It seems like SteemIt is really moving forward in a nice and steady pace. And I do no mean the exchange value of STEEM, allthough it seems it is back on the rise again.
When I logged in today I saw a new WYSIWYG editor. Very easy to use, basicly looking good. It makes blogging a breeze, kuddo's for this change!
Its missing RTL support
That will be added soon I guess.
The old editor worked with tablets. Since the changes it has been impossible to upload posts or reply if you are using an iPad. If you can read this the problem of inability to reply has been fixed but it is still not possible for me to submit a story, whereas before this new editor I could use my iPad no problem.
You could try using a texteditor on your Ipad and then copy paste. Or switch to html for the time being. And if I remember correctly it is possible when creating a new post to choose for markdown.
Allthough I know this will not solve this problem with the iPad it could keep you blogging while the SteemIt team fixes it.
I have just been playing around with Atom editor (offline). Its great with the live preview pane as you're writing. Also because my internet connection is slow/unreliable.
Using an external, offline, editor is a good idea. Edit, safe and then simply copy-paste