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RE: The BitFinex Hack and why Steem Power may be the safest place to put your money for the foreseeable future

in #steemit9 years ago

Hi @dana-edwards,

I could not agree with you more that the safest place for crypto is SBD and SP right now. I just read a great post by @dantheman and it is also resembles what you are saying.

I can't wait to see the future of Steemit! Big fan of your blog thank you for beign on Steemit!!



On security @dantheman and I tend to agree. We use different words but are describing the same thing. In nature the organisms which survive are the most resilient. The better able to adapt to change an organism is, the more likely it is to survive. Self healing or in other words, an artificial immune system, is something I suggest can and should be built on top of Steemit. I'll leave it up to Dan to figure out the best way to build that but there is room for improvement in the recovery account. I would have gone with recovery pools rather than just a single recovery account, but I realize while that might be better in some ways it is also more complicated to explain.

At this point in time, holding Bitcoin, Ethereum Classic, or any immutable or totally anonymous crypto is perceived by me as too high risk. SAFE Network will have the same problems unless they have a similar recovery pool or group owned accounts.

Recovery Pools are possible due to Steem's support for advanced dynamic hierarchical threshold multisig accounts. Recover account could also mean recovery pool and could be an entire group.

Yes I read about the dynamic hierarchical threshold multisig accounts in the white paper and I see why people believe in it.

The recovery account for an entire group or pool is pretty cool.

Thank you for taking the time Dan.
