Hey Again, Steemitizens!

My followers know by now that i've had a pretty busy day of posting and commenting going on. One of my busiest yet on steemit to be honest and I didn't really expect today's fairly mundane, mostly opinionated or personal interest posts to get so much traction and response! I hit some nerves I guess, and maybe the wine post touched some drunks HAHA :D Who really knows how all this works anyway, right?
But I know one thing I'm kind smug about right now. I've been doing some pretty heavy preaching about behavior and results here on steemit in the last week or so. Multiple posts and rants on the topic. Figured I was damning myself with the community in some ways with them, but full steem ahead was my style way before I got to steem, so no reason to be different now, eh?
Today is my 15th day since my registration here became active. 15 days of nearly 24 hour a day attention to this site, the related tools and sites in the eco-system and steemit.chat and discord, of course as well.
I sleep now in two hour naps once or twice a day, because this is the dreem I waited for my entire life since my first BBS call on my first TRS-80 in the mid 1980's. A place full of smart people, where it was possible to actually do what I am best at, writing, and tech, and share them and life in general ranging from blackberry wine making lessons I post to reasons why one crypto coin is better than another. Just ... everything! All in one! with a paycheck! (Not my biggest motivator at all, but I would be remiss to omit it too!)
Anyway, brag time. Today, on day 15 I hit TWO milestones.
The first milestone is:
500 followers about ten minutes ago!!!!
I'm humbled, flattered, amused, surprised and kinda proud of myself too! (Is that so wrong? )
I am only writing most of what I do, because I care about YOU and this PLACE too!
The second milestone is:
Reputation 50 (actually 51 now!)
I talk the talk to minnows like me in my posts, but I walk the walk I preach and it works, and anyone can do what I've done. Seriously ANYONE. I continue to post what I do and how, to grow quickly and solidly with a REAL following and not some hyped up, gamed up stupid unsustainable approach to building and joining in the community around me.
That's all I really wanted to say. and it was fun, so I think I will say it again!
Thanks to all my followers, #MinnowSupportNetwork, P.A.L. (and @randowhale!)
So excited for the next half century of my life here on STEEMIT.COM!
I love you Steemit!
"All my love, all my kisses, [I] didn't know what [I'd] been missin' Oh BOY!"
"Tonight, There'll be no hestitatin'!"
You may not realize this, but not only do I live off grid in a rural area, but the town is TINY and I only have one real offline friend I hang out with who works very hard so at best we get to shoot pool at the moose lodge once or twice a month and sometimes catch up on a weekend evening for a couple beers and talk about race cars and hotrods.... So that means this is why i am usually here on steemit, or where I used to be on those antique social toys that came before this. And that means, I kinda live for our interactions, my only intellectual stimulus around here. My cats and dogs don't read much and they are skeptical of crypto so I can barely talk to them about my passions...
Anyway, thank the lord you guys and gals are here to talk to! I'd go bat shit crazy with out you. And random trivia, but "bat shit" crazy actually has its roots in a real bat shit borne illness. Look it up! Now you know!
Cheers to all of you on the journey with me.
We go together, or we die alone.
And just like that, post #1649 in 15 days, is done!
I sure hope you talk about living off grid! That is so cool! I know it's not the same thing but I did camped for 8 weekends in a row w just my dog at one time to find myself. Turns out I was always there. Love your stories.
Thank you so much. Your comment reminded me of this 80s movie moment...
It's only a moment - watch to the end, to get the point. :D
Love it! Never even heard of this movie... lol.
Be nice! The crowd booing her was mean... I was never mean...but I identified w platimun hair guy...what are u serious? Meaning, l lacked empathy when I felt a pity party coming. My husband then told me that when I struggle w someone to imagine they were one of my pets... Well, I love and pet them all so the outcome? I started playing with people's hair. I ended up making lots of friends fast, but it's weird, so fortunately I'm just nice now without having to pet people. It's all perspective. Thanks for all the fun you're tossing our way!
So just curious and don't laugh... but do you have solar panels or do you live with kerosene lamps? (Maybe a topic for your next post!)
I have a small solar setup. I also use a lot of batteries, propane and general camping style equipment and gear of all sorts.
The movie was "Buckaroo Bonzai" and it was very silly.
I had a time when I was a pretty upset, unhappy person after my first divorce. I had to learn to be nice too. It worked though. Glad you enjoyed the reading and it's interesting knowing more about you as well!
