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RE: Steemit Pedophile Ring Exposed

in #steemit7 years ago

I have to agree! Freedom from the matrix does not give anyone permission to live without a good conscious. Anarchy does not make it okay to exploit. We have to self-govern and make sure we are still protecting children, protecting each other, and having some type of moral and un-harmful convictions. Many will see and think that decentralizing life means ways around what is right/wrong. Yes, the post could have been written less accusingly, but the titles kind of spoke for themselves, they were trying to attract pedophiles or people who view underage kids in a sexual way. I don't care if the pics were pornographic or not, it is what it is and certain things do NOT need to be picked apart. I believe if authorities saw those posts, a house would be raided asap......we are not the judges here. But, I like the saying "if it walks like a duck" ........