Back when the internet was scary and you were never supposed to give any personal information away to anyone.
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Back when the internet was scary and you were never supposed to give any personal information away to anyone.
Ha! That's a good one. I guess I know who is behind that! ;)
Ahaaa so now I upvoted myself :P and now I see how it could work, just to get attention ;) Sneaky!
my mother still lives in that era of time lol. The good ol' days man, i remember HTML Yahoo Chat before they programmed it in Java. So slow, but so cool back then.
I love hearing stories of those who pioneered the Internet on BBS's using slow-as-molasses dialup connections. I came in the second wave, what I call the AOL adoption wave. :)
Ha yeah same here, i marvel at the stories of the old BBS systems and the old school pirates. I came in on AOL 1.0 too lol
You mean you guys never had NetZero? or NetZero 3G?! (still slow as fuck)
i had netzero when it was actually still free lol, they had another one in NYC that was free too, metro something dial up. lol