Steemit Mobile App!!!

in #steemit9 years ago

Hey everybody. Karcher here.

I am curious if anyone knows anything about the development of a Steemit mobile app platform.

If anyone has any information, maybe from @dan or @ned , please drop some info below!

I think a Steemit mobile app comparable to Facebook or Instagram would make Steemit unstoppable.

Can you imagine if Steemit was as fast as Instagram ? That would be amazing! Just my opinion anyway. Feel free to drop comments or thoughts below!


Am new in the steemit, I want to join the chat you talked about. My link is @ogowueze. So, how do I join?

I think a mobile app of Steemit would be amazing. It would allow you to access your account, make posts whenever you want, make withdrawals, and even more stuff. It would be cool to see something like this to be made.

Steemit mobile application will be ideal

Just found a mobile app for steemit called
eSteem here you can blog, vote and get paid... Everything in one palce, you can event transfer steem and have access to exchange.
Looks like more futures will be added to it.Hi @mhangami :)

Here are links to Google play store and iOS.

Looks like a promising app. With people always on the go, this app can be a useful tool for steemit. Hopefully the developer can maintain and build upon the app to make it better and iron out the bugs of the initial launch.

I have no doubt that it will be so. Just remember how FB looked at the very beginning and what it offered. I personally see the bright future for Steemit

You can build your own like esteem. I have written a blog post on how to create a mobile app for android and ios for steemit in 5 minutes here :

Please checkout the blog post, follow, share and help others.

I cant wait for Steemit's mobile app, it will be amazing and very handy to use. Going Live Feature thru the app and having the stories on it will create a whole lot of difference. Just a 2 cents.

@good-karma started already with ionic framework.

Thank you for the info

Was thinking about it myself, since I got here. In the world of mobile first strategies it's a big missing link to success.
What would be needed to code this thing? I would even be interested to give it a try for a cross platform development. Anybody wanna join me on Xamarin Development for this?

I think if we are serious about steemit replacing facebook then an app needs to happen. How difficult is this to do since this is based off the blockchain?

I don’t think steemit would replace Facebook since it’s not a competitor. Facebook in my opinion is a totally different purpose-tool. People don’t go there to find blogs and curated content like here. I mindlessly use Facebook lol.

I think steemit’s competition would be something like reddit or another blog-like platform. Steemit has so many advantages, it’s going to kick ass though!

i only steem mobile. app? soon i hope.

I hope the app is launch soon

I was just wondering this myself and I see I'm not the only one. I don't see much in the way of an answer though. Does anyone know if there is a plan for a mobile app?

esteem is a great App by @good-karma

Hi you can make your own app like I did. I have written a blog post on how to create a mobile app for android and ios for steemit in 5 minutes here :

Please checkout the blog post, follow, share and help others.

Well, actually you should mention the 800$ you have to pay to use the app. I followed your blog instructions, but only was able to create an App that doesn't work due to licensing.
Also the app you posted isn't working
:( due to the same circumstances

@jansenmccloud, the app is free for personal use. You need to buy the license only if you want to publish it on app stores!

omg totally agree.. i was just looking for one online... guess there isn't one.. maybe they'll need one Luke reddit app but i like ig platform better

In my opinion Esteem is a wonderful app. It is highly customizable and I like that. It does need to be faster though maybe a programmer needs to look at the code.

I wasn't sure if Esteem was made by the creators of Steem or not... is it?

can i join the dev team :) i'd love the idea of a steemit mobile app.

Hey @poopsta please connect with me. I can help you.

i connect with you buy following you :)

If there can be steemit app for mobile platform, it would be of ease. Many people rely on their phone this days rather then logging into their PCs.

Is anyone working in developing one?

definitely want to see this happening

Now that Gab is getting more attention and Gab's app is in the spotlights too, Steemit should not stay behind.

Steemit is already unstoppable. It is a self propelling automated economy. Pass it on.

For some reason i have a steemit app🤤 it looks super legit and im using all the features.

What's the app name pls?

I thought e stem mobile is the phone app. No?

so, is there a mobile app yet? I can't find anything...

guess not

Hey! Just found this quite decent. Add a shortcut to your mobile home screen and its just like having the app. Works just like an app for me on android, its great!

I have written a blog post on how to create a mobile app for android and ios for steemit in 5 minutes here :

Please checkout the blog post, follow, share and help others.

Totally even I feel the need of an app

Where is the app??

will be epic boost if steemid has mobile app

Another Application for Steemit is also launched and they are working greatly. Here's the link. <a href:"">Steemit App

Just worked with esteem, in my opinion the mobile site is still better, and the app occupies nearly 100 mb that is much for me.
Steemit mobile site is good enough anyway.

Any updates for this?

Thanks for sharing a very good post.
I have seen this post is completed 2 years but im new here in steemit
So checking for any apps for steemit
So, Finally i found u r post in online.
Once again thanks for sharing a valuable post.

So yes, I think I am exactly in your same situation. Just thinking that a Steemit app to use on your phone would be very handy to browse content and read interesting stuff. I am thinking of all the dead times I am waiting at an airport waiting room, bus station or others and I don't have time to open my laptop so I often end up scrolling up and down facebook or instagram and I would rather follow some interesting content more interactively than on the website. It would make me feel better and also be useful to my social media addiction. anyways. give a sign is something similar happens

This is the best one hands down.

Open with chrome app. Open menu and add to home screen.

That makes a lot of sense coz even I tried looking for the app but couldn't find it.i hope they come up with one!! STEEMIT will explode amongst the mainstream internet audience as well!!

You might find this app on