Life is certainly a journey. Curious, how tiny is your tiny house? I see articles on those all the time. I haven't thought of living in one, but I have thought how fantastic it would to live in a treehouse. I'm glad we're both nice now. Your enthusiasm is contagious. And, you're super interesting! I finally posted again! Stop by for a visit.
thanks! My house is 12 feet by 28 feet, one room, no plumbing, water or real electricity. Quite cozy.
I'll swing by and update on your adventure here in a bit.
Hi @sircork. Just saw your reply. I'll be watching for posts on your blog about living off the grid in a tiny house! So fun!
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Why am I not surprized...yer just everything my ma 'n da hoped I'd be.
I don't say this often...but...followed, upvoted and resteemed!
You, Sir Cork...are a shining example of how it's done here. Helpful, witty and kind.
oh...'n prolific...so so so prolific
~smiles fer miles~
you forgot precocious and pretty and particular and proportionate and sometimes also perpendicular.
lol...all those things doth a poised porpoise make
yer just soooOOOooo...perspicacious
You looked up P words, didn't you. C'mon, you can tell me... :)
lol...that would be a long pissssssssssssssss
and besides...how would I know it started with the letter P...huh?
guess'n you're more perturbed than pissed...let's hope so...would be sad to lose a good friend such as you
~peace out...in~
You, @sircork, are a ripper! I'm at 50.9 and you're 51 already! Wow! Amazing progress. Congratulations for the 500 followers too. You've done in 2 weeks what I am yet to do in 3 weeks (I have 400 followers) and thousands haven't been able to do it in months.
The involvment level is phenomenal and calls for all the progress. I am glad to be connected to you earlier than you become a big freaking whale (pretty soon I guess). Remeber the poor me when you're rich. Haha!
Happy for you and I share same opinions on most matters. Steem on!!!
You were one of MY first friends @ilyastarar, we're in this ship together. Like I said, we all go together, or we die alone.
Thank you for the compliments. You'll catch me and pass me, and then I'll catch you and pass you, and I hope we keep doing that all the way till we list under @ned on steemwhales :D
Will we be better whales than the current ones? I think yes! 😎
Well I for one, plan to be the first skinny whale. And then I'm going to do a series on whale fitness.
I can just hear them blubbering about the workout now. ;D
(ps strictly for pun value - I haven't worked out, like ever, minus a few months when my next door neighbor was a personal trainer who took me to his gym with him after hours for free training for a while, and I got buff! for like 30 seconds in 2012 LOL)
Lol. I plan to support minnows who are good value adders.
One low powered leftover power 100% upvote for you sir
thats lovely!
Good plan!
And I posted my introduction again yesterday. You're welcome to connect me on my social media.
THIS IS your social media, and we are connected. I won't be going anywhere else much anymore.
Kinda same here. :)
Right? Except the friends that I can call on for possum help are there... but once they're here, no goin' back!
I got your possum help in the truck. and on my hip. You prefer noisy or quick dispatch of said possum? :D
We were quite glad to get the help of kind animal lovers, who are taking gentle care of the docile and helpful scavenger.
You're definitely an asset to the community, SirCork! Congrats on your milestones!
Thank you! An asset! Wow, does that come with a secret agent badge? I hear you are quite the asset to the elves and orcs yourself!
Well, you'd have to make the badge as steeme creator extraordinaire, and you should! As far as the elves go, we'll see if I make it to the forest. ;)
My bubble is slightly burst atm as you know, or id be photochoppin that stinkin badge already
:( I came to chat right after I had posted that. How are things looking this morning...still flagged I see. Any hope from aggroed? I hope you got some sleep!
Well either Aggroed or another MSP pro voted me back into the money but the flags cannot be removed, only beaten back down with higher level votes.
No sleep. already had 2 client meetings, a production app deplyment, been home from office for dogs and back, mcdonalds, gas, smokes, all done, back at office. Slept on Wednesday I think. coffee is a minor miracle.
Cool, congrats on the followers. I was on tsu a year ago, also a social media that paid and we build a nice community over there, but then they pulled the plug... They had too many costs and depended on advertisers and investors, but it was really friendly and social over there and lots of them are now on Steemit. Check out some profiles that use #tsufamily tag, you might end up meeting some good new friends!
I'm familiar with Tsu, wasn't a member! but I know the whole story. I was busy overseeing another now failed social network as director of technology at the time. Wasn't signing up on anyone remotely competitive then. Free of that now though. Thanks for the tip! I will check the tag channel out!
