
This is amazing to watch.


I bet ned needs to use a lot of product to keep his hair like that. :p

Ned is a shepherd of intangible curiosity and beauty.
Dan is the wizard. Those two forces create an unstoppable duo.
Get in early. You'll be kicking yourself if you wait.

This was a great talk! Glad I got to ask a question live wut wut! edit: oops still going

which one were you?
I was shocked when I heard my own story revealed by D and N. I was the "woman not from our generation who walked away with $12k."

The guy who asked the complicated question they stumbled on because my last name :D

haha right? They both look so relaxed!

The cool composure of D and N is what makes this hot.

They are so confident in their platform it gives me the heeby jeebies! I feel like found Bitcoin before 2010!!

no shit! If people knew what I now know, they'd be flocking here instantly!
It's nuts! I hate to overthink it, but this reminds me of the first days of the internet.
People will be kicking themselves for not getting in early.

Now I just gotta figure out how to balance life, work and steemit! oh lord.

Updated that for you guys! Was a great show thanks again!