The longer I'm here, my attitude has shifted from: ""They should, change these things" to"Things are fine the way they are, but not perfect", and now "I don't want things to change" Now I'm talking about the system. At this point all I really want is a better user interface and additional features that don't actually involve the blockchain. Things like a messaging system built in, proper notifications, a facelift, basically all the things they're working on over at, these things don't have to be done by Steemit Inc.
I think most of the complainers fall into a few categories that will always be here due to the nature of the system. People who don't understand the system, people that have unrealistic expectations, jealous people, misguided do-gooders that haven't learned that the road to hell is paved with good intentions, and authoritarians that want things "their" way since everyone else's opinion is obviously stupid. It's just a lot of the same.
If you went to youtube, facebook, twitter, whatever and you started posting without lots of other real life friends on the platform, nobody would see your post, like your post or engage with you. If you either, bring your friends and family with you to Steemit, or make a serious effort to make friends who are here, then you'll have engagement, and you'll have fun, at least as much fun as you can have on any other site like this. If you want to make money, the rules don't change here, it's not a utopia or a get rich quick scheme, you have to work, and your work has to be valuable to someone. Effort in and of itself is not valuable. If what you're doing isn't working you have to try something else until you figure out something that does work, and there's no guarantee that even if you do that you'll make money. That's life people.