I wholeheartedly agree!! My husband and I jumped off the hamster wheel several years ago. Once you see another way of living, there is absolutely no turning back :)
Thank you so much for all your kind words and for doing the work to bring these kinds of ideas into our consciousness so that it can spread.
You are most welcome, and that was my plan on along wink wink I noticed a lot of negativity, especially with the flag war at the moment, so I thought, "hmmm what can I do to maybe change that and start a new positive wave going?" I hope it takes off :)
I love how you sign off too; I'm hoping the same for you, but I feel as though the Creator has truly blessed you!
I know that Creator has blessed me and I am so grateful. By rejecting the king and accepting Creator as my master has changed my life and enriched it beyond my wildest expectations. I know the same can be said for others who do the work to reject the king as well. It is scary work but I find Creator protects me as a result. Of that I have no doubt in my mind. I am definitely protected!
I think your initiative is wonderful and I invite you to join The Virtue Circle as you seem to already exemplify the tenant of virtue in your communication. Peace to you my dear sister.
I have never used the terms "king" and "Creator" ( I was raised staunch Catholic (ugh) and spent years trying to unlayer it's damage) , but I feel like I have the same belief system as you now, and I love that I also now have a word, Creator, to express myself with! Thank you for that.
In my wanderings today, I found this link to a fellow who's proposing #shoutoutsaturdays to talk a little bit about those steemians who have impacted our week in a positive way. It's a beautiful thing; one that perhaps more than me is thinking about :)
Thank you for the invitation to The Virtue Circle; please tell me how I can join because it certainly seems like something I would value. Peace to you as well.
I too was rise Catholic and when I was about 18 I rebelled and left the church. Lived many years as an atheist or agnostic. It was not until my recovery that I found my spiritual path but could not bring myself to use those terms. The indigenous people helped me a lot in that area. I've been heavily influence by their teachings as well as my own work and exploration as well. If you are interested in the Virtue Circle, visit my latest post and at the bottom is two links. One is to the post where I introduce the concept and the second is an invitation to the discord channel that was setup so that people can discuss the idea, ask questions, find support, etc. I hope it resonates with you. Peace to you.
Indigenous people was/is the influence for me as well. I will certainly check out the links on your post; I appreciate that very much :)