Love it! Never even heard of this movie... lol.
Be nice! The crowd booing her was mean... I was never mean...but I identified w platimun hair guy...what are u serious? Meaning, l lacked empathy when I felt a pity party coming. My husband then told me that when I struggle w someone to imagine they were one of my pets... Well, I love and pet them all so the outcome? I started playing with people's hair. I ended up making lots of friends fast, but it's weird, so fortunately I'm just nice now without having to pet people. It's all perspective. Thanks for all the fun you're tossing our way!
So just curious and don't laugh... but do you have solar panels or do you live with kerosene lamps? (Maybe a topic for your next post!)
I have a small solar setup. I also use a lot of batteries, propane and general camping style equipment and gear of all sorts.
The movie was "Buckaroo Bonzai" and it was very silly.
I had a time when I was a pretty upset, unhappy person after my first divorce. I had to learn to be nice too. It worked though. Glad you enjoyed the reading and it's interesting knowing more about you as well!
Life is certainly a journey. Curious, how tiny is your tiny house? I see articles on those all the time. I haven't thought of living in one, but I have thought how fantastic it would to live in a treehouse. I'm glad we're both nice now. Your enthusiasm is contagious. And, you're super interesting! I finally posted again! Stop by for a visit.
thanks! My house is 12 feet by 28 feet, one room, no plumbing, water or real electricity. Quite cozy.
I'll swing by and update on your adventure here in a bit.
Hi @sircork. Just saw your reply. I'll be watching for posts on your blog about living off the grid in a tiny house! So fun!