Sircork - you Sir, are going to do very well here - your cats and dogs - well perhaps not so much. SK.
Oh you mean my emergency survival stir fry kit?
No trending #yeahimgoingtohell posts found
Check out #spamtag and #spamtag2 :D
Hey now...that is cool...I like to dive deep here too
Just never caught on to the whole #timetravelonsteemit thing
another tag I made up or you just did, did I use that in the Dan post on spamtag?
not sure if you did...not sure of a lot of things
have a look at my first post in...like a week
I try to explain it all there
btw...just came from another reply you made...
are you sleepsteemiting?
Im gonna have to post one there in #yeahimgoing... lol
Congrats bro! Next milestone is 1000! You will get there in no time im sure :)
I hope I get to squeeze in some sleep before then.
nahhhhhhh fukit, I'll be here till 1K! :)
Fuck the all nighter.... All weeker here we come!
I'm in! Race you to our Lambos!
Nah, I'll leave the Lambo. GTR here I come!
Are you on Discord? If you are feel free to add me :) - VeNOm#6875
Figure of speech, I'll have a 68 Camaro RS/SS hard top, tubbed for fat shoes in the back, and maxed to the point of stretching street legal everywhere else.
And a classic Chevy 4x4, less picky about year there, maybe a 70s model... next to it.
So all that is maybe 75 grand combined now and with the leftover lambo money, I'm buying a drag strip equipped, full 1/4 mile track length paved road to replace the half mile dirt road to my homestead from the main paved road. Sound good? Bring the GTR over. I'll grab a pizza.
Go get'em!
Doin' the best I can and givin' it all I've got, Captain @Wipgirl!
Congratulations are in order @SirCork! I just cracked my first beer of the day and I am proposing a toast to your continued success!
I too have been looking for a great community that enjoys great discourse. I have found quite a few cool people on here already! Its not always easy on the Internet. Also I have learned a lot from your posts! Thanks.
Well, thank you! I'm glad I've offered something you could find useful.
Don't look now, but I'm following you!
Me, too with the beer! Mine's a wheat ale. Yours?
A strong IPA from New Belgium brewing. :)
Ah! Mine is from Angel City. Do you know them? Los Angeles local.
I haven't tried any from that brewery I don't believe. One great beer from California that I have had recently is Racer 5 IPA from Bear Republic. If you have a chance check it out. :)
I'll keep my eye out for it.
Goodness! But don't forget, even dolphins need to sleep.
Did you know whales sleep vertically? true story, learned it yesterday actually. They sleep nose down, tail to the surface for 20 minutes and slowly rise till pressure changes wake them up again in groups. It was discovered when divers found a pod of whales like this and approached thinking they were dead or something till they woke up and scattered, scaring the shit out of everyone human and whale alike.
We're all insane people on here.
The curse of the Genius
Am below both of you two, BUT, it's really cool here! am digging it..
Dig in! Dig it! It's the best!
been trying!!
Heck you're on our tails.. pro tip? post something original, anything, less resteeming, it pays more and loses less followers as well as just being better for steemit :D
But its your account and wallet, and you got the follows, so use them wisely and however you want!
I have posted a few stories of my own so far..just not the right one yet..
Inspiration strikes like a whale vote, you never know when and you suspect it might never happen, but when it does, you are shocked, excited and the suspect of the way it arrived.
I just made a holiday post..give me some feedback on it?
Personally, I really enjoy being a part of this community the interaction with other members was very helpful in terms of ideas and information even tough I haven't been here for long !!
It's the best place on EARTH! :D
i just found you so I have to find out what you have been posting, and I am new here as well just barely a week, so a I am interested in what you believe newbies should do to get ahead, however I want to say that I enjoy sleeping, so I am going to take this platform in moderation!
I also enjoy this platform, because of its uniqueness, and because the people here are friendly and supporttive. I never thought I would be interested doing social media in this way, I never had as much interest in facebook, twitter, or instagram. This seems to be a good place to interact and share my content, and earn some money doing so! I am very humbled by this opportuity!
"i just found you"
Do you know where I was?
Because I've been looking for me for two weeks!
Welcome to steemit, dig into my back catalog via my blog and enjoy! There is helpful stuff and some nonsense in there.
Then I'd suggest two things. Find the blog of @adil He is a friend who writes excellent newbie manual posts for steemit.
Also check this trending tag for the Minnow Support channel, filled with useful newbie minnow posts.