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RE: What to Do When You Have NO Idea What to Post About

in #steemit7 years ago

That a post this empty and meaningless made $100 dollars is one of the main reasons I think steemit will fail.

Anyone who has trouble thinking of something to think or write about in this world is so lost in it that I don't even know where to start to try to help them. Especially if AT THE MOMENT THEY KNOW THEY HAVE NOTHING TO SAY, THEY STILL FEEL LIKE RAMBLING AND BEGGING FOR ATTENTION

So basically I wonder if you are even real, my annoyance even seeing a post like this is so great.

Read my blog, compare the significance and importance of the things I write about to this post of yours, rethink your life, then come back after a few months or a year and start actually contributing something rather than polluting like most people.

This is my advice. If you flag this I'll mute you forever like I do most of the accounts I encounter here. The number of people capable of independent thought and comprehending what I write, so far, I can count on my fingers.


I’m sorry that you didn’t find any value in my post @mindhawk. The beauty of the Steem block chain is that we are all free to vote and engage with content that we personally find meaningful. If my content is not your cup of tea - then no hard feelings.

The value of an object or someones opinion is whatever they want to put value on it. For one person that does not want anything to do with an item the item holds no value. And yet someone else sees that same item and to them it is priceless. Thank you for sharing your ideas. Please do not let the likes of these people bring you down. You are liked by many, which is why this post has so many votes on it and it has such high rewards and engagement

Aww thanks for your kind words. I really appreciate that. I’m not used to getting “hate comments” on my posts, so this was surprising - but I guess it was bound to happen at some point. Thanks for chiming in and offering your encouragement! ❤️

I am giving you a vote because this bothersome troll (who has been trolling me too) hates your work.
I'm glad to see that you are a MUCH better person than he is and have handled it so gracefully.

Wow, thank you so much for the encouragement @canadian-coconut! I’m sorry to hear that you have been dealing with this guy too. He is obviously just trying to pick fights and troll others content, which is why I refuse to stoop to his level and engage in that way.

Thanks for coming in like the bad-ass that you are and showing this guy that his behavior is not appreciated here on Steemit!

No, your entire post is itself a digression. You admit you have nothing to say and then write things like 'learning is gud', it's banal, inane, meaningless, attention-seeking garbage and people gave you 100 dollars for it because you're a girl maybe or some other reason. I encourage you to even consider for a moment anything I have written and you refuse to.

So you are self-absorbed, closed-mined, and empty-headed. And when asked to stand up for yourself you are like 'so it's not your cup of tea' which is itself an evasion.

Are you a joke? Are you real? I am honestly wondering how people like you even exist. Please tell me how you feel good about yourself if this is what you wake up to write about? It's not even worthy of people magazine, usa today even covers SOME aspect of what is going on in the world. There are people suffering, a world war about to break out, children disappearing, rich people squashing poor people under their thumb, a thousand mysteries, and THIS is what you brought to the table?

Just stop whatever it is you are doing, because you are making the world a worse place with your vain navel gazing vapidness.

Just stop writing. If you were a trumpet player who played only the same note for twenty minutes bothering everybody and then took a bow, I would say the same thing to that person. Who are the people upvoting this crap? I wonder even more if they are real, windchimes have more meaningful things to say than this garbage.

So just stop. Please stop writing, we don't need your "work."