting point.