Stop Telling People That They Can Make Money From Steemit !!

in #steemit9 years ago (edited)

Because in most cases that's simply not true and it leaves a lot of people disappointed.

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I'm with you all the way. Steemit needs a USP that doesn't revolve around the promise of financial return from blogging. Content is a product, and right now, within Steemit, we have an over supply, and little demand.

Steemit could be so much more than this!

Steemit needs to attract new users by offering them a uniquely interactive experience with high profile "thought leaders", such as Milo, Charlie Shrem, whoever.

Steemit should offer more ways to make a return, other than producing content. Curation is just one, but how about if we could make longer term investments in people? That could be cool - like patreon, with returns.

Steemit is not sexy. The interface should be improved and the UX needs to be idiot proof.

Steemit should allow users to share other Steemit posts, in a fun way that rewards the original author.

I think most of us are here because the potential to go viral and make money is there. But you're right in saying that there are so many other benefits. I agree most strongly with your point about etiquette. I've never seen such polite comments sections anywhere else on the internet.

You're absolutely right. When money is the only thing people are here for, in all but the rare case they will leave disappointed.

The possibility of making money brought me here. People behave themselves because of the possibility of their post earning. I don't make a lot here (yet), but I consider earning a few cents off a comment to be an improvement over no hope of compensation at all, which is what you get everywhere else.

You do raise a good point about selling the sizzle. On the other hand, you can't underestimate the effect even the possibility of earning can have on bringing people to this platform. The pathway of appreciation I most see people writing about is that they first came for the money, but then came to value these other benefits as well. I'm not sure that those other benefits would be enough by themselves to bring them over specifically to Steemit. I could be wrong, though.

People who do come here do need to have realistic expectations, which is that you make money here pretty much the same way you do anywhere else on the Internet.


I Wish I could think
I can't think of Slogans?

Hi Again !!!! starting to feel like a stalker !!!, lmao !!! actually it's because you rock ! Where ___________ Reigns !
" " Creativity "
OUR Community
Truth .... you get it, the list is endless !!!

There are only two reasons I am on Steemit instead of my personal blog.

  1. I can make some money instead of blogging for free which I have done for 4 years.
  2. Being on the ground floor of what is a game changing blockchain based social media platform.

Absolutely ! regarding #2. Just like watching the Inet evolve back in the day ... 8088 procs. & 300 baud modems 10MB hard drives ! This is ALL SO COOL !

That's right. Start to be really involved, try to be natural, enjoy communication and getting new information, sincerely approve and stimulate those, who shares useful and interesting for you. Forget about money. And you will start to get it)))

+1 I just made the comment (Somewhere) ... will have to find it, lol Exactly what you said, We need to STOP saying Blog and get paid, it Keeps "Pro" writers from coming, and drwas EVERYONE that comes to TRY and blog and fails to make money ..
Trash IN, trash OUT ! = Bad for all of us at steemit ...
I came here to learn !, I am NOT a writer ... I read 8+ hrs a day ... and yes i do comment a lot, because the people here are VERY intelligent (For the most part) and i love the interaction !

Very well said. Glad you pointed these points out. Truth.

A lot of valid points. The fact is this platform is based on the blockchain and incentives is a apart of the system. This is what set it apart from other social sites. I can post the exact same thing on other sites but no reward or incentive unless I am running a business. But your post is very true, I felt like I was going to see results if I use it how I am supposed to but having the whole whales and what not kind of ruin the experience of those that put some hard work into their posts only to have it overlooked by the post that's trending and upvoted by whales.

Well i think if you naive enough to think you dont need to do anything and magically make money then you are an idiot. Obviously those kind of people make nothing. They give up instead of carrying on. If it were easy to make money we all would. So yes you actually can blame them for having a bad expierence here. Im here on my second day and im loving it. Some people are just ungratful and cant see nor appreciate an oppotunity when its right there.