Once upon a time, all alone in the empty steemit ocean, there was a little baby dolphin looking for some mates to play with.
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Thanks for linking my content in your cool post.
Smart way to include me in your post. Thanks! Great post..
full $teem ahead!@lunminousvisions Up Voted @ 100% no throttling here. And I promoted too...not much though. Hope this helps.
Really creative. What a neat surprise. What's truly important, is that you unified steemit users together... which as time goes on, we'll probably be one big happy steemit family that lives happily ever after. The end. :)
A very nice little 'what people are doing' post indeed.
No.. in my opinion not in a single post with this many links. It'd be too hard to digest all at once.
But as a multi-saga single weekly post about the same size, I think that would be pretty cool. This week chapter 2... that week chapter 3...
What is really attractive is tying it into a story, that makes an easier read. Much better than a plain old "here's what people are doing" post.
A most peculiar story indeed, but glad to see it in my feed.
And, now for your reading pleasure, my recent steemit haiku:
Have you seen a whale?
A lot of minnows want one.
A dolphin will do.
Thanks @luminousvisions!
Thank you for mentioning me:-) nice idea!
Thank you for this creative story :)
Nice, good job ! +1 (does so very little, it dont even show ..) But, means I LIKE it !
Omg, gonna take HOURS to get through all this ... sleep 1st, then ON IT ! !
This so entertaining! You have the vote of a seahorse :)
I really liked it!
It's so creative. You've tried to understand what so many users are like and have perfectly presented that in a form of a story! nice job little baby dolphin! :D
Amazing post!
informative funny and brilliant!
make me smile
Thank you!
I have a difficult time finding posts with content AND creativity! This one is great. Stayed to make sure @knircky was in there ;) They're my light on the inner workings of this site. Cheers all!
An interesting presentation of information
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