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RE: Why I Don't Upvote Comments

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I agree with this. I upvote comments because I think it encourages people when they see that the author is taking time to come back and read and interact with them.

but what really saddens is when people leave a comment but 'forget' to upvote ... Is my effort to write not worth a cent? (or even an upvote with no value ? )

That may have nothing to do with you though...there have been times that I've left comments but not upvoted in an attempt to let my SP rebuild. I tend to be the Crazy Commenter Lady and when I've upvoted every post I commented on, I killed my SP so dead that my vote was literally worth .0001 with no end in sight to recovering it. (The only reason I'm back to voting now is that a friend delegated some of their SP.)

So that puts folks like me into a quandary: do I still comment to show appreciation, even though I'm not voting to let my SP recover? Or do I leave without saying anything lest I offend the author by not voting? Do I comment but say "sorry I can't vote right now"?


Often I sort of bookmark posts and go back another day to make sure I have recharged 😆 to comment and vote, especially if I notice that the author hasn't had many upvotes ...I know exactly what you mean @mtnmeadowmomma... Mondays is certainly my 'busiest day' on steemit.

I am not sure what the 'unwritten protocol' is, but, yes, I think it's good to say 'sorry I can't vote right now'. Hopefully the reader will remember to go back to support the author with an upvote ... I think we have around 20 votes or so a day, don't we ?

I understand that the upvotes help the author gain 'author rewards'... If the reader just writes the comment, only s/he gains an author reward from that although the intention was to support the author of the post ...

As I explained before my vote is not worth much, but I believe a lot of grains of sand will eventually add up to a dune 😆

@cryptocariad I've been doing the same thing the past couple weeks, hitting the #needleworkmonday posts over the course of a few days so I don't kill my SP on Monday :))) too many wonderful things to vote on!!

@apanamamana thanks for the link for the slider! That's awesome there's another way to get it!

@metzli when I first came here I was in facebook mode and without reading the whole FAQ's I happily voted like I was Oprah yelling "You get a vote, and you get a vote, EVERYBODY gets a vote!" Yeah, not a good strategy🤦🏻‍♀️

Here is your SP wheel. It seems to me that if you let your SP get back to 100, your vote will will be worth 2-3 pennies, like mine.

Working towards it @metzli ... currently, I have to wait for two days without upvoting to have full power !! just in time for Monday :)

Were you able to wait? 😂😂

Would be nice to be able to bookmark properly some articles to read at a later date, but those biscuits looked too good not to upvote straightaway 😆
May have to upvote fewer comments tomorrow to have enough 'power' just to upvote some posts... not bad really... and better than Facebook...Err... not really @metzli

Check out Tamper Monkey and get the vote slider at any level. It is what I use (as a plankton). You don't get the slider until you're a minnow. This post tells you how to get it. It's pretty amazing and lets you upvote your comments at a smaller than 100% amount.

Thanks, @apanamamama!

Apparently you now have to go to @steem-plus because the one you suggest is out of date ... I haven't tried it yet, but it sounds good and it would certainly allow more votes - though 'being a rebel and that' I quite like giving everyone the same amount of vote' 😊

It is out of date, but you still can follow the directions. It doesn't work with microsoft edge but should work with the other browsers out there. I now use firefox and it's great.

Thanks @apanamamama. I use google chrome... :)

Ahhh, I don’t like giving out my keys!!

Lol, I don’t really like letting anyone drive my car either 😂😂😂

It is a program that changes the script for steemit. No need to give out your keys.

I’m looking at it... it reminds me how much I still have left to learn.

Well if it’s my post, please leave that comment!

We are also building community and comments help that. Later when all our accounts are worth more, we’ll be happy to leave those crypto-pennies along with or comments.

5 days to get my power back.I drew my SP back to zero when I first started, before @fishyculture taught me to check my power. It took me

I was like that on Facebook when I used it too, leaving little thumbs up everywhere.