Oh man, this is such a great post!!
I seriously thought the same thing before... because I have a lot of friends in foreign countries who aren't so great at English. Some can speak but not write so well.
It seems that people don't take the time to stop and ask themeslf this very question!!! No one stops to ask "is this a spammer or someone with basic english?"
I don't know why it never occurred to me to make a post about this as it's something that's on my mind a lot.
Honestly, you did a better job than I would have of explaining it anyway.
I welcome a post from you on the topic, I'm sure there are things you can add and it would help get the idea out further.
I've lived overseas and despite not knowing the language(s), I sooner or later had to pay bills, purchase items/tickets or order food and I got a wide range of reactions from rage to (mostly) patient understanding, so of course I can see how it might be arriving here with no clear direction and a huge language disadvantage...