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RE: The Steemit Daily Dose: THE STEEMIT DAILY DOSE HAS BEEN CANCELLED INDEFINITELY DUE TO WHALE FLAGGING - A collectivist Communist system of control with economic violence as its main weapon.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Perhaps you'd like to address the government of the UK's statistics that show that, despite a split of:

56.7% male taxpayers

women pay only 40% as much tax as men do?

Men have to pay 2.5x as many taxes as women, despite consuming less in services. That sure is some magical math.

"also emerges that the number of female income tax payers has gone down since the recession, from 14.2 million in 2007/2008 to 13 million in the current financial year (2012/13). The number of male taxpayers has also dropped from 18.2 million in 2007/08 to 17 million presently."

So, let's see, 17 million UK male taxpayers, 13 million UK female taxpayers.


Let's look at the tax figures, shall we?


"Harriett Baldwin: In the last tax year men paid £92 billion in income tax whereas women paid £36.8 billion, which is 60% less. "

Or, another way of phrasing that is men paid 2.5x as much in taxes.

I know...

Harriet Baldwin must be a raging misogynist!

Harriet Baldwin.jpg

You can tell she hates women, because of the use of facts.

Now, we haven't even looked at the fact that since women live longer and have more expensive health care due to that fact, they are even further in the fiscal to deny that reality, too?

Would you prefer to slink away silently, sputter more personal attacks that are really just projection, or apologize and be educated by a sober reading of reality?

You can be better than you are now. Otherwise, you would have slunk away already, as most do when confronted with facts they dislike.


Your opinions are one thing. Making unfounded claims, and calling me a fool, talking in a derogatory way, that's what pisses me off. I have nothing to apologize for.
I would guess women pay less taxes because they earn less, that seems like the only logical explanation. Do you have a suggestion as to why this is? Surely you don't suggestion that women are better at cheating the tax system?

That article has some suggestions as to how to interpret the statistics.
That is the fatal flaw in your argument. You present statistics. I accept the statistics, but you have provided no reasonable source of interpretation. I guess you believe that it's obvious. It's only obvious if you fail to reflect, which you did.


I am unsure why you linked the exact same study I have linked to you twice before, that you challenged and attacked the citation of, back to me from a new location. That's the one that proves my point. Why did you link it? Did you just google it up separately?

Are you conceding that I am correct, or admitting that you did not read or check any of the citations by trying to cite my own source that proves me correct back to me?

Women pay less taxes because they earn less because they work less and in lower paying jobs. There is no problem here. Women choose these jobs. Discrimination against women for reasons other than merit is illegal, at least in my country, and can be and is reported. I've never seen it, because the punishment far outweighs the benefit. I've never met anyone biased enough, and in a leadership position, to take that chance. If they do, they should be punished. No further legislation is needed, no further rights need be infringed.

It becomes an enormous fucking problem when political groups use it to agitate for more taxes, benefits, protected classes, affirmative action, or whatever other 1984-like thing.

Do you see how allowing a demographic of people to claim that they are the "oppressed" class, in this case in wages and taxes, can lead to them continually demanding "MORE MORE MORE" like a spoiled child, even though they are already the ones with the most?

You disregarded all my points. You didn't link at first to a study, you linked to a stupid rant that referenced the statistics from the new Zealand government. I linked to an article discussing the reason for the tax gap.
And basically you agree, women pay less taxes because they earn less.
How is that a problem for you?
You admit that there is a wage gap, and this is one probable cause among others, of the taxation gap.
And you claim that there is no discrimination involved. Fine, you can claim that, but I doubt you can prove it.
I'm aware that women choose less well paid jobs, but why are these jobs less well paid?
If men were dominant in these jobs, I believe they would have higher wages.
Men have higher status in society.


Btw, here are some more facts for you to argue with if you don't understand fat tails:

Male Female IQs.jpg

See, there are a lot more dumb men, and a lot more genius men. That is why men inhabit the streets and homeless shelters more than women.

It's also why men have invented and discovered just about everything noteworthy in history.

This nice lady will even hold your hand the whole way through:

"Talents, tastes and temperaments play fundamental roles. But they alone don't fully explain the differences. It is a fourth T that most decisively shapes the distinctive structure of male — female differences. That T is Tails — the tails of these statistical distributions. Females are much of a muchness, clustering round the mean. But, among males, the variance — the difference between the most and the least, the best and the worst — can be vast. So males are almost bound to be over-represented both at the bottom and at the top. I think of this as 'more dumbbells but more Nobels'."

When you eventually put together that:

  1. Women have all the legal advantages.
  2. Women have all the social advantages (Ever try to get anything with dick, buddy? Ever heard of a guy sleeping to the top, or even upward at all?)'s really gonna blow your mind when you start wondering why there are so many more MtF trans than FtM trans.

Which do you think would have been more popular in the Jim Crow era: black to white, or white-to-black surgeries?

Just wondering.
