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RE: ~*~ The Big Deal That’s Not a Big Deal: The Issue of Abusive Downvoting and Community Etiquette ~*~

in #steemit9 years ago

I reported you to steemcleaners, because I thought that advertising products from own shop is not allowed on Steemit. I was wrong. Obviously, it seems that anyone can advertise here whatever products they like including child porn or heroin.
If you decide to post something publicly, then you have to prepare yourself for criticism. Not everyone is going to lickspittle your posts. I have the right to criticize.
I reported you to steemcleaners, because I thought that advertising products from own shop is not allowed on Steemit. I was wrong.@gardenofeden

It is not my problem that you lack scientific literacy and value science only as long as it support your beliefs. Regardless if the government can be trusted or not, it won't be able to corrupt every single scientific study from all over the world. I have given you 18 links to different scientific studies from many different countries, which included scientists from all over the world, which also included conclusions by 3 different governments.
You gave my back some 5 dubious, cherry picked studies. 4 were 20-30 years old and one from 1879 (!!!). One study referred to trace minerals, which can include any mineral.
You advertise and sell very dangerous, "snake oil" feeding on naivety of vulnerable people who need proper medical care.
There is absolutely no scientific evidence to support any of the extraordinary claims attributed to colloidal gold or silver. There is plenty of evidence to point out it's potential dangerous side effects. This is an opinion of experts from scientific community from all over the world, from last 20 years.
Also, silver or gold are not essential mineral in humans, so there is no dietary requirement for silver or gold, therefore there are no such things as a silver or gold "deficiencies". Claims made about the effectiveness of colloidal silver or gold products for different diseases have no scientific support.
I consider battling pseudoscience as an important duty. We are all part of one environment that we all share, so spreading socially detrimental pseudoscience affects each one of us.
It is important that we try to keep each other informed and educated, as much as possible, and in sustainable way. By keeping ourselves scientifically literate we directly improve the quality of life of all others in our society (and humanity as a whole).
There is a limit of tolerance when it comes to bullshit. Tolerance is not about accepting someone's right to spread pseudoscience which affects public health or right to perpetuate ideas which hinder sustainable progress of humanity. And the fact that you try to contribute to society by doing some charity or wannabe "so alternative" project will not justify the damage you can do to humanity by spreading such dangerous pseudoscience.
Of course, proponents of these products like yourself have an easy answer - there is a conspiracy of big pharma and governments trying to hide the truth from us sheeple about these wondrous cures.
Your assumptions about big pharma making profits are paradoxical.
If the magical claims about colloidal silver or gold were true, then actually so called big pharmas would quickly jump on them trying to patent or copy them in order to make profit.
Also, each company and government complicit in the conspiracy would have to weigh the likelihood and consequences of being double-crossed by their competitors and of every single scientist formerly on their payroll against the predicted benefits. Conspiracy this large would require cooperation from many entities that would actually lose money. In order for the conspiracy to work, each of those entities would need to be incentivized to stay quiet. In other words, they’d have to be paid more than they would lose. That’s every country with socialized healthcare and every insurance company which pays for treatments. Don’t forget that each doctor, researcher and scientist involved in any aspect would need to be paid an amount sufficient to overcome any temptation to squeal. Clinical trials are an integral part of drug discovery. That’s even more information to suppress and more people who need paid off. All of this comes after the billions spent on research and development to find the cure in the first place. Also needed would be a small army of henchmen capable of dispatching with those who will not cooperate, and with a budget sufficient to cover this all up. This army would also be required to monitor independent and rival researchers, and would need to get to them before they stumbled onto the cure themselves, so as to either pay them off or kill them. At that point, the price tag for having the privilege of holding the hidden cure would likely be in the trillions. To any corporation in this position, having a cure to hide would be a burden: not a boon.


I don't have a dog in this fight, but the number of scientist that falsify data to keep or receive grants is alarming.

It is silly to say that "even if government is corrupt and untrustworthy" that we should believe any it.
Any real research outside of government funded and sponsored/influenced comes to the same conclusion. Vaccinations are poisonous and dangerous, that there are FAR better solutions to cancer than chemo and on and on...Yet it is still happening and almost EVERY single doctor in the USA promotes this same lie at the cost of everyone else.

Some frauds and falsification happen but as with any scientific study they have to be later repeated and peer reviewed by independent group of scientists. Sooner or later any fraudulent scientific study is going to be exposed.
Some examples of such studies: (includes Dr. Andrew Wakefield)

Anti-vaxxer "hero" fraud

Scientific method and evidence do not care about someone's bias and belief. The truth will come out anyway. Someone may believe that the Earth is flat disc but it won't make it so.

That's what happened with bad science and pseudoscience such as colloidal gold or anti-vaxxer claims. They just within time couldn't cope with the burden of proof provided by extensive international scrutiny. There were statistical reviews and meta-analysis which were performed by independent researches from all over the world, which ultimately exposed these studies/claims to be false.

That anti-vaxxer conspiracy is a great example of the Dunning–Kruger effect‎. It is cognitive bias in which unskilled, uneducated, individuals suffer from an illusory superiority of their knowledge and skills, that makes them to overestimate their abilities in critical thinking and knowledge of a field, as much higher than they actually are.

It is great that you admitted you were wrong! This shows a level of honor and responsibility. It is awesome that even though you thought you were right that you INQUIRED first with the community! That is EXACTLY part of proper etiquette.
This post clearly says disagreement is ok and even healthy, yet proper etiquette goes a long way in having a healthy community. So this post doesn't have as much to do with you as others.
There WERE people that flagged the post and did NOT make a comment or a suggestion OR an inquiry. This obviously does not apply to you @logic

Yet if you were willing to do the "worst thing to somebody you can to on Steemit" and be WRONG about it....Maybe you could be wrong about other things as well.
For you to post research done by major companies, governments, hospitals etc who have PROVEN to be corrupt and false yet discount the information in this post is very irrational.
Especially when a truly honorable and reputable community with REAL experience, testimonials and proven successes is not fair.
It could be fair to say "I am glad you have success with that, however I have a MORE successful way here it is" agree to disagree and put in your two cents.
Yet the GoE has proven to be far more healthy, sustainable, honorable AND successful than western medic doctors.
IF what the GoE was doing is selling fake products to take advantage of people then YES it would be most certainly be worth a flag. Yet if you do research on The GoE as a whole you will see the operation is transparent and very honorable.
You obviously already had a belief BEFORE you read the post and because it was counter to YOUR belief you didn't like it. You used the reasons you did to justify it.
Again its ok to disagree yet lets do it honorably. All in all you have done it honorably because you put in your disagreement but didn't flag as abusive. This post doesn't really apply to you as much.