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RE: Math and Steemit Voting Power

in #steemit7 years ago

I see what you are saying, but this doesn't take the curation part in consideration, does it? this guy has a curation league going you might want to check out

While it is true that you can go down in your voting power and keep voting - if you never stop to power up, eventually you get to nothing...
For me, I do want to power up and have my vote count - meaning giving some real boost to people I vote for.

But the beauty is that when people know what is up and how it impacts them, then they can make a choice.


Um, actually ;P (I was just watching a show called um, actually, so please forgive me.)

  1. It does take curation into account. You will receive more smaller curations, rather than fewer larger curations, but they should be (on average) the same amounts (in fact, they should be more predictable, since you're making more smaller bets)
  2. Even if you never stop to power up, you will never get to nothing. This is an occasion on which xeno's paradox is actually relevant! If you vote, say, 24 times a day (instead of 10) you will ultimately find that your voting power will never (never ever ever) go below 40%
  3. If you want to give 10 $1.00 votes instead of 100 $0.10 votes, well, that's definitely a choice you can prefer, but the total amount you're giving overall doesn't suffer from spreading it out to more people.

And yes, everybody knowing is good! My point is that they have to know the accurate information, and everything else I've seen on this subject is spreading misunderstanding.

Just added a column (column h) that should make clear that one will never go below 41.6666666666666666666666666667% if one simply votes once an hour. You'll get a lower number with more frequent voting behaviors, but it will find equilibrium somewhere above 0.

I linked your post in the prompt as well. And another one on curation. So, now everyone can make up their own mind which strategy they want to follow. I think the most important here is to not let your voting power go unused and to know what your goal is.
Mine is to give as much of a value as I can to each freewriter. so, I try my best to keep my voting power high...

You've put me on the straight & narrow (in so many ways) with your posts I can't thank you enough!! Vaya con Dios

Marianne has? Yay! Isn't she great?