Before Steemit I had no experience as a content generator, writer, blogger or anything like that (alias, I do not consider myself a writer or blogger). I had many ideas in my head, I was looking for a place where I could divulge them, but without success.
Here I developed my writing a lot, I was able to find my style and to build a post for me became something as natural as drinking water. I always have something to write, to show through my photos, and I am very happy to see that I do not have so much difficulty in always being feeding my space here in Steemit.
But, what makes good content? How to get the best possible reward for your content here at Steemit? How to be seen, how to be voted? How to succeed at Steemit?
I honestly even after 1 year and 3 months on Steemit, I do not know how to answer that question. For it is something so subjective that we can not pin an absolute truth on these questions. It's crazy because I had content that I wrote and posted on my blog and that I thought a "great post" that were nothing but pennies and other content that I thought would give nothing and I won a hundred of SBD. That until some time ago, maybe 6 months.
Today it has become more difficult to be voted for whales our content posted on Steemit. The "funnel is tightening," that is, because of vote-buying projects, we can not get anymore home-made or natural votes from the whales. This is perhaps my biggest criticism and revolt here today at Steemit. Because, what attracted me most to Steemit was the argument that here I would be rewarded for my quality content posted on the platform and not that I would have to pay for it.
But anyway, I do not see this my belief, faith or argument as a justification for stopping posting or giving up on Steemit. I love this space, I love my followers and I intend to stay here for several years.
About what makes content "acceptable" or good content, I could say that "acceptable" content here at Steemit is always original, bold and very creative. It is no use copying and pasting content from other sites, stealing photos or making up facts. Be original, true, creative and natural. Do not be anything other than yourself, don't exaggerate in arguments that you do not even use on a daily basis or deal with deep issues that you have never read a book about.
These are my primary tips to build good content in Steemit and I wish everyone who read this post, especially you who are new to the platform, good luck and success and when you get rich here at Steemit, do not forget me.😃👍🍺
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Hello @jsantana
I have know you for a while now and I can surely say that you are a creator of quality content be it text or Photography.
Most people feel that quality content Involves researching on big topics like cryptocurrency or business but that is not true.
Quality content is simply you talking about what you do on a daily basis, you can simply blog about your journey as a Photographer or you daily activities.
Original or Quality content is more about Documenting rather than creating content.
You can check out someone like @papa-pepper, he simply blogs about his daily farming activities.
Another advice I will give you is not to solely focus your blogging activities on Steemit, I recently returned to Facebook due to some observations I made.
As a Photographer you need to have a Strong Instagram Game.
Steemit is a great Place,but it is still under development.
Very good friend and great to see his advice and comments here. Yes, I know the work of @papa-pepper. It sure is a success here at Steemit and I've been following it since his beginning here at Steemit.
Your advice is sure to be valuable and will also serve the newbies.
Big hug!
Very true @jsantana, I can see barely any correlation between how hard I work on a post and how much it makes. The way I see it we just have to enjoy creating content and then once in a while you hit a "whale lottery" and get an extra incentive :)
I think it's cool to think so, my friend.
Well you are absolutely right. You dont understand now a days which post gets more upvotes. Sometimes you post a small post that is meaningless, but people vote for it more than a long informative post. It is a bit funny, but thats what I experienced personally. But we should always try to right good and meaningful posts that can help others or would benefit them in any way.
Thanks for your comment. Really. There are people here who produce quality content and hope that one day they can have the success they seek and want here. Today is more difficult, but here still remains a great opportunity for those who want to be rewarded for their content.
Good content? Yes that is the ultimate question.
I am a writer by nature and as a past career, so I have that aspect down. What has me baffled is that one week I write (the same general topic of gardening) a few articles and make $5-$20 off each. Fast forward to the next week... same gardening topic and EPIC FAIL!
What gives? No rhyme or reason to the influx of UPvotes, steem earnings, etc.
It often happens that "rewards go hand in hand," which does not mean that your content is not good. But do not give up, try to change the focus of your posts a bit or invent something innovative. Steemit is certainly a great opportunity. Good luck.
thanks for supportive words and comment.
I have the determination and dedication. Just need to find the right combination that I am seeking.
It's a sad truth that even if we have the best content in world, still it doesn't guarantee good rewards because it greatly depend on who has the power. In terms of learning, it's immeasurable, because we learned a lot from our content.
I believe that after Hard Fork 19, the minows had more power, but at the same time the interaction died on the platform. No one else votes, nobody else comments and only the so-called "Steemit celebrities" have some success with their posts. This created a monopoly, as every government and in a decentralized government is no different and this is bad.
When creating monopolies, those at the bottom will never have their success and this is sad seeing Steemit as the biggest opportunity for content generators to earn for their posted content.
And the same time, the power of the whales had increase exponentially. You are wrong when you said nobody is voting. Voting is there but with the same authors all day long.
First of all, with all respect I´m jumping in these conversation...
So @juvyjabian If the whale votes between them the power voting will be on the top... Nobody on the bottom will be affected for... So that is a kind of monopoly or something like a "The Whale Club". Looking for this perspective, What the chance that someone in short time will be part of this club? So... I guess that we need to talk about that for they change the rule for democratize the SteemIt. Or for create a rule that equalize this situation.
Thanks for joining in. You are right, a discussion could be good starting point.
I love this space as well and I've sure because of that we are here posting as many others doing do same. That's good for us with community. Great point of view. Let´s continuing doing our best for sure! Nice post!
Valeu meu brother!
Somos Brazukas velho! E aqui é maneira de dar em doido! A gente não desiste nunca! ;D
This little peace was useful, thanks alot. @jstantana
Thank you
You welcome mR
Greta post and tips, I do not see myself as a blogger yet either, mind you I have only been on here for about 4 months, I am primarily a photographer, but being on this community I do see myself transitioning to add more written content with my posts, not all of them but I think I am slowly growing in that regard
I can say for you with my experience here that Steemit is a great school 😀
Yes I do believe you are ready right
Thank you!