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RE: Dstors Needs To Return Haejins Money

in #steemit6 years ago

My issue is the amount claimed by the author and the evidence given for the amount. What is gift, investment, loan, donation. So, the agreed upon intent for the funds has not been proven by either side.

Gifts, donations or investments don't necessarily need to be returned and the author himself said that not only is the amount given an assumption, but so are the accounts they were sent from as actually being hiejins, but there was no information given about the intent of those funds.

It's quite unethical to invest then think that just because you disagree with the path the project you invested was taking that you can just take your full investment back, much of which was probably already spent and then spin off essentially stealing another's idea.

It's common knowledge that the idea was pretty much born before hiejin was involved. As for the whitepaper, writing down another's idea in your hand does not make it yours. It does require compensation, but we know hiejin was using the Dstors account to comment and vote, so if he upvoted his own comments and posts with an account with high SP, then he also made money from his investment and this may be enough.

What I do know is, hiejin is greedy, possesses questionable character and rapes the rewards pool for self gain and helps to make Steemit less attractive to new user's essentially hurting Steemit and doesn't care, because it benefits him. Then starts another huge war, which is/will devalue the platform even more. All while posting crap content enmasse, which he self votes with multiple accounts. Because of this, his opponents receive the benefit of the doubt from me.

Not one post yet in this topic has shown any hard proof, just accusations and slander, which is the tactic of a liar. All to defame one idea, so his can go forward with his own without the actual creators, which also goes in the opponents favor.

This needs to stop, especially from 3rd party user's and the two direct parties need to work in private and within the law to settle this. If it continues to be conjecture, slander and pure propaganda, then it will only prove it to be lies.

Why did I add my two cents? Because unless this shit changes, Steemit is dead, which I believe is already the case and won't bless Steemit with my content. New and better platforms are out with many more coming out, so I'm no longer silenced by my need for a higher rep. By not using Steemit to create income I've been freed from the massive censorship practiced here by the Oligarchy, in which hiejin is one. Keep up the bullshit and all your revenue stream will fade as well.

 6 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment