This should be the post that will send me over to a reputation of 62, however it won’t surprise me if down votes send me backwards. But I can’t remain silent on this continuing wreck that just won’t stop. It would be an understatement to say I am angry and shocked at what I see unfolding, not only by the Dstors group, but by those in the community who are not holding them accountable for their choices as they rush to hand over delegations.
Return the 20k+ of Steem To @Haejin
Anyone following Dstors has been sure to see Haejin wanting his SP and the Steem being used for bidbot promotion returned to him, as it was his. I’m unsure why the money hasn’t been returned. It doesn’t belong to Dstors, and no amount of legal mumbo jumbo makes it so. I get many here seem not to care much for Haejin, but does that mean he is deserving of being ripped off of almost 21k Steem? I know Steem is down now, but it wasn’t that many months ago that was valued at over $80,000.00. Even if it was only worth a few bucks, it belongs to him.
Despite the legal reach that is being used to justify stealing this money, by @kaliju admission the dissolution took place before the company was established. He has also taken great pains to state that the white paper belongs to Haijen and he is drastically changing course from that white paper. It is stated by Dstors that the company wasn't even established. This admission alone would aid Haejin in court. But regardless of what some person in a black robe would have to say on this, the fact is that it is not Dstors. It is Haejins. How is it that I am the only person speaking up here? Doesn’t this disturb all of you who know?

I would put this before you before I point out one more thing that seems off. If he can justify that Haejins money is his because he is angry, why do you believe he couldn’t find a justification to keep sellers funds if a seller pisses him off? I know that my pants goes on just like anyone else’s (including Haejin), and I will never risk my money, despite it being so much smaller to someone who can demonstrate such a serious lack of ethics.
I tried two days ago to address this with Kaliju on his post directed at Haejin, but received no response. He admits it is Haejins while playing games as you can see here.

You May Not Like Haejin, But Right Is Right
I also noticed that 6 days ago, the claim in the face of the reward pool rape accusations was that there would be no up votes as they are not a fancy bid bot. Then yesterday they began passing out up votes as you can see them saying here in this screenshot from their comments to others.

I received several upvotes from Dstors a week ago when I tried to stop this from derailing what I saw as a huge step forward for Steem. That means when they give a full upvote, at current prices .46 of value is stolen value from Haejin. I have send Haejin 3 Steem to return his rightful money that was directed at me back to him. I hope others will do the same thing as well as pressure Dstors to do the right thing.
Not sure if they will return the stake, nor if doing so will recover their honor. For myself, I have no more rope to give, and will not be able to do business with a company that has operated this way. As I remarked to Whatsup, one can never underestimate people doubling down on a thing if there is any rope left to take.
In quickly reviewing comments (which I will upvote tonight after work when my voting power recovers) I see it being questioned (@bashadow) that any money exchanged hands. Before showing these screenshots of Dstors own words from the two partners, I wish to remind everyone that Haejin was a silent partner and did not use his account to transfer. He transferred smaller amounts. Remember that they at first would not say who was responding to @whatsup initially until after the split.
Here is a screenshot of @derangedvisions quoting Kali admitting it on this post.
Here is the actual post where Kali admits it and the amount with screenshot.
Seems pretty cut and dry. Just return the money that is ADMITTED was given. Damn.
Also, no need to wade through 39 pages. Here is the list of transfers.
We see this:
Starjuno 6,006.219
ichiban 7,500 (Guessing that this is connected to Haejin and his associates as the account has no activity nor funds yet transferred such a large amount)
Binance 4999.99 (Guessing this was probably from Haejin as well. No way to know for sure)
Just those 4 large transfers bring us to 18506.209. The evidence, from their words saying the angel backer, their words about maybe returning (what is to return if nothing was taken?) if certain conditions are met, Haejins persistence to recover.
And the thief seals his theft:

Haejin, I just had a look at his wallet and am going to hold off just yet on making a post. I noticed in the sceenshot that I took for the post I was going to write that he has left 3,144.986 Steem in his wallet. Added with the Steem being powered down and interest earned on that Steem he could still cover his debt with you. Until his next transfer that would make it impossible, I can't say he has taken his next step in his theft.
I notice that his hatred of you compels him to troll you and your wife, which is another testament to his character, and am wondering if he plans to give you the money back but spend the next 3 months taunting you with it as he jabs in his pathetic bitterness. Or at least that is perhaps his plan for now. Being of low character, if he comes across another hard time I am sure he will cross that line and send out some of your share. But for now, he has not sent it out yet.
Not that it will mitigate any of the words being said, but I am sorry that he taunts you and has found some support for it. Water rises to its own level and he is showing us those of like character as they flock to his side with support.
I'm sorry to see he chose to keep it. While it became obvious after the first power down and he still hadn't sent that back to you, I was hopeful that he realized that many here saw through his attempts at justification to be a thief.
I still get people showing up on this thread defending him and attacking you, as though it is ok since they don't like you. Lowlife scumbags with no moral compass.
I am guessing that kaliju decided that he was incapable of building a viable business without you doing the work, and that he would profit most from stealing your money since he isn't cut out for business. I'm sorry that you got betrayed after your kindness to him. Helping him the way you did before the partnership even formed. Mentoring him and financially backing him when in truth he was not needed. He says in his Dstors profile "Haejin stole me" but sadly the truth is he sold himself for your Steem.
deepcrypto is Binance. It may be to late, but maybe you can contact them and give them a link to this post. It has proof he stole it, and they have taken actions showing that if one has proof of stolen crypto they will take it from the thief.
I will write up a follow up tomorrow on this, although I doubt he will have a change of heart. I imagine he will either cash it out to pay his bills and disappear from Steemit, or send some of it back to a new account that won't have the shame of his theft attached to it.
@dstors is a failed venture until some credibility restored
Until this is cleared up dstors are not looking good... ( I don't really know enough, to be honest)
Right is right, like you say - irrelevant of the character of the guy who has been ''cheated' (if he has)...
If they 'pulled a fast one', they will be doomed...
Based on statements made in this post here by kaliju
which I grabbed some of my screenshots from, as well as looking at their transactions (which doesn't verify all of it because of Binance transfers partially) and the fact Haejin is so adamant seems to make this pretty cut and dried. He spells out in the one screen shot I shared the conditions he "might" return the Steem. Nothing to return if you didn't take it.
I am shocked this hasn't doomed them already, but they are effectively running a bot service now for those who delegated to them as shows in their comments which I also shared a screenshot of.
HEY! LISTEN. What are you talking about really!? Bot service? ! I SPECIFICALLY said that this is to tie you guys over until we release. Customer service, maybe? Are you delegating? You're starting to piss me off man, I'm nice to a point. This is not cool. like I said, it is NONE of your business how I handle Haejin or what business I have with him. You think just because I'm nice you can ride on my weak spots? I'm also a human being and right now I'm feeling pretty fucking paranoid about who is who, as far as I know, you could be in cahoots with him plotting. How do I know you're not chatting behind my back for whatever reason? Be men all of you and handle it directly, privately, by writing me an email or contacting directly. Fishing for upvotes by stirring drama in public and look it worked! I'm out of here.
Wow, you take the cake. I addressed you two days ago about my primary concern, which was it kills your trust level if you are stealing others money. I don't know Haejin, and if you knew shit about me you would know better than to say something like that. Unlike many here I donate a good portion of my earnings, just check my transactions. You will also notice I have never interacted with Haejin.
Your imagining I am in "cahoots" as you say reminds me of the story of the Tell Tale Heart.
It was just a week ago I was going to bat for you based on credibility I had awarded you based on some who have been vouching for you. I tried very hard to help you salvage whatever could be. I am lost at how you think this is ok. But you won't have to worry about me. After this post, I will be shaking your venture from my feet. As I said in my post, if you can do this with his money out of anger, I know how you could treat mine if you held it from any potential buyers.
I went to bat for you man.
Hey thanks for the post, I didn't even know this all was still boiling. Good to know.
It seems, will boil for a long time
I was in support of him too, a week ago...
Thanks for pointing this post out to me.
This applies to me also if I was to say the exact same sentence to YOU.
Let's not worry about buyers as it's all going to be p2p and with no middle man, thankfully. As for the batting, I will be fine on my own and deal with things as I always have. I NEVER run and take things that are not mine. But I also can't sit quite in the face of all the allegations and lecturing - it is personally stressful to read (it just comes up when someone mentions dstors) and this is not helping Haejin either as all stems from his impatience and running it publically. He's going to try to smear me here AND take legal action? When I fight back I'm like wild fire - nothing survives and he will earn that to his surprise pretty soon. Keep it up.
Non of that is answering the allegations leveled by @haejin though, is it?
...they seem pretty simple questions, from what I see...
I thought you were supposed to be structuring a business model?
This sounds unhinged.
You are doing yourself no favors matey ( i was on your side a week ago)
Allegations can be left at that. Here's his chance to turn me into a bad guy and undo himself. He needs this drama as can be seen from his desperation. Cheap tactics If you ask me, but can be effective when manipulating crowd's opinion. And manipulation is what he's good at, trust me I would know first.
You do realize you are talking to @practicalthought?
You do realize the standing he has standing on steemit, in terms of integrity?
Obviously not.
You do realize what you are doing by replying to him like this....?
You do realize that I'm also person with my own story, right? This is the first ever conflict I had on steem but I'm not about to be used and say "oh I'm sorry lords of steemit, who am I compared to you, please forgive me". I am the one being poked here and I don't appreciate it.
just asking for clarification on the claims made by @hejin - it's not an emotive argument, just facts..
Dear @dstors
I don't know you very well guys and I really don't like @H.
But I must admit that your comments and the way you talk to @practicalthought is going to damage @dstors heavily. Your PR is going to be crushed if you won't change your attitude.
You're 100% wrong here. What you said is your Xmas wish. We can all wish that other people would not get involved and ruin our businesses. But that's what is happening now and you better address the problem in right manners or your reputation will be crashed.
That would be only good for you. That's the thing about blockchain. Privacy is less. Transparency is more. And people will use it to their advantage.
When I saw this, I just
I've had nothing to do with either of them until this, but he has more than shot himself in the foot with this kind of attitude.
Very true @lucylin
One doesn't need to know other person well to be able to recognize wrong attitude and trouble coming.
sorry- this was in reply to something else matey! oops! lolol
To discuss logic and critical thinking?
Dissecting arguments is something that you perceive as 'trouble coming'? Wow.
The aversion to doing this very things will be the number one downfall of this platform (imo).
The age of postmodernism is dying and those that cling onto it - and also any platforms that support such 'logic'.
'Leftist' platforms (I use the term 'leftist' to embrace any authoritarian condoning position, irrelevant of where on the political spectrum someone lies) .... have a very big chance of being ignored in the future - in favor of platforms where logical conversation is embraced and not seen 'as trouble' but as an opportunity to learn and expand ones mind.....which is best done through philosophical discourse (imo).
you're welcome!
Which court would that be? The court of public opinion? To me the theft is less interesting than the legal grey area of crypto. We are entering a realm where people can't be prosecuted.
What is @dstors? Who is @dstors? If someone is found to be in possession of the private key does that make them legally responsible for the actions of the account? What if it's just the posting key?
We are entering an age of opt-in governance, and stuff like this is only going to make less sense as time goes on. This is just the tip of the iceberg.
The Ethereum Classic community makes the argument that the DAO hack wasn't theft, or if it was then it wasn't worth prosecuting. Code-is-law governance will be an option for everyone.
You point out a fear of mine that is secondary to me to the fact that such a theft is not only taking place in front of all of us, but with seeming support from a segment of the community. I am guessing that the international barriers as well as desire for anonymity is emboldening such a move. This is exactly the type of shit that gives a door for oversight, and regardless of some saying it isn't theft, it is. If this line of thought becomes law, there will never be any mass adoption, and I predict there will be lots of violence. There are people who would do horrible things for far less value being taken.
I've seen people die over digital items in a video game. Certainly this is a much bigger deal. It just points to the fact that blockchain will create just as many problems as it destroys. Welcome to the future.
hi @edicted
Agree with you. Indeed this may be very interesting stage.
Nor do I get get the theft or court argument..
Youre all talking about theft and the right thing to do..
But didnt @haejin rape and steal from the Reward Pool? Was that the right thing to do?
“Thieves cant be successful. "
I think the argument for ETC is pretty simple. The hacker followed the rules. You don't reverse immutability on the main chain because someone fucked up a custom smart contract.
The same logic applies to privacy. You don't take away privacy because a small minority of people are going to use that privacy to break the law. The problems created by taking away privacy are far bigger than the ones that exist. Sometimes doing nothing is the smartest course of action.
That being said I think I would have been on team Ethereum over ETC if I had been around when it happened. Community consensus is the new law. We're forging the ability to bend or break the law for relevant exceptions. A middle ground needs to be forged because both sides of the spectrum have serious consequences.
Delegates SP they can undo that transaction when ever they want to.I looked through the 39 pages of steemd on the account @dstors, I saw no excessively large transfer, some transfers to promotion bots for post, but nothing that looked like any sort of theft. When a person
"discovery" process facts and documents to the claims being made against him.I did not look at @kaliju's page. It seems to me in the two pieces you posted above in images that @kaliju has done the correct thing and sought out legal help, (good for him), and has asked as part of the
I see no evidence being put forth by you, nor Mr. Haejin about how this supposed theft from @dstors took place? Serious accusation in my book require proof. Post a document showing the loan and then the request for re-payment and then the denial of the request, then yes you can call it theft. Until I see proof of theft, I will not treat an individual as a thief. Call me foolish, but I still believe a person is innocent until proven guilty. Show the proof of the theft.
I have seen a number of post about this issue and accusations, what I have not seen in any of them is any proof of theft.
That and so much more, like a document that shows that we incrorporated and that it was leagally signed by me. I will leak the actual ( templates that he used) "partnership" papers that I did sign with him that stated our roles for the non existing company that was "soon to be incorporated". Glad it never happened as he completely took control of everything (by threatening to pull his support if i didn't agree with his ways) which caused a lot of questioning from @whatsup and others.
I talked to the law firm that we were supposed to work with and they know that I backed out before it was too late, in writing. He's good at throwing three paragraph essays together and lying. That's how most, just like I have, fall under his influence. He manipulates people, that's what he does. I played a fool and went along as much as I could, boiling on the inside, when he went from 20% ownership to wanting full ownership using pressure tactings and my reliance on his promised backing.
He couldn't offer the devs that came forward to help us any actual money and tried to play everyone on the team by offering them token stake as compensation that doesn't even exist.
He claims he has multiple companies and that he was charting for over 20 years but he's only registered his analytics business in September. I don't know how he got his @ranchorelaxo account but what I do know is that steemit is his main source of income that he probably doesn't even pay tax on.
He doesn't own anything about dStors and never will. I have timestamps all over the place, source code, logo design, all social networks, domain names, witnesses etc.
He wants to take any of it, let him, that'll be a rope my lawers will hang him by the ballsack with.
His wife has influnce in #kr community and the reason being is because most of them can't read English and so are clueless as to what is really going on. That's how delegators left - they were told a story and none bothered to reach out to me and ask what was going on. I'm not about to start chasing people, explaining my side. It's useless.
He shitted all over the dstors account by using it to reply to people with agression, got pissed off at me for correcting him and started dcommerce. One must be a fool thinking that something that has a name like dcommerce can even be trademarked/inc'd or succeed as a platform. But that's besides the point. Point is, he must show proof, on paper, with my consent in signature and an official statement of him leaving the partnership before starting dcommerce and violating all dev agreements and NDA's in the process that were signed by everyone on the team.
Haejin: A lying ass amateur who claims to be a pro can continue with dcommerce fooling people. I can go on and on, but the proof of all that I speak of is in the pudding. And I might just share it for fun if this silly time wasting continues. Why are you so desperate to destroy a guy with an empty wallet, if you're so sure Mr. Millionaire? Save your breath and keyboard banging and talk to my lawyer who was laughing his ass off the other day while going over our "papers". Pfft!
I'm now in the middle of all this shit and it's all your negative energy that draws it. You're not God as you told me you believe to be. Deal with it.
I agree - but people seem unwilling to be transparent about events...then speculation takes place over facts...
speculation, one of my favorite words of all time. You see a body in a parking space prone on the ground, is it dead, is it a woman, (you can't tell from your angle), is it a homeless person sleeping? A drunk passed out? We can all stand around and speculate till the cows come home, then the fun starts, poking it with a stick. A nice word speculation.
I prefer 'wobble'...
but I see what you mean...
Why would there be no public memo about what the funds were for, why would he mention in his response (haejin's) that kali was being paid in steem not USD, why not show what the funds were to be used for, were they promised payments to kali, were they funds to be used to pay developers? There are a lot of reason why one person gives another person funds when they are a "Supposed" Investor. Investors lose money in a lot of investments. They also add money to help pay for work when they see a chance of reward. So far I haven't seen any evidence from either side what the funds were supposed to be for. Just because it looks like money was given, what were the terms of the money transfer? Why not show the document of what the funds were for? 90% of all wallet transfers have a memo attached to them especially when they are transfers of more than 5 steem, so why no memo on these transfers? I am not saying it does not belong to haejin, but it could just as well be kali's money also as payment as haejin went to great lengths to point out that kali was supposedly the only one being paid. All I am certain of is that I will never know the truth of it.
heajin posted some more details yesterday..not sure if makes things clearer...
it makes it clear that nothing was shown as to what the payments were for, nothing as to why he did not use a memo in the transfer of funds, a re-mention of his payment to kali ju in steem. and some respectable people being flagged for comments on his post, so yeah he made it about as clear as muddy water can get when someone has diarrhea in said muddy water.
Still the drama while different than last years with bernie is still drama, and something for some of the same players to make post make GIANT ASSED REWARDS from those post and claim once again woe is me.
Still I did have fun watching the bernie/hajien melt down last year at about this time. Do you think it will be a new New Years event, who will be the brunt of haejins rage next year.
Great, balanced and very mature reply @bashadow
Nice investigation dude, we Steemians have to
hold blockchain businesses accountable, and
putting the truth out is the best way to do that!
Thanks. This is jacked, and it is worrisome to me just how many are still backing the theft with excuses, sending in delegations as they rake in using the theft as a bid bot. I haven't responded yet but someone earlier actually put forth the idea it is ok to steal from Haejin because he deserves it for profiting from his investment (I cleaned up the verbiage).
Shake my damn head at the snakes willing to be blind or defend, to earn a few extra Steem or because they do mental somersaults comparing someone profiting from their investment via the reward pool to rape. Of course, to get upset with those who created the math for said pool are never blamed, only those who bring their investment in to use it.
Sorry for rambling, and thanks for the kind words. I appreciate those of you who see this for what it Clearly is and will speak up that this is wrong.
He needs to get his money back. End of story.
I totally agree that the money should be returned, but I also say, when you partner with shady people you are now fiscally tied to shady people
On a personal level I will avoid both groups. On a steem level, I hope everyone is paying attention to who you are funding.
A good idea does not equal a team that can pull it off.
I feel a parody coming
Youre all talking about theft and the right thing to do..
But didnt @haejin rape and steal from the Reward Pool? Was that the right thing to do?
“Thieves cant be successful. "
Posted using Partiko Android
No, Haejin didn't rape a mathematical formula that was invented and created to bring investments such as his to the chain in the hopes of creating scarcity so all of our holdings would be more valuable. Which in turn would allow for easier funding by stakeholders for projects.
In fact, I am pretty sure that anyone who has had the misfortune of actually being raped would find the comparison to be more distasteful than I do. I do not understand why the anger for this scenario is directed at those investors who are pulled here with this math formula as an incentive, and not directed instead to the creators/voters of the math formula. While I personally do not self vote a lot, and give (tithe) to a worthy project here does not mean I am angry because an investor wants a return on their investment. I stay out of that battle and worry about my interest as I have no power to affect what the top stakeholders decide the math will be, and as I said, I believe that the value of Steem is directly tied to those willing to invest in the chain.
Having said that, I find it incredible that on top your ability to equate the seeking of top return on ones investment with the physical violation of rape, you then move forward using this absurd comparison as justification that he now "deserves" to be stolen from.
You just can't make this shit up.
Wow, this is pretty interesting. I had delegated some SP to them a couple of weeks ago, but then the things started happening and the way that they were answering legitimate questions from users really turned me off. I also noticed that they were using the delegations that had been given to them to upvote their own posts at 100%. I can probably understand the idea behind that, but I still found it a little disturbing. Needless to say, I ended up quickly pulling my delegation and now seeing this I am pretty glad I did. Thanks for speaking up about this. I don't have much interaction with @haejin given how small I am, but it only seems right that they return the funds if the project is not moving forward the way it was originally intended or planned.
I'm more curious about how dstors ever want to get back its reputation after all that drama here. Is it still worth investing? Will they ever get back on there feet and deliver a product? I don't care about personal disputes this is non of my business!
Posted using Partiko Android
@haejin purchased a 86.59% vote from @promobot on this post.
*If you disagree with the reward or content of this post you can purchase a reversal of this vote by using our curation interface
This post has received a 50.01 % upvote from @boomerang.
oh my! this is sad. i just hope that everything will be settled maturely and smoothly.
We should have Court DApp with lawyers so thing like this wouldn't happen. Its like a one time smart contract, if something like this happen the money will be returned to those involved. Which would include fee of course.
you must have been close and trusting with each other before. may you settle this issue as soon as possible as it will surely be stressful for all parties involved. even your spectators.
Hello everyone!
Your post was mentioned in the Steem Hit Parade in the following categories:Congratulations @practicalthought!
This was very telling of how shady some projects can definitely be taken off the rails.
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1 down vote wow not what I expected lol
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This is your opinion. What I know renders all your concerns invalid. You want the truth? You can't have it. Haejin already made me look like shit with his childish tantrums before all this when he was power tripping on the inside. He does it again here, spreading lies and confusion. He is oblivious. I can't concern myself with what you think or say, Haejin is the real thief and he's calling me one. It blows my mind - the audacity of that sociopath. I suggest you drop minding other people's business, with all due respect, because if he can't tell you how he and his family schemed to take the only thing that mattered to me (this project) from me, then no one can. Everyone's a judge all of a sudden, would you look at that! There is no value arguing or fighting opinions coming from the dark. Sorry but not sorry.
Now I see that you guys are just crooks. Many things can be found explanations, if to engage in dialogue. But, you blame the one who financed you. This is very low. It reminded me of a washing machine repairman who took the money from me and disappeared, and when I found him, he threatened me with the police and accused me of all mortal sins. The scale is different, but the essence is the same.
Posted using Partiko Android
None of that gives you rightful ownership of his Steem, no matter how angry his actions made you. You pretty much admit you have his Steem in the screenshot I shared from your own post, your words.
Hey, please read my comment.
At this point and time, people have all made up their mind and keep calm and say less is my advice.
so, why argue with them anymore?
....and how is this perspective going to help you grow your business?
If people see this as a perspective you hold, they will not have confidence, will they?
Good business practice is about being honest. In this case, it starts with this financial debacle/ disagreement.
Believe it or not, I'm trying to help.
Well, because haejin will never tell you the truth is what I mean. Seriously. No matter what I say, my reputation is already shot by means of gossip, misinformation and deceit from him and his clueless followers. This is a he say she say thing now, what can realistically be done at this point. Nothing. But I may start releasing proof of how he tried to force me out of dStors. I'm watching, for now.
You're conflating business maneuverings with financial transactions - this is not the the same.
Business manouverings may be horrible, but that's what happens.
Unless a fraud is committed, the financial responsibilities do not alter - no matter how much grievance is involved on a persona level (him trying to dictate the business, and a feeling of it being taken away from you etc.)
A quick resolution is best (for your own interest), it really is...
Resolve and move on a quick as possible.
Boom. I'm so glad someone else can see through the bullshit too.
He may be able to code, maybe not, I don't know...
But he can't handle feedback, conflict or trouble.. What are the odds he can build a successful business. Same can be said for the other project as well.
We need professionals if they are to be in charge of large delegations and projects. None of these guys can even handle their own emotions, odds of managing a large, long-term project... Nil.
There you go!!!!!..pass on to @haejin...I want big upvotes for this! lmao...
thats what she said!
The Office!
The fact is that reputation needs to be earned. It is harder to earn than money. Money can be stolen, it is possible to squeeze, but, so to do in the case of reputation, will not work. As a result, you have not earned money and have lost a hint of reputation. You yourself, give this profanation a definition. You can return everything that does not belong to you; it will not lift you up in our eyes, but people will not give a damn about you. They'll forget about you soon. This is not the worst option for you.
I only had time for a quick perusal before work, and many things bothered me. I see most of those points were addressed on the thread by Haejin and Whatsup. I see you deleted the OP and posted differently since, so I won't beat a dead horse. The only thing I will comment on it (since you shared the link here) was your admission to playing a part with Haejin. I was shocked to see you dig yourself deeper with that one, as it makes any rational person wonder how often you are or are not playing roles.
I see you have initiated a power down, and hope this is because you are going to give him his money back.
And yet the liquid Steem just sits there.
Yeah, that would be helpful to show good intent if he sent it back. He is still passing out upvotes with your SP and getting more delegations too I notice.
Wonder how many sending in delegations or keeping the ones they placed already have protested in the past over your using your stake (investment) for higher returns, using the incredible comparison to rape? Hypocrites and snakes all through this place, screaming "what about the community" when they think they might lose out on a few fractions of a Steem due to investors using their stake, but once the profit is in their favor, time to turn a blind eye or worse, push out irrational defense that ignores the clear proof of theft.
Sorry they appear to be digging in for the long haul with the support of selfish members of the community. I can imagine how livid you must be at such betrayal, especially after reading the gestures you made to him while he was down on his luck, before you came on and demonstrated how one would put together such a project.
When things unraveled, before the intent of theft was known, I knew it was your input that was behind the vision. His capabilities were demonstrated with steemfleamarket. I will still hold out hope he decides to do right by you, and the reason for the power down is to return your money.
Silence THIEF!
Return the embezzled funds you took by forced recovery of @dstors